WrestleMania Coming To New Jersey

WestleMania XXIX will be held at MetLife Stadium in April 2013. Photo/Graphic: WWE.com
New Jersey will be the host of WrestleMania XXIX in April of 2013.
Governor Chris Christie, “The Rock,” NFL owners John Mara and Woody Johnson and WWE CEO Vince McMahon will announce the event at a press conference this morning at MetLife Stadium.
Good news for NJ….will bring in some huge $$$$.
Really this is what it comes down to. Our Governor has to shill for Wrestlemania and we are happy about how Wrestlemania will help our economy.
Doesn’t anyone else see how sad that is on soooo many levels?
TR …why not bring it to NJ ? It will bring money in NJ no doubt about it. You sound so sour all the time. Lighten up
Yes I am sour. I am a also a grumpy cantankerous and oft-times discouraged. Why? because of the decline of civilization.
I have no doubt it will bring $$$ to NJ but is not anyone else bothered even a tiny bit by the fact that NJ is so desperate for economic activity that the Governor is shilling for and we are celebrating the arrival of lowbrow entertainment that glorifies violence, sex and humankinds baser instincts. Is this the example we wish to set for our children? Am I the only one who sees why this is wrong on so many levels? Am I a voice crying out in the wilderness a prophet who the people will not hear?
And yes I am also prone to melodrama but justifiably so.
No drama here. Not a fan.
Enough said.
for the Admin., IMHO..first, the gay marriage fiasco, while we all keep going broke, then the flags at half-staff for Whitney Houston, while ignoring our war dead, now this mess..oh, and the piddling “rally” for the Giants at our stadium, while the whole world watched the NYC tickertape parade..no wonder we are so reviled and mocked, we never seem to be able to get things “right,” no matter what, or who, is in-charge!..
Ive got to agree with TR 100%. I echo your thoughts. We are happy to get a stupid wrestling gig in NJ while we are drowning in property taxes and paying hundreds of millions in sick days and pensions to cops, teachers and jail guards. How pathetic trying to attract events to NJ to make $80,000.
PS- Can you still wrestle if you are a “disabled cop” or NJ employee ?
–Over $62 million in economic impact to the area
–14 other states/cities tried to get the event
–2/3 of the 70,000 people attending travel more than 150 miles. Average visit is three days.
To bad they don’t have the casino at The Meadowlands so people don’t drive over to Yonkers/Empire City and spend their gambling $$$ there.
Any reason to think NJ getting the BigEvent has anything to do with or is any kind of political favor between Gov. Christie and Senate Candidate Linda McMahon?
After she spent $50 million of her own money the last time and got trounced in the general election you would think she would realize that CT voters are not interested in electing her to the Senate. Even if the big guy had to promise to make a couple of stump speeches for her its worth it to bring $60+ million in business to NJ.
mean any kind of tax relief to us, it’d be more welcome, to me, but as usual, it will not.. fact remains, for all the bluster, we are still in a mess, and still wasting tons of money on failed programs, while we get to just keep payin’..