Power Still Out For 92,451 Customers in Monmouth County
Those JCP&L “customers” could easily be 300,000 to 400,000. More if your count employees of businesses that can’t operate without power.
Yesterday I wrote about the seasonal businesses in Highlands that are losing a major week of business due to JCP&L ineptitude. To those 300 people not working this week, add the 100 clamers who process their product through the James T. White clam depuration in plant in Highlands. The plant purifies 673,000 clams harvested from restricted waters per week, on average, before sending them to market. Watch for an increase in clam prices.
Here’s an update from JCP&L on the number of Monmouth County electric customers without power as of 10:05 this morning.
Estimated Customers Out For
As of Aug 30, 2011 10:05 AM
As of Aug 30, 2011 10:05 AM
Total Out = 92451
The free water and ice that JCP& L is offering, per APP, is small comfort.
This is not accurate. There are way more than 7 homes without power in Interlaken.
I note they seem to be afraid to indicate how many Middletown residents are out – you have to go into each neighborhood (New Monmouth, Port Monmouth, Lincroft, etc. How many listed in Red Bank are actually Middletown residents? Ditto for Atlantic Highlands?
When jersey central came down our block, we asked why does half our block have electric. Response was: we don’t know = (
[…] in a powerless, flooded, economic nightmare. And “powerless” is the operative word as businesses in Monmouth County and displaced citizens in a Somerset County VFW alike struggle to get their hands around this […]
[…] the storm. When I first started tracking JCP&L’s estimates for customers without power on Tuesday there was only 35 customers without power in West Long Branch. By Thursday evening West Long […]