
Jacobson lacks the character and brains…

 By Dan Jacobson, also published in the August 25, 2011 edition of The triCityNews

This Publisher is unapologetically opinionated in these pages. Often with a harsh, abrasive and profane style.

How do I get away with it? By happily running commentary trashing this newspaper or me personally. We love doing that. It’s what provides balance. Quite effectively.

Currently, I’m running as an Independent for the state Assembly. And I’ve been bluntly stating my positions in these columns the past couple months.

So it’s time to publish some opposition! And I’ve got the perfect source – the reader comments on the website of powerful Republican blogger Art Gallagher. Art lets me post these columns on his More Monmouth Musings site, and my commentary certainly draws some fire. Almost all the comments are posted anonymously.

So in the interest of balance – as well as a creative way to take a week off from this column – I present these opposing viewpoints about the Jacobson for Assembly campaign:

Dan Jacobson lacks the character and the brains to be elected to public office. It goes without saying – and without having to hold a general election – that most voters around here feel the same way.



There is no doubt you have some great communication skills. However, being pro choice and favoring same sex marriage is your downfall. I suggest you speak with a strong religious scholar. You might just find the missing link in your life.


What a nightmare this guy’s writing is. And he runs a newspaper?

Besides, he’s a wolf in sheep’s clothing. He’s trying to disguise his one issue, that of gay marriage. He can’t win, but he’d love to play spoiler.


Can this guy write a piece without using an expletive?

Reaching for shock value much? Seems as though that is the only chance he has got to garner attention.


Really? Who cares? Only you. Of all the issues they need to be worrying about, this ranks very near the bottom. I say to all of you NYers, regardless of orientation, go back to NY.

–Abe (In response to a column in support of same-sex marriage)

Dan Jacobson, using your paper the way you are right now as an official candidate is, in my opinion, very unethical.


Dan who? … (Yawn)


 I don’t understand why he is doing this. Dan should worry about his newspaper.

–Monmouth County Democratic Chairman Vic Scudiery (obviously concerned about me cutting into the Democratic vote)

Sounds like he wants to be a spoiler to hurt the GOP….just like that “Tea party” candidate did in that upstate NY Congressional District recently.

–TheDigger (obviously concerned about me cutting into the Republican vote)

Dan has an entertaining paper but he will have ZERO impact on this race. Maybe 10 democrats, 10 republicans and 50 nut jobs will vote for him. I hope he has fun with it because at least that will spice it up a little.

–TR (obviously concerned about me cutting into nobody’s vote)

Do the words “duplicitous rear end schmuck” mean anything?


Another entrant in the “attention whore of the Jersey Shore”. Congrats on being the first “male” entrant Dan.


I too was less than enchanted with Jacobson’s potty mouth language, but then; I thought about it for a moment.

BRILLIANT MOVE ART, publishing (this column). It shows what an arse Jacobson is. Take it for what it’s worth, Rush Limbaugh does this a lot. He lets the idiots talk and the more they talk, the more they expose their idiocy.

But then, what do you expect from a rabid left wing loon.


Is Jacobson talking about himself being an ass? Beyond that, I have never seen such a run-on and worthless writing style. God save us if this fool wins an election.

The only thing he seems to be good for is the sale of Tums for people who need them after they read his bilge.


So Mr. Jacobson, Michelle Bachman is a wacko? Why, because she has different ideas about religion and social issues then you do? There are a large number of people who agree with her on those issues. In many parts of the Country they are a majority.

Let me add this Michelle Bachman has provided foster care for 23 children. If she is a wacko we need more of them. Have you ever done anything nearly that selfless? I know I sure have not and I doubt you have either. No all you can do is sit back and be a smart mouth. I would ask you if you have any shame but I already know the answer.

From now on I propose you be known by a more appropriate name… Mr. Jackass.


Right TR – Dan Jacobson is an intellectual lightweight who can only resort to calling people names – especially when they are light years ahead of him in ability and accomplishment. Michelle Bachmann is a brilliant tax attorney who understands the dire straits our country is in. She is a strong leader who has undergone more scrutiny in a week than our Muslim president has undergone in six years. His candidacy is a joke – this just confirms it.

–Proud Republican

…and that idiots like this can be candidates for office is further proof that not only is this country going to implode, it deserves to.


(The 11th District where I’m running includes: Asbury Park, Long Branch, Red Bank, Ocean Township, Neptune, Neptune City, Interlaken, Deal, Allenhurst, Loch Arbour, West Long Branch, Eatontown, Shrewsbury Borough, Shrewsbury Township, Tinton Falls, Colts Neck, Freehold Township and Freehold Borough.)

Posted: August 25th, 2011 | Author: | Filed under: Dan Jacobson, NJ State Legislature | Tags: , | 6 Comments »

6 Comments on “Jacobson lacks the character and brains…”

  1. TheDigger said at 9:38 am on August 25th, 2011:

    Dan is lucky I’m not in his district. I guess I’m lucky to have some good R’s in my LD.

  2. Justified Right said at 9:39 am on August 25th, 2011:

    The one thing that I always liked best about triCityNews was Dan’s editorial policy that those who disagreed with the paper get printed.

    In fact, the editorial policy if I recall correctly was something like this:

    Disagree with us – letter to the editor.

    Really beat us up – we move a columnist out for the week and give you their space.

    Absolutely kick the hell out of us – you get a front page lede.

    I’ve been involved with a few publications, and others won’t print you at all if you disagree with them. They frown on any disagreement with themselves strongly.

    Dan’s way is refreshing. It’s why the triCity readers feel a certain ownership of the paper.

    They get to have their say.

  3. TR said at 7:24 pm on August 25th, 2011:

    I liked that. I still think you are a jackass but liked that.

  4. Had Enough said at 8:20 pm on August 25th, 2011:

    Slow news day, huh Dan ?

  5. Proud Republican said at 9:42 pm on August 25th, 2011:

    Art – I don’t get this guy Jacobson. He is a candidate for office and I have no idea what the guy stands for. He is treating the whole thing like a goof – like it’s an April Fools joke that he is letting go on way too long. I know newspapers are reeling these days, but I think many people are getting tired of this prolonged effort to boost interest in his publication. Dan, do everyone a favor – end the silly charade, we’ll all laugh and say “good one Dan” and let the serious candidates go about the business of making their respective cases to the voters.

  6. Bob English said at 7:50 am on August 26th, 2011:

    Everything else aside, I thought reading this was very interesting.