
Senator Wants “Anti-Snow Dumping Act” As Part Of The Tool Kit

Senator Donald Norcross is the sponsor of the Anti-Snow Dumping Act (S1924). The bill would prohibit the common practice of plowing snow off private land and dumping it onto public areas, where, he says, it can become a major public safety hazard and result in additional costs to taxpayers.

We need a state law for that?

What about snow that public workers plow onto private land?  

What about the homeowners and tenants whose driveways are blocked by thousands of pounds of snow by public plows?  What about businesses that are inaccessable after the plows drive by? 

This is an issue that should be handled on the local level, by ordinance or common sense.  We don’t need a state law for it. 

Norcross said he wants to give local law enforcement and public works departments “straightforward and simple tools to stop the wasteful and selfish practice” of snow dumping.  Local law enforcement already have simple straightforward tools; guns and badges.  Public works guys have radios to call the guys with guns and badges.

Unfortunately, Norcross’s bill passed the Senate unanimously on December 13.    Joe, Jennifer and Sean!  What were you thinking?

Hopefully the bill will melt in the Assembly.  Huh!   Well, hopefully Governor Christie will veto the bill and make fun of it at his next town hall meeting.

Posted: December 28th, 2010 | Author: | Filed under: Stupid laws | Tags: | 3 Comments »

3 Comments on “Senator Wants “Anti-Snow Dumping Act” As Part Of The Tool Kit”

  1. Freespeaker1976 said at 10:10 am on December 28th, 2010:

    Just another case of thinking that “passing a law” is a solution to everything.

    What was it that Reagan said about the government being the problem, not the solution?

    During a storm, there are so many things MORE important happening, like providing emergency services. You think the police want to get involved in a pissing match over snow going the wrong way.

  2. Jim said at 10:40 am on December 28th, 2010:

    “Joe, Jennifer, and Sean” are all liberal, big-government, RINOs. I don’t expect much from any of them.

  3. Joe said at 1:22 pm on December 28th, 2010:

    I shovelled my driveway clean 25 hours ago and still haven’t seen a snowplow. At this point, those bastards better not plow my driveway in or you bet your butt it’s going right back into the street!