
Bayshore Tea Party Group Launches “Two Tons For Our Troops”

A Community Outreach Benefiting the 13th Marine Expeditionary Unit

Middletown, NJ – The Bayshore Tea Party Group is sponsoring “Two Tons for our Troops,” a supply drive for the 13th Marine Expeditionary Unit, “America’s 911 Force” now in international deployment.

A Marine Expeditionary Unit has about 2,200 personnel and consists of command, infantry, aviation and combat logistics. The 13th MEU is based out of Camp Pendleton, CA.

The Bayshore Tea Party Group has set a deadline of May 15 to collect two tons of supplies. Communities, individuals and other organizations are encouraged to help reach that ambitious goal. The collection point is 275 Route 35 North, Red Bank NJ 07701 (just north of the Pine Street jug handle.) The following items would be gratefully accepted and appreciated:



X-box games, DVDs, games, books, magazines


FOOD – Non Perishable Only

Non-melting candy, powdered drink mixes, Gatorade mix, chips, protein powder/bars, beef jerky, Airborne, Vitamin tablets, Emergen-C



hand sanitizer, body wash, toilet paper, body lotion, mouth wash, foot powder, chap stick, Clorox wipes, toothpaste, tooth brush, nail clippers, bath towels, Lysol, Q tips, face wash, dental floss shampoo/conditioner, deodorant, shower curtain, small bath rugs, febreeze, hook toilet fresheners



Black/brown socks, white ankle socks for PT



Stamps, envelopes/stationery, notebooks, phone cards, paper towels, hair clippers, batteries (AA/AAA 3 VOLT), duct tape, small fans,  large trash bags, cable ties, combo locks

Please visit our website at 
www.bayshoreteaparty.org for information on how you can become involved with the effort to restore American exceptionalism and fix our broken state and federal governments. 

The Bayshore Tea Party Group Headquarters is located at 275 Rt. 35N in Fairview, NJ. Please contact [email protected] or call 732-842-6652 for more information.

Posted: April 18th, 2011 | Author: | Filed under: Bayshore Tea Party Group | Tags: , , | 3 Comments »

3 Comments on “Bayshore Tea Party Group Launches “Two Tons For Our Troops””

  1. Barbara said at 5:32 pm on April 18th, 2011:

    Thank you for your patriotism in posting this, Art.

  2. Is this the difference between conservatives & liberals? | personal injury lawyers said at 12:09 am on April 19th, 2011:

    […] MoreMonmouthMusings » Blog Archive » Bayshore Tea Party Group … […]

  3. Christopher said at 1:31 am on April 19th, 2011:

    This is indeed a noble effort.

    However, considering that the FY 2010 Defense budget spent $685 billion, and the FY 2011 budget is estimated to spend $708 billion why is it that American soldiers lack dental floss, vitamins, socks and toilet paper?

    The question is not in restoring American exceptionalism, but why is the 13th Marine Expeditionary Unit headed back to the Persian Gulf which the unit commanders say will be for ,” humanitarian aid to counter-piracy operations and even combat.”

    The role reverses of the establishment GOP and Democrats was predictable. Ed Schultz , Rachel Maddow, and Ed Rendell all are gung-ho in supporting the US, sorry NATO, led military assualt on Libya. The GOP establishment is “outraged.”

    However if McCain had won in 2010 and were bombing Libya today, the GOP establishment would be waving the flag, while the Maddow’s and Shultz’s would be calling McCain a “warmonger.” Echoes of Serbia?

    The Tea Party has done the country a great service in fighting against the waste and fraud in government programs, in opposing the bailout of the banking industry, and exposing the Obama healthcare back room deals.

    It is now time for the Tea Party to say to the GOP and Obama administration, bring our troops home. End the bombing in Libya. End the war in Iraq and Afghanistan. Secure our borders. Strengthen our internal defences, and stop the destructive Wilsonian foreign interventionism immediately.