Congressman Chris Smith has raised $730K for his reelection bid

Rep Chris Smith stands behind President Trump this afternoon at the signing of an Executive Order to combat human trafficking
Congressman Chris Smith has raised $729,885 for his reelection bid in the 4th congressional district of New Jersey, according to a report at NewJerseyGlobe.
Smith had $514,816 cash on hand as of December 31.
Smith has a wide fundraising lead over his potential Democrat opponents. Stephanie Schmid, the apparent establishment choice to take on Smith has raised $202,256, including $1000 from Jim Keady’s former campaign manager, and spent $114,139, leaving her with $88,117 cash on hand. $12,378.24 of Schmid’s expeditures were payable to herself for unspecified campaign expenses.
David Applefield, a former journalist who lives in Red Bank has raised $212,104. most of it his own money, and has $137,141 in his campaign account.
The universe has yet to move Christine Conforti, a holistic business guru from Ocean Grove, to file her year end FEC reports. Conforti has picked up a great deal of Keady’s supporters, according to a Monmouth County Democrat who doesn’t want to be known for speaking to MMM.