
Vote For Anna Little

By Dick Maxson, Highlands

Here’s Why



The following was written two years ago to try to convince people that voting liberal is just dumb.  I apparently didn’t convince enough people.  Names have changed, but the sentiment is the same.  Now, after two years of liberalism/near socialism, the need for people to wake up is even more urgent.  This piece is more about why it’s important to start the pendulum-swing back towards old-fashioned values than it is about John McCain or Anna Little.  We need people like Anna Little in congress to make that happen. For the sake of your children and grandchildren, please read.




There are many things I like about Obama and a few things I don’t like about McCain.  There are many issues that need to be considered when deciding for whom to vote in an election, especially presidential and congressional.  People talk about, in order of recently perceived degree of importance, the economy; the war; taxes; crime; to name the top few.  To me, the top issue is morality.  Don’t dismiss.  This issue takes in much of the others, especially crime, including crime of all types, from the slimy street corner drug pusher, to the purveyors of unrealistic mortgages, to the packager of financial instruments too convoluted for anyone to fully understand, to the ratings agencies that called them A+, to the producers, the sellers, to all participants in the world of pornography, to the people who shove at us and our children “Two and a Half Men” and “Will and Grace,” to the welfare connivers, and on and on.  We are too easy on all types of crime.  A politician gets caught stealing and gets nine months in jail.  Any moron knows that this only encourages more graft and corruption. If I can figure a way to steal from the public trough, and I know the chances of getting caught are slim, and I know the punishment will be slight, I’m encouraged to do so. 


There are so many things I would like to say about the poor moral state of our current society, but this cannot be too long a rambling, else no one would read it.  So, I’ll state my point:  Liberalism is ruining our society!  I’m old enough to remember how things used to be.  You hear people say “we didn’t lock out doors at night.”  It’s true, we didn’t.  That was before they started “rehabilitating” the scum we now have to lock out.  “It’s not his fault he robbed that old lady’s savings, he had a tough childhood; let’s try to save him.”  I say let’s try to save all his future victims by putting him away for a long time, long enough to ensure that he’ll never do that again.  Liberalism has brought us  more crime, more handouts to slackers, more slime on our airways, more one-parent and parentless children, more drugs on out streets, more social problems of every stripe, even more economic malaise.  It’s all inter-related.  If you don’t think drugs produce internet pornography, you’re blind.  If you can’t see that pornography produces sex crimes, you’re stupid.  If you can’t see that sex crimes produce increased prison population, more broken families, more welfare costs and on and on, then you just don’t get it.  Then, most of these  problems produce more drugs, and then all other types of crimes, and on and on.  Drugs are available all over the place because we don’t execute drug dealers.  We should, because drug dealing is the worst crime, bar none.  It’s done for fun and profit.  Most murders are committed for reasons of passion, business, gangster-on-gangster, spur of the moment anger, and it’s one victim, usually.  A drug peddler victimizes the buyer, his children, his future children, his family, his parents who will later on have to spend their golden years raising their grandchildren, the taxpayers who will have to pay the welfare costs, the police costs, the legal costs, and the incarceration costs, and everyone who lives in our society.  And remember, not out of passion, necessity, or mental sickness, but purely out of greed.  Have you ever read how all the other criminals in prison ostracize and victimize the sex offenders?  I’ve always thought that was interesting.  They look upon them as really bad people who need to be punished even by other criminals.  But the sex offenders, as heinous as their acts may be, committed those acts out of their sick minds.  The other criminals are seeking a sub-class of criminal lower than themselves to vent righteous wrath upon. That’s a common psychological  ploy or rationalization.  It makes them feel less bad.  It’s hardly possible since most of them are there due to drug crimes, many of them dealers, and what’s lower than that.  We all have our sexual desires, but thankfully, most of us have normal ones, directed in acceptable channels.  Some people have unnatural desires, and, largely because they are bombarded by sexual temptation at every turn in our permissive, liberal environment, they seek to act out those desires.  Punish them, of course.  Protect us from them, of course.  But, punish more severely than we now do those whose crimes come out of greed and pure evil.  Think of it:  if we start adequately punishing drug dealers, where a person knows that if he is ever caught, let’s say, with more drugs than he can himself use in a day or two, he will absolutely be put away for a very long time, then what will be the results.  Don’t just look at next week or even next year, when incarceration numbers will go up, but look a few years down the line.  Eventually, prison populations will shrink;  all crime will go way down; welfare costs will go way down; costs of our now vast legal system will go down; everything will get better.  We might even be able to go to bed at night with our doors unlocked.  And remember, all we’ve done is take the quite logical step of severely punishing those who would kill our children for profit.


Continued here


Posted: October 28th, 2010 | Author: | Filed under: Anna Little | Tags: , | Comments Off on Vote For Anna Little

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