
Crowley Will Not Be A U.S. Senate Candidate

By Art Gallagher

Bio-tech entrepreneur and Navy intelligence reservist John Crowley will not be a candidate for the GOP nomination to challenge Senator Robert Menendez next year, according to his friend and political adviser Bill Spadea speaking to Politickernj.

Crowley stepped down as CEO of the firm he founded, Amicus Theraputics, in April in order to focus on “public policy, civic service and philanthropic endeavors.”  An “unnamed political adviser,”  said at the time that Crowley was likely to compete for the 2012 U.S. Senate nomination.

Earlier today Amicus announced that Crowley would be returning as CEO in August after his reserve duty with Naval Intelligence.

Last weekend The Star Ledger’s Auditor reported that someone was anonymously circulating opposition research about Crowely in an attempt to thrwart his candidacy.  Spadea told MMM that the Auditor piece had no impact on Crowley’s decision not to run, “if anything it was just the opposite.”   Spadea said that a Senate run “was not possible given the weight of John’s commitments to his family, to bringing new drugs to market and to the military.”

At this early stage, the Republican contest to challenge Menendez is shaping up to be a race between State Senators Joe Kyrillos (Monmouth) and Mike Doherty (Warren).

Posted: June 29th, 2011 | Author: | Filed under: U. S. Senate Races | Tags: , , , , | Comments Off on Crowley Will Not Be A U.S. Senate Candidate

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