DuPont Considering Giving Up $90K Borough Attorney Gig To Stay On Red Bank Council
By Art Gallagher
Why would a politician/lawyer give up a $90,000 per year part time job to keep a $3200 a year part time job as a Red Bank councilman?
That’s what Red Bank Councilman Michael Dupont says he’s considering if his colleagues on the Red Bank governing body don’t go along with his request that they change their meeting dates so that he can continue “serving” as the Middlesex County Borough of Sayreville’s borough attorney for $7,500 per month, according to Red Bank Green. Sayreville and Red Bank have the council meetings on the same nights.
So why not ask Sayreville to change its meeting day?
“I did that,” DuPont tells redbankgreen. No go.
But he tells redbankgreenthat if the Red Bank meeting schedule remains unchanged, “I’d probably have to give up Sayreville.”
DuPont says the Sayreville gig pays a flat $7,500 per month for all legal services.
Could be he doesn’t need the money, but he tells RBG otherwise.
“I’m just trying to make a living, in addition to being a public servant,”
Couldn’t/shouldn’t Dupont have resolved this before taking the Sayreville job? He’s been a Red Bank Councilman a long time.
Maybe it has something to do with the pension system or health benefits.
Dupont is also the treasurer of the NJ Turnpike Authority.
Sayreville is home to Assemblyman John Wisniewski, Chairman of the Assembly Transportation, Public Works and Independent Authorities Committee. Wisniewski is also chairman of the NJ Democratic Party and Co-Chair of the Legislative Redistricting Commission.
Lot’s of questions and dots to connect. Especially if Dupont runs for Senate or Assembly as has been rumored.
not to worry, “Big Ed” will be sure to cover one brokered appointment for a more convenient one for “the firm”… it’ll be more interesting to see how much Wisniewski intends to filter down to any place in this county, this year: he’s been a major source of the out- of- county influx of late dollars the Dems can’t raise here, the past few cycles!
[…] Monday while the Red Bank Council was discussing whether or not to change their meeting dates to accomodate Councilman Michael […]