
Jennifer Beck and same sex marriage

By Dan Jacobson, originally published in the June 30th edition of the triCityNews

Time for Jennifer Beck to face the music on same sex marriage. And the recently-engaged Republican Senator will soon have a lot of explaining to do.

With New York voting for marriage equality, the focus will shift to New Jersey where our state Senate voted down same sex marriage two years ago.

Beck, to her shame, voted against it. And all 16 Republican Senators in office today oppose marriage equality.

Of course, it’s politics. Republicans must appease their right wing on social issues – just as Democrats must do with their left wing on economic issues. That’s what pisses everyone off. The total bullshit of it all. You can’t tell me 100 percent of those Senate Republicans in Trenton personally oppose marriage equality.

And no way does Beck, despite her vote.

Jennifer kept her mouth shut during the floor debate on the issue. And her letter to constituents explaining her vote never stated she personally opposed marriage equality – only that she voted according to the sentiment of her legislative district.  

Well, the Senator now has a new district with new constituents. She’s in the newly gerrymandered 11thDistrict, which for the first time includes Red Bank, Long Branch and Asbury Park. I call it the triCity district. (I’m running in the same district as an Independent for state Assembly.) The 11th District also includes Ocean Township, Neptune and Ocean Grove, among other places.

Suddenly, Senator Beck has a sizeable gay and lesbian population among her constituents. Probably the largest in any legislative district in the state. So this ought to be interesting. After all, in Jennifer’s world the moral issue of same sex marriage is decided by what’s best to do politically. Or in the language of politicians: “Representing the will of my constituents.” So what will she do now?

As Beck spends more time in Asbury Park and Ocean Grove, and other places in her new district with a gay population, she’ll feel like a total fool. There is no way this otherwise progressive Republican woman – she’s also pro-choice – is personally opposed to marriage equality. No way. And everyone knows it.

So consider this. If a politician doesn’t have the guts to vote what they believe on a moral issue – remember we’re talking about issues of morality here – how can we ever expect them to do the right thing on anything else?

Obviously, marriage equality isn’t the most important issue facing the state government – it’s all economic issues right now – but I’ve always considered it a big deal. It’s outrageous that there still exists such bigotry against my friends and neighbors here in Asbury Park, and that politicians are afraid to stand up to it. And it says so much about those we elect.

Lots of readers know that Beck and I are long-time close friends. And the triCityNews has backed her since she was unknown and unelected and taking on the Democratic machine up in Red Bank. That’s where she made her name. So when I win my Assembly race in November, the two of us will be spending lots of time together. Driving to Trenton, going to local events, meeting on issues of concern to the 11th District.

And I will hound her every second until she changes her position on the marriage equality issue. Because it’s a complete joke – really a disgrace – to watch her stand there and say she will vote against it again. I’m not buying it for one second. And friends don’t let friends make asses of themselves.

So Beck might as well get it over with and change her stance now. She’s not going to lose this election in November, and the next one is four years away. Her only vulnerability would be in a GOP primary against a right-wing social conservative. And even that she’d win in this moderate district.

Then again, if Beck lost a Republican primary because of supporting marriage equality, so what? It’s the right thing to do. You don’t play games on moral issues. Or else you’ll end up looking like those southern bigots of the 1960s who opposed interracial marriage.

That will be Beck’s legacy if she sticks with this position. Bet most of those clowns opposing interracial marriage didn’t care either way – hey, it was just politics. Like Beck is doing today. If she doesn’t switch her position soon in her new district, this issue will haunt her down the road. As it should. Better to do it sooner than later, when it would look like she was just trying to avoid the issue until it comes up again for a vote.

A special mention is due here to Republican Assemblywoman Mary Pat Angelini, who is Beck’s running mate and the only Republican in Trenton I know who supports marriage equality. I’ve long saluted Mary Pat in these pages for taking that stand. What a great reflection of great character on her part.

Interestingly, in the contest for the two Assembly seats in the 11thDistrict, four of the five candidates – Mary Pat, myself and Democrats Marilyn Schlossbach and Vin Gopal – all support same sex marriage. So does Beck’s Democratic opponent Raymond Santiago.

Jennifer’s conduct on this issue has been disgusting long enough. It’s time to end it. She’d be the first Republican in the current state Senate to change her stand, and do what’s right. Jennifer would join Mary Pat Angelini as a leader in the Republican Party on this issue.

Of course, we’d be happy to make these pages available for Beck’s announcement supporting marriage equality. There’s no better venue for Jennifer to set everything right.  

After all, we’re the triCityNews. We’re here to help.

(The new 11thDistrict – where everyone mentioned in this article is running – includes Asbury Park, Long Branch, Red Bank, Ocean Township, Neptune, Neptune City, Interlaken, Deal, Allenhurst, Loch Arbour, West Long Branch, Eatontown, Shrewsbury Borough, Shrewsbury Township, Tinton Falls, Colts Neck, Freehold Township and Freehold Borough.)

Editors note:  As Dan Jacobson appears to be submitting his triCityNews publisher’s column to MMM on a weekly basis, this is a good time to remind readers and writers that all are welcome to submit material to MMM.  It has always been that way but is worth repeating.  Send your stuff to artvg @ aol .com

Posted: June 30th, 2011 | Author: | Filed under: Dan Jacobson, Jennifer Beck, Same Sex Marriage | Tags: , , | 17 Comments »

17 Comments on “Jennifer Beck and same sex marriage”

  1. Justified Right said at 7:21 pm on June 30th, 2011:

    Point of clarification – the Southern bigots in the 1960’s who opposed inter-racial marriage were Democrats. You know – Bull Connor, Ku Klux Klan – Democrats!

    About Jen Beck.

    What I look for in conservatism, particualarly today’s Tea Party brand which is a throw back to the libertarian Founders, which was beholden to the Enlightenment, is this:

    Small government. Government that leaves people alone.

    So Jen Beck thinks government should be for killing babies and deciding who gets to be married?

    That sounds like HUGE government.

  2. You really think so said at 7:54 pm on June 30th, 2011:

    Interesting that Mr. Jacobson does not even mention Asw. Casagrande.

    I guess we now know who he thinks is the most beatable.

  3. Rino Guard said at 7:55 pm on June 30th, 2011:

    Marriage is between a man & a women.
    Civil Unions should suffice for you kooks.

  4. Justified Right said at 8:01 pm on June 30th, 2011:

    Rino Guard said at 7:55 pm on June 30th, 2011:
    “Marriage is between a man & a women.
    Civil Unions should suffice for you kooks.”

    Name calling?

    This website is supposed to be more intellectual than that.

  5. Had Enough said at 8:11 pm on June 30th, 2011:

    Why not give homosexuals a chance to be as miserable as us heterosexual husbands ?

  6. Hypocrite Hunter said at 11:15 pm on June 30th, 2011:

    Justified Right (aka Tommy DeSeno), aren’t you the same guy that, on this very blog site, recently called Craig Carton a “shivering paintwaist” and a “punk?”

  7. Abe said at 11:34 pm on June 30th, 2011:

    Really? Who cares? Only you. Of all the issues they need to be worrying about, this ranks very near the bottom. I say to all of you NYers, regardless of orientation, go back to NY.

  8. Dan Jacobson said at 6:47 am on July 1st, 2011:

    Just wanted to make clear that I didn’t mention Caroline Casagrande because I have no interest in saying anything negative about any of the other candidates in the 11th District Assembly race, and Caroline and I disagree on this issue. In fact, as far as my newspaper goes I’m determined to give all four of the other candidates in the Assembly race positive exposure.

    In this particular race, my beef isn’t with the candidates. I’ve just had it with the whole system of politics, and I want to make my statement on it by running as an Independent. Same sex marriage is a perfect example — elected officials voting politically on a moral issue. That’s just wrong. Meanwhile, on the economic side, I think it’s a joke that this state has never enacted even a pilot program to try school vouchers. That includes when Republicans controlled the Executive and Legislative branches in the 1990s. And the Democrats are a total embarrassment on this issue.

    Finally, the recent pension and health benefits “reform” is another example of the total frustration of politics. Within the context of the political system as it exists, it’s a huge achievement. I’d vote for it. But stepping back and looking at it objectively, it’s only a modest bipartisan step in the right direction.

    But Republicans will play it up as a landmark measure finally solving this problem — which it is not because, unless this is dealt with in a Constitutional context, nothing in it is permanent or guaranteed. Rank and file Democrats will denounce it as an assault on collective bargaining, which it is not because these issues were always dealt with by legislation in a legislature the unions could buy off. And the clueless mainstream media just follows along.

    So those things I listed above are examples of issues that just piss me off. That’s why I’m running.

    As for my column about Jennifer Beck and same sex marriage, note this is only the third time I’ve written something this negative about her in 12 years. The first time is when she was a Councilwoman in Red Bank and wouldn’t run against Democratic Mayor Ed McKenna — I thought that was totally gutless. And the only other time was when she voted against same sex marriage a couple years ago. I bring it up again because Jennifer now has a new district and because of what happened in New York state. Otherwise, in 12 years, coverage of Jennifer in my paper has been very frequent, and very positive, as it should be given her dynamism and charisma.

    Still, I’m particuarly disappointed with Jennifer on the marriage equality issue because, based on her public actions, I don’t believe she believes in her position. That’s why I give her such a hard time about it. Caroline Casagrande, on the other hand, I would assume truly believes in her position against it. That’s another reason I did not mention her.

    Contrary to one comment above, I have no idea which Republican Assembly candidate is more vulnerable, nor do I care. As for my campaign, perhaps lightning will strike and I will beat one of the Republican incumbents. But I have no interest in the job if I have to tear one of them down. I really don’t care if that means I can’t beat them. I’m just not interested in the position any other way. It’s that simple.

    But don’t get the wrong impression. I’m totally serious about winning this election, and I will do all I can to do so.

    Dan Jacobson

  9. Gooch defined said at 7:34 am on July 1st, 2011:

    “Republicans must appease their right wing on social issues.” — Dan Jacobson

    Where? In Pennsylvania? You ought to come visit New Jersey one of these days.

    Jennifer Beck and the other liberal RINOs she serves with in the NJ Legislature certainly haven’t received that memo telling them to appease their right-wing base. To wit: Jennifer Beck has voted to restrict my Second Amendment rights.

    Jennifer Beck claims to be “pro-choice.” She is anything but. Jennifer Beck is pro-abortion. She voted in favor a bill, now a law, that forces New Jersey pharmacists to dispense abortion-inducing drugs against their will, the deeply-held religious & moral convictions of those individual pharmacists notwithstanding. Beck has also voted in favor of sending taxpayer dollars to Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest provider of abortions.

    I could go on and discuss all the other outrageous spending that Jennifer Beck has supported but I’ve already made my point. There is no right-wing base in this liberal swamp that is New Jersey. Jennifer Beck and the other liberal Republicans in the NJ Legislature certainly don’t appease anyone on the political right.


  10. Jim Sage, Marlboro said at 9:16 am on July 1st, 2011:

    Dan, I couldn’t agree with you more on this civil rights matter. Jennifer Beck has shown on numerous times her propensity for hypocrisy in numerous areas. For example, she claims she is against “double-dipping” within the pension systems of New Jersey; however, she fails to call the “double-dipping” at the Monmouth County Sheriff’s Department wrong. See below for more details of this fraud:


    Keep in mind double dipping in of itself is not illegal–it is the fraud that was allowed to happen that permitted the double dipping.

    On another note of more Beck hypocrisy, Beck sponsored a bill that would make government entities more accountable and transparent to their constituents. However, when I asked her for proof that she purportedly “donated” to charity the campaign funds that she received from convicted fraudster Solomon Dwek–SHE REFUSED!!

    I asked her office on numerous occasions to attend just one Board of Education meeting during the largest case of academic fraud at the Freehold Regional High School District, whereby several administrators received phony online cracker jack box doctorate degrees in exchange for higher compensation–SHE REFUSED!!

    I know one can argue its a Board of Education matter, and thats why we have elected school board officials, but didn’t she go to the Red Bank Council and argue against pay raises for municipal officials??

    After I attended a Q&A session in Manalapan with her, she REFUSED to answer any of my questions. She went out of her way to avoid me–picking people with raised hands in front of me, behind me etc. When I was the last person raising my hand–the meeting was abruptly cancelled.


    She sent the New Jersey state police to my house to mute my criticisms of her. She in effect tried to suppress my first amendment rights. If she felt I threatened her or her employees as she alleges for six years–why wasn’t I arrested???? Because it never happened!!!


    The following letter was sent to the News Transcript:


    Does anyone know her stance on the civil rights for the unborn??? lol, I think we know that!!

    Bye Jenny!!

  11. disgusted said at 4:06 am on July 2nd, 2011:

    Looks like another politician wasted the resources of the state police.

  12. Holey Moley said at 7:23 am on July 2nd, 2011:

    It seems Ms. Beck rarely takes a stand on any controversial issue. For 3 years while representing her previous district she never commented about the FRHSD scandal in which the former sup’t., two assistant sup’ts and three teachers all got bogus doctorate degrees from an unaccredited online university. This story became a national scandal and yet she remained silent about anything to do with it. What was she afraid of?

  13. CommonSense said at 9:20 am on July 2nd, 2011:

    You all really need help. Who cares about these social issues right now? Really? Our state is on the brink of financial disaster and you want someone else in there that will vote in line step with someone like Barbara Buono? Give me a break! You sit here and complain about her voting record, fine, then primary her, or file to run as an independent. But you didn’t. So if you’re really upset with her voting record then organize and find someone to run against her in June 2013.

    People easily forget how pissed off they were when Alaska Senator Lisa Murkowski launched a write-in candidate and won. We should be supporting candidates who want lower taxes, business friendly environment, and an education system that stops failing our children and tax payers. On those key economical issues, we need someone like Jen Beck, and NOT Ray Santiago (who by the way is only there to draw hispanic votes in areas like Long Branch, Asbury Park, and Neptune Township.)

    So get off all your high horses. Jim Sage, again with the Sheriff’s office, get over it; move onto something else. And Dan Jacobson, using your paper the way you are right now as an official candidate is, in my opinion, very unethical. You don’t like Senator Beck that is fine, then you should have filed to run against her as an independent instead of the Assembly.

  14. Arizona said at 12:32 pm on July 2nd, 2011:

    I think I see your point, Common Sense. It’s okay to vote for a pro-abortion, big-spending, gun-grabbing, “slightly liberal,” socialist like Jennifer Beck because “you” think she is “slightly” less offensive than the other socialist, big spending, pro-abortion, gun-grabbing candidates running against her. Welcome to New Jersey.

    Thanks, by the way, for checking your soul at the door before making your comments on this thread. Hitler, Himmler, Stalin, et al would be proud of you.

    It’s this “lesser of two evils” thinking of yours that put New Jersey into the liberal swamp that it now finds itself. Enjoy the train wreck that your lack of balls will surely bring about. It’s a shame there are so few conservative Republicans in New Jersey, yourself included.

  15. Jim Sage, Marlboro said at 1:33 pm on July 2nd, 2011:

    To CommonSense:

    Get over the corruption, deception and fraud at the Sheriff’s Department??? Why? Your going to settle for the status quo that permits taxpayers to fund such an operation? Who are you protecting?

    Jennifer Beck also said it’s over with. That would be wishful thinking on anyone’s part–including hers. This matter is not over.

    After careful analysis, the trustees of the Police and Fireman’s Pension System, recommended this matter be investigated for criminality by the attorney general’s office and the Treasury Department’s Division of Pension and Benefits.

    Having said that, I’m also not so happy with whats going on at Brookdale. Should I forget about that as well, and let my hard earned tax dollars fund exclusive club memberships for Brookdale employees??

    Kudos to John Curley and Amy Mallet for having the gumption on speaking out on this.

    So Sense, when are we going to see you post that waste, corruption, fraud–and just plain violations of human civil rights are wrong?–including abortion.

  16. Puhleeze Commonsene said at 11:40 am on July 4th, 2011:

    Common sense you call the issues of Brookdale and the Sheriffs Department social issues??? THESE ARE FINANCIAL ISSUES!!!

    I thought Beck was a fiscal conservative, hahahahahaha–what a joke she is.

  17. Beck sex | Iforox said at 3:41 am on July 20th, 2011:

    […] MoreMonmouthMusings » Blog Archive » Jennifer Beck and same sex …Jun 30, 2011 … Time for Jennifer Beck to face the music on same sex marriage. And the recently- engaged Republican Senator will soon have a lot of … […]