
Where’s The Leadership?

By Leigh-Ann Bellew

We need a Thomas Jefferson in this country. We need someone who understands how to pay off debt and make a country’s economy grow. We need someone willing to speak the truth based on the logical conclusions of facts from across the span of history.We need some one who understands that you cannot spend what you cannot pay back. Who understands you don’t take from producers to give to non-producers. That if you do tax internally, you do so fairly and equitably among the entire electorate and work toward lowering those taxes through finding new revenue streams from those who have the privileged of doing business within the American economy.

We need someone who understands that you cannot steal the fruits of the labors of one man and give it to another man who does not produce fruits of his own. Someone who gets that you do not steal from your children and grandchildren to support yourselves with needless programs that do not grow prosperity. This is not to say, a Government should not invest in its country. Investment is a wise decision, if it is wisely done. Wisdom and experience dictate that such investment should be the specific purpose of leading to greater prosperity for ALL who contribute to the economy, for that is the only stable growth of revenue for any government.

This downgrade of our nation’s credit rating basically stated to the average citizen of America means, you are going to be “taxed more” through higher interest rates, which will lead to higher priced consumer goods. It also means those few people with the resources to spend or invest will now begin to hoard as Cash will be king as credit dries up. And just as a suggestion, consider carrying a portion of your cash in dimes, quarters and half dollars minted in the U.S. before 1964; it might not be a bad idea.

The above will result in shrinking revenues into the government, as fewer people will be consuming and there for even fewer will be investing in the growth of their businesses by hiring or buying capital equipment to expand. This will exacerbate the anemic job market meaning more people unable or unwilling to contribute to the economy. It will also mean less investors overseas looking to invest in American markets and businesses leading to still fewer jobs and little to no pay increases in the private market because the resources to do so will just not be available. For those in the public sector, watch out, there is no one left to steal money from in order to support your job, benefits or retirement. As it is, the IRS released that 51% of Americans pay no income taxes.

America needs leadership. Will some one please lead this country on the path of prosperity? We are broke, and headed toward bankruptcy. Ask any small business in America… We are not growing; we are headed to bankruptcy. Every person who pays taxes in this country will feel these effects.

Calling all Americans we need your help, we can right this ship but we need leadership! Ok, I get it, we must do more than simply demonize those who caused this mess. We must do something to improve the future of this country by changing the direction of this country.

To those seeking our support for elected office, I ask you… What are you going to do to change the direction of this country? Where are your solutions? This is not about the President alone… the Congress, both houses, allowed this to take place on their watch.

So tell me, Sir or Madam what is your plan to make Americans prosperous again?

Leigh-Ann Bellew is  “A Mom for America.”  She is a student and teacher of history. She was the GOP nominee for the House of Representatives in the 6th district of New Jersey in 2006

Posted: August 6th, 2011 | Author: | Filed under: Leigh-Ann Bellew | Tags: | 23 Comments »

23 Comments on “Where’s The Leadership?”

  1. Charles M said at 5:50 pm on August 6th, 2011:

    Well said

  2. TR said at 6:08 pm on August 6th, 2011:

    Why of all the founding fathers did you choose Jefferson as your example?

  3. JerryW45 said at 6:43 pm on August 6th, 2011:

    Strange that Bellew is talking about leadership. “I know Bellew & she’s no leader.”

  4. Leigh-Ann Bellew said at 7:32 pm on August 6th, 2011:

    I choose Jefferson for several reasons, however I will mention just a few below:

    First, he took office after a heated campaign between two opposing ideas about the direction of the country. While I contend the debate was not exactly the same, the ideas could generally drawn along the same lines as those in power in our government today smaller frugal government vs larger centralized government. To learn more study the Hamilton v Jefferson views in our nation’s early history.

    Jefferson understood and clearly defined the dangers of taking on large amounts of national debt and desired to reduce the debt. Yet he was even handed on the subject realizing (such as with the Louisiana Purchase) that debt which could be paid off within a reasonable amount of time, and that it was acquired to invest in the future prosperity of the nation, could and should be used wisely.

    Jefferson also understood that to build an economy, the free market needed to be allowed to flourish without the burdens of regressive economic and regulatory policies that redistributed the fruit of labor from one group or individual to another. Read Jefferson’s own words below:

    “If we can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them, they must become happy.”

    “…a wise and frugal Government, which shall restrain men from injuring one another, shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government…”

    “The policy of the American government is to leave their citizens free, neither restraining nor aiding them in their pursuits.”

    The largest impediment to growth in our country today is the size and intrusion of Government which is stifling those who would produce. Therefore in today’s economic climate a Jeffersonian approach would go a long way in restoring prosperity and growth in America.

    Let me state, Jefferson, just as every man (or woman when the time comes) ever to serve in the office of President, did not always get it right, but his philosophy and depth of understanding in how the free market operates to grow prosperity is desperately needed today from those in Congress and the Executive Branch.

  5. Susan Barry said at 10:42 pm on August 6th, 2011:

    JerryW45 Should be CLUELESS W45

    Too bad you are not fortunate enough to know Leigh-Ann. Your loss.

    If you are going to make a comment like this about a great leader like Leigh-Ann then have the guts to write your real name.

    I challenge you let everyone know who you are.

  6. JerryW45 said at 8:44 am on August 7th, 2011:

    Obviously Susan Barry, enough voters didn’t think she was a great leader in 2005. If she was a leader, she would have stayed involved. This seems to be her first public comments since then.

    Where has she been since then?

    Great Leader? You have no clue what a person she is. Are you one of those blind tea party sycophants?

    Now, I’m not here to do battle. Take it or leave it. I don’t care. She is a looser.

  7. MLaffey said at 10:04 am on August 7th, 2011:

    I don’t know why JerryW54 has such a chip on his shoulder but I know Leigh Ann very well and she is very intelligent and a very capable leader.

    Great article Leigh Ann.

  8. JerryW45 said at 10:16 am on August 7th, 2011:

    Let’s just say MLaffey & Susan Barry, that the “Great Oz” that you believe in, has a very different person behind the curtain.

  9. MLaffey said at 10:30 am on August 7th, 2011:

    Here’s an idea Jerry. Instead of spending your time tearing people down, (for whatever your reasons) why don’t you add something constructive to the conversation.

  10. Jerryw45 said at 10:41 am on August 7th, 2011:


    You don’t know how much I DO contribute to the “conversation.” However, there is another side of Bellew that you do not know. She is a phoney with no staying power.

    As I have come to find; the vaunted Tea Party in this area is now a bunch of All Talk, No Action people now; promising lots but never delivering.

    As I said, I didn’t come here to fight. I am just here offering another side of the person so love, based on experience.

    That IS part of the conversation, constructive criticism. You can all go on believing now in your “false prophets” like Bellew and Little. Someday the light will go on in your heads and you will find that you have been defrauded.

    That’s NOT to say that I don’t believe in the basic ideals of the Tea Party. It IS to say that you are bellying up to people who in the end don’t have the chutzpah to be real leaders.

    Yeah, they blather on for a bit and sing some patriotic songs, believe in God & Country; but real leaders Bellew & Little are not.

  11. brian said at 12:10 pm on August 7th, 2011:

    So then who is a real leader????????????

  12. why is it said at 12:15 pm on August 7th, 2011:

    that the moment a person writes a thoughtful article expressing an opinion or offering ideas/solutions to our serious problems, certain others immediately devolve into re-hashing personal gripes and name-calling??.. good grief, the two women mentioned put their names on the line, when others were too afraid to do so, did the best they could in their campaigns with what they had, and lost to a well-financed, shrewd, lib/socialist nothing, who continues to do more to hurt the country than help it..can we please get beyond picking at individuals’ perceived personal flaws and shortcomings, and re-focus on the mess we have TODAY, and what/ whom we are going to back to try and repair our wounds?. it is simply un-helpful,small, and ignorant to keep tearing apart supposedly fellow- Reps/conservatives, rather than to discuss issues and bind together to help solve our problems!

  13. JerryW45 said at 12:46 pm on August 7th, 2011:

    Brian, you hit the nail on the head. There are no real leaders right now in this area.

    Why Is It…

    The why is that people blindly follow someone without knowing the full truth. Buyer Beware because those “perceived flaws” are real flaws.

  14. brian said at 1:24 pm on August 7th, 2011:

    So then Jerry, you will have to come out of the basement, put your pants on and step up———-or be quiet–your choice.

  15. JerryW45 said at 2:03 pm on August 7th, 2011:

    Ah, Brian…

    Is that like “sit in the back of the bus?” How dare you say one has to be quiet if they choose not to take a leadership position.

    To use your point, where HAS Bellew been since 2005? No where, she bailed until her good friend Little decided to run. Bellew was IN CHARGE of Little’s campaign?

    How did that turn out?

    How dare you and your ilk like Laffey suggest we are not entitled to our opinions.

    This is the arrogance of tea party type people, that THEY are the only ones that know anything. Trust me, I am no RINO, but I also don’t follow Pied Pipers.

    Keep on proving my point about “blindness” though.

  16. Mark Falzon said at 5:27 pm on August 7th, 2011:

    I know Leigh Ann as a straight, honest hard hitting shooter. To condem her is dishonest and without merit.
    Ms. Bellew has been going all over the state teaching its’ citizens on the tenets of the Constitution at her own expense. What have you been doing JerryW45 besides taking anonymous cheap shots at a lady? Shame on you. It is mrrow minded people like you that are quick to condem but absent on contributions.

  17. MLaffey said at 6:03 pm on August 7th, 2011:

    wow, somebody is off their meds.

  18. ArtGallagher said at 6:15 pm on August 7th, 2011:

    Many of the comments in this thread are very disappointing.

    Leigh-Ann did not and does not deserved to be attacked for this statement. Her statement rings very true. Leadership is sorely missing.

    Leigh-Ann is not running for anything and she was not asking for anything for herself by submitting this piece.

    The attacks are unwarranted, and again, very disappointing.

  19. James Hogan said at 9:56 pm on August 7th, 2011:

    Art, what’s worse is that I think some of us know JerryW and I personally really like JerryW and think highly of the real JerryW. In fact, I value JerryW’s opinions and thoughts, but in this case I disagree with JerryW’s words, as well as his tactics.

    Let me add, I’m pretty sure that what’s biting JerryW’s balls is that Jerry has the same local problems that Leigh Ann has/had, which is the same problem I have/had, which is even the same local problem you yourself have/had in the Highlands Art. And I’m sure in every little town (because I can name at least 5 other towns where I personally know the same problem exists) there is another one of us with the same problem. And the problem is that there are a very small few of us who are indeed actually working really hard, doing the best we can locally, every day, in our own little towns, on the streets, door to door, through people to people contact, trying to make a positive difference, motivate the voters, get the average Fed-Up-With-“Them” voter interested and trusting a local “politician” again. We’re trying to get rid of the socialists that dominate the political landscape here in Jersey, and yet no one seems to care or appreciates the effort, and then we get anonymously attacked here or find out that our local committee is actively working against us yet doing nothing active.

    We’re looked at, often by each other, as part of the problem rather than looking at each other positively as we work in tandem towards the same goals of getting rid of the socialists like Lautenberg and Menendez, or Pallone and Holt. How many times, and I’m sure it’s about to happen again, does some anonymous coward really go after me, or you, or Mike Halfacre, or Tom DeSeno, or Anna Little, or now Leigh Ann, or anyone who dares make a comment with their real name rather than going after one of those Democrats in DC. Meanwhile, if these dopes weren’t just keyboard warriors and looked at who’s actually doing the work out on the streets, who’s actually standing up for the very principles and issues they are crying about it, it’s the same people they are blasting here.

    It’s not so different from the attacks against the BSTP that I’ve been reading, it’s just sad really. Do I agree with the BSTP 100% of the time? No way, but they are certainly doing better for me and the other local voters than Pallone. And Anna Little along with the BSTP/Anna’s Army made a real and honest effort to run a real and honest campaign against Pallone; they didn’t just appear on the ballot like Republicans did in 08 or many times before that. But JerryW is now blasting the TP, calling them do-nothings, forgetting they really worked hard to get rid of Pallone in 2010, and if JerryW wasn’t beating up their members and their leadership, the BSTP would be building a stronger base and have an even bigger impact on Pallone in 2012. Beating up the TP is just going to discourage volunteers from helping them, and hurt our joint efforts against Pallone.

    JerryW says he is looking for a leader, I’m not sure why as I can say for certain that JerryW IS a leader himself and JerryW knows plenty of other leaders and he certainly doesn’t need to know another leader. IMO, JerryW’s biggest problem is that he’s a Chief with no Indians, and why should anyone volunteer to be an Indian for him, or me, or anyone else, if they are just going to get anonymously attacked here and on other blogs, shunned by their local committee, ignored by their local constituents and have their Chief ridiculed over the dumbest of non-issues by the dumbest of people. It’s a vicious cycle and I’m surprised (and too disappointed) that Jerry is feeding the cycle.

    It’s a tough road JerryW, you know it and I know it, but please don’t attack those who, like you, are working hard and really making a difference when you and I both can name dozens of county committee people and municipal chairmen who have never knocked on a door in their district or done a single thing to make a difference. Go attack those local committee people, who no one has ever heard of because they sit home doing nothing, not the people who are getting off of their asses and doing real work. Or rather aim those attacks at Pallone/Holt/Lautenberg/Menendez and get those county committee people who do nothing to join you in attacking them.

    .. and now I’ll wait for someone to cry that I wrote too much for them to read and comprehend… then they’ll accuse me of being part of the problem as if I didn’t spend the whole weekend working hard for conservative Republicans… right, got it….

    PS – I miss the blogger known as Barry Goldwater, I bet he could certainly bring a great perspective to this topic if he were around today.

  20. TR said at 10:46 pm on August 7th, 2011:

    Your true there are a lot of people out their who bitch and moan and don’t do anything. I don’t have much sympathy for them either.
    On the other hand there are people who do what they can when they can and it is not a lot. There are also people who do more then you think and you just don’t see it. These people have the right to bitch and moan as much as anybody else. My point is that you are a hard worker and a nice guy but sometimes you get up on a high horse about people not pulling their weight and you might want to rethink that.

    As to Jerry whoever the hell he is. I can’t get on his case for anonymous attacks because I have done that often enough.

    I can say this though. Your posts reveal you to be an arrogant, know it all, jackass.
    You are doing all the things you accuse others of doing.
    Everything I have heard about Leigh Ann is that she works hard and is a true believer in conservative values. I am sure she is not perfect but then neither am I and neither are you. The problem is you can’t see you are not perfect. I have run into your type many times in business and in politics.
    You are nothing more then a toxic jerk.

    Ahhh that felt good. I love anonymity.

  21. Lois said at 8:54 am on August 8th, 2011:

    good grief. What’s in the water around here? People on this thread are TRYING to raise the level of discourse, point us in the right direction, describe the problems all who are working hard encounter, invite us to join the real struggle—-ie to appeal to the BETTER side of us human beings—–but there are those who continually cannot resist the cheap shot…the personal put-down, the denigration of any effort that is not perfect or does not coincide perfectly with one’s own personal point of view….. Like all THEY want to do is fight fight fight—keep the fight going, thrash around, and find something really nasty/mean/hurtful to say….
    Is this meaningful? help anything at all? TR, you say, “Ah, now i feel better,” after firing a spear straight at James. Great. And you took the conversation straight back to the basement in doing so.

  22. TR said at 6:28 pm on August 8th, 2011:

    Hey, I like James. I thought what I said to James was constructive critcism.

    What I said about Jerry, now that was just me being a jerk to a bigger jerk. That was fun ;-).

  23. Name Here said at 7:57 pm on August 8th, 2011:

    Pallone is a putz.

    Ahhh, that felt really good. Made my day.