Federal law enforcement officials have launched a criminal investigation of New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and members of his administration, pursuing allegations the governor and his staff broke the law when they quashed grand jury indictments against Christie supporters, International Business Times has learned. Two criminal investigators from the U.S. Department of Justice on Wednesday interviewed…
When this man ran in 2009, he said he would be different than any other governor of this state: one of accountability and transparency.
This man is one giant ethical lapse. With his so-called “friends,” taking advantage of an old executive order that allows him to travel for free and receive gifts to appointing all his friends to government jobs and rewarding other friends with government contracts, i.e. this example and Randy Mastro, author of the legal report that investigated, and exonerated CC from wrong doing at Bridgegate without interviewing key witnesses—at a cool 6 million.
My fellow legislators of Monmouth County, you have to say something; you have to do something–like sponsor legislation eliminating the taking of gifts from so called “friends.” It’s a joke, and if you fail to say anything–you will be considered his loyal cheerleading squad.
You already have shown in 5 years you will alter your vote and not override this man. This is disgraceful.
With us poor taxpayers, he may as well say: “Let them eat cake!”
Don’t confuse the very left IBT with the conservative IBD. Sirota is a D operative shilling for Hillary and is so far left he even was a spokesman for our very own commie, Bernie Sanders of Vermont. He regularly writes hit pieces on Christie.
Sirota’s career in political campaigns began when he became a research director for Illinois State Senator Howard Carroll’s unsuccessful run for U.S. Representative in Illinois’s 9th congressional district in the 1998 election; Carroll lost in the Democratic primary to J. B. Pritzker and Illinois State Representative Jan Schakowsky.[3] Sirota then became a fundraiser for Joe Hoeffel in his first successful campaign for the House of Representatives in Pennsylvania’s 13th congressional district.[4]
Later he moved to Washington, D.C. and worked in the political department of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC).[5] His next job was as press aide and then spokesperson for Bernie Sanders, the independent at-large U.S. Representative from Vermont who describes himself as a “democratic socialist”.[1][4][6]
Sirota worked as spokesperson for the House Appropriations Committee.[7][8][9] While a fellow at the Center for American Progress, a liberal research and advocacy group,[10][11] he created its Progress Report.[12]
In 2003 Newsweek profiled Sirota as a “political operative” skilled at “hacking out a daily barrage of anti-Bush media clips, commentary, and snappy quotes” who made “guerrilla attacks on the Bush administration” and who was “well schooled in the art of Washington warfare.”[1] According to the article, Sirota’s main weapons were computer emails; Sirota was described as the “Internet child of the Clinton War Room generation.”[1] Former Clinton White House chief of staff John Podesta was quoted about Sirota: “I just saw he had an eye for critique and the instinct for the jugular.”[1] Sirota unearthed an embarrassing comment which Colin Powell had made two years earlier to the effect that “Iraq posed no threat to its neighbors, and possessed no ‘significant capability’ in weapons of mass destruction;” Sirota made Powell’s statements more widely known. Reporters pounced, and it became a public relations blow to the Bush administration.[1] Sirota was credited with having revealed that $87 billion for Iraq could have been used to erase huge state deficits at home, a fact that was repeated by Democrats nationwide.[1]
He served as a senior strategist for Brian Schweitzer’s[13] unsuccessful 2000 Senate campaign and successful 2004 gubernatorial campaign.[14][15] In September 2006, Sirota worked as a political consultant for Ned Lamont’s U.S. Senate campaign.[16] Lamont defeated Joe Lieberman in the primary, but Lieberman ran as an independent and defeated Lamont in the November election. In 2008, Sirota was co-chair of the Progressive Legislative Action Network (now renamed the Progressive States Network).[9] He was a senior fellow at the Campaign for America’s Future.[9]
Mike, I truly believe your obfuscating the whole issue with the huge diatribe you posted.
This issue with Christie interfering with this particular indictement early in his term as governor as been a festering issue for quite some time. Rarely, if ever does a sitting AG get involved with the inner workings of a county prosecutor who found compelling and overwhelming evidence of criminality.
So I ask you this–based on the evidence of interference (political interference), don’t you believe a criminal investigation should look into this matter: Yes or No?
I don’t know anything about the matter. I see massive and orchestrated pile on of Gov Christie which proves to me the democrats fear Christie. There is a hidden hand here and her name is Clinton.
I have followed Sirota for a while though and his agenda is clearing the field. Read his resume.
If Christie is taken out of play, Sirota will move to the next R, probably Gov Walker. The ultimate goal is to leave Hillary with the weakest opponent possible.
Sirota has a long history of being a National Democrat operative currently posing as an independent journalist. If there is another side to the story, Sirota will not tell you.
Christie is Sirota’s latest target. As the so called “internet child” of the Clinton War Room, he is following the directives of Hillary Clinton and probably being fed by Christie opponents which there are many.
Mike, Your first sentence says it all, where you say you don’t know nothing of the matter. I am acutely aware of the matter, and despite who writes about this story (far left or far right wing publications) what is alleged is very wrong on Christie’s part. Of course there will have to be an investigation to substantiate the allegations.
BTW: No Democrat here–I am a Republican!
@Tick Tock:
The fancy production values of a dumb YouTube video cannot hide the painfully obvious fact that you are totally ignorant that the U.S. Attorney announced weeks ago the end of the investigation into Christie’s actions or inactions in the George Washington Bridge traffic studies.
Aw, c’mon, MMM falling for three-times recycled tripe! The headline about “launch” is all wet. The NY Times printed a lengthy diatribe two years ago and since then not much else of legal substance has been found.
As the The Guardian makes clear this week: “”Barlyn reached out last April to New Jersey US attorney Paul Fishman, whose office also is investigating apparently politically motivated George Washington Bridge traffic lane closures by Christie allies.
Fishman wrote back to Barlyn in June, according to a letter obtained by the Associated Press, saying: “It is not apparent on the face of your submission that there have been potential violations of federal criminal law warranting this Office’s review.” Fishman directed Barlyn to contact one of the office’s investigators “to further assess whether your allegations may implicate such statutes”.
If Fishman, who has been tight on Christie’s rump, is unable to come up with legal, then there surely can’t be much to run with.
Could you please provide a link that the US Attorney has ended his investigation into Christie’s actions/inactions at the GWB?
Thank You
@”please provide a link”
A simple search for guardian, barlyn and fishman yields http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2015/feb/06/chris-christie-potential-federal-investigation-firing-new-jersey-prosecutor
[…] to published reports, including one here at MMM, U.S. Attorney Paul Fishman’s office has not opened a new criminal investigation into […]