
Gary Rich Is Nominated For Freeholder

rich20photoBy Art Gallagher

Spring Lake Councilman Gary Rich won the Monmouth GOP nomination for Freeholder this morning. 

The MC GOP selection committee comprised of municipal chairs, county and state elected officials and former elected officials selected Rich on a very close ballot.

Rich received 25 votes, followed by 23 votes for Manalapan Mayor Andrew Lucas and 22 votes for Wall Committeeman George Newberry.   Howell Mayor Bob Walsh withdrew from the race prior to polling.  Walsh still received one vote.

Posted: March 26th, 2011 | Author: | Filed under: Freeholder | Tags: , | 34 Comments »

34 Comments on “Gary Rich Is Nominated For Freeholder”

  1. Observer said at 12:02 pm on March 26th, 2011:

    Looks like the loser in this result is our County Clerk. She should have stayed above the fray as was her ususal practice.

  2. Freespeaker1976 said at 12:10 pm on March 26th, 2011:

    The second place looser is the County Committee system and the winner is the “smoke filled power boss room.”

  3. Jim Sage, Marlboro said at 12:18 pm on March 26th, 2011:

    Good Luck Gary!! You had my support since day one and you know that. Not on the CC–although I did speak to many on your behalf.

    We got numerous issues ahead of us: Brookdale, Parks and Rec. and my favorite the Sheriff’s Department.

    Contact me if need be.

  4. Justified Right said at 12:38 pm on March 26th, 2011:

    Why did they have the candidates drive the circuit talking to each town’s county committee members if there wasn’t going to be a county committee vote?

  5. anonymous said at 12:47 pm on March 26th, 2011:

    To give the impression that they care what the actual voters want.

  6. because, said at 12:48 pm on March 26th, 2011:

    it’s the munic. chair’s duty to poll their members, (some do, some don’t,of course), how else to meet the new people?also, it gives them insights as to what goes on in the whole diverse county.. and, they get practice in speaking, to be able to do editorial boards, debates, whatever.. much needed excercise to see if they have the commitment and drive to succeed, which is much needed….and, btw, there’s no harm in Claire French supporting a sincere and wonderful man she’s known most of his life!.. she had every right to do so, as did some OTHER , electeds, (big time,in this contest)..the takeaway is: now the negativity from many has to stop, if this ticket is to be successful in a very low turnout year!..so now, please, try it, people..

  7. brian said at 12:49 pm on March 26th, 2011:

    Good—-now l can vote this year as there might be one person worth the effort, not one of the usual retreads.

  8. "freespeaker"- said at 12:54 pm on March 26th, 2011:

    what the heck planet are you on?.. Rich ran as the NON- org. guy,supposedly, and the chair was beaten up to death as favoring Mr. Newberry, who he likes, but stayed out of it .. you really gotta get your intel/ info better, and sharpen your perception, this one was way off….

  9. A Chairman said at 2:17 pm on March 26th, 2011:

    I don’t poll my committee people. They selected me to be Chairman because they trust my judgment. I also let anyone who asks know who my choice is.

    If they don’t like my choice ( judgment) they can elect somebody else next time.

    That being said I liked the system where more people had the opportunity to vote.

  10. anon. said at 2:49 pm on March 26th, 2011:

    so much for Wall Township and the heavy support from everyone there. They were pushing hard for Newberry as well as the current repub. freeholders.

  11. observer said at 3:51 pm on March 26th, 2011:

    Our County Chairman has been unsuccessful in having his candidate get the Freeholder line since he took over after the June 2008 Primary, but the candidate chosen over his choice in the past has won the general election.
    2009 Curley was not his choice -Curley won
    2010 Arnone was not his choice- Arnone won
    2011 Rich was not his choice -Rich ???

  12. Freespeaker1976 said at 5:37 pm on March 26th, 2011:

    Congratulations Mr. Rich.

    Now, let’s put away the recriminations, unite and retire Amy Mallet. From what I heard last night at the dinner; it seems like she’s none to liked…

  13. Freespeaker1976 said at 5:39 pm on March 26th, 2011:

    # anonymous said at 12:47 pm on March 26th, 2011:

    To give the impression that they care what the actual voters want.
    because, said at 12:48 pm on March 26th, 2011:

    it’s the munic. chair’s duty to poll their members, (some do, some don’t,of course), how else to meet the new people?

    BUT YOU SEE FOLKS, in reality the chairs do not poll the members. I can attest to that in our town. We were only paid lip service

  14. JerryW45 said at 5:40 pm on March 26th, 2011:

    A Chairman said at 2:17 pm on March 26th, 2011:

    I don’t poll my committee people. They selected me to be Chairman because they trust my judgment. I also let anyone who asks know who my choice is.

    If they don’t like my choice ( judgment) they can elect somebody else next time.

    HOW ARROGANT..this is what is wrong with the Party Boss system Chairman Oxley keeps in place

  15. Freespeaker1976 said at 6:00 pm on March 26th, 2011:

    freespeaker”- said at 12:54 pm on March 26th, 2011:

    what the heck planet are you on?.. Rich ran as the NON- org. guy,supposedly, and the chair was beaten up to death as favoring Mr. Newberry, who he likes, but stayed out of it .. you really gotta get your intel/ info better, and sharpen your perception, this one was way off….


    What I was trying to say was that the County Committee system continues to be the looser. We are here for a reason, not just to carry the water during election season.

    It is entirely clear that more often than not, Municipal Chairs do not solicit or even care about the opinion of the local members.

    And that my friend is what I meant that system of a “smoke filled room” continues to weigh in over the vote of county committee people.

    Justified Right is correct in that it was a dog and pony show where the candidates drove the county and attended club meetings. On balance, it just didn’t matter in the end.

    “The Imperial Senate lead by the Chancellor determines what happens in the systems”

    Fair Enough?

  16. OK, said at 9:00 pm on March 26th, 2011:

    time to go to existing state law as to “organization of the political parties”.. basically, it is the statutory duty of each county committeeperson, elected in each district, to really go out INto their district, and meet/sign people up to vote, (in our case, to vote Rep.).. then,they need to IDENTIFY likely Rep. voters in their own districts, and GET them to the polls, every election.. they need to WORK in that title…. whether or not they get an individual vote in some process, once a year, to pick a candidate,is immaterial.. I am willing to bet, if there are some 900 available c.c.seats in this county, maybe a bit over half are even filled BY their chairs, and of those, HOW MANY do ANYthing, during the whole year, to get Republicans elected, anywhere?.. moral is: if you want to be a leader, then,for God’s sake,LEAD!..the only people I respect in the party are those who will really DO the mundane but necessary grunt work, cycle after cycle, for the cause of better government.. everyone else is a critic or a “wanna- be” star- ask yourself:have you earned it?..

  17. Freespeaker1976 said at 9:07 pm on March 26th, 2011:

    Let’s Here An “Amen” For OK as to people working. But still, the decision can not rest solely on the shoulders of a Municipal Chair who may or may not have a hidden agenda.

    The last I heard, we’re a representative democracy and the people that do the grunt work would really like to have a say as to who they are doing that grunt work for.

    MAYBE, JUST MAYBE, if they had that say; there might be more of them working for the guy that they like. Ya Think?

  18. Attention: 3-26-11: said at 9:09 pm on March 26th, 2011:

    all of you Gary Rich supporters, who, for whatever reasons, to “get back” at perceived slights, or “punish” a chair or a town, here’s your starting moment in the sun: your job is now, to call up county HQ on Monday, and ask to be a petition circulator, and go to your fellow neighborhood R’s and get at least 10 Rep. signatures on Gary’s petitions, and get them back right away, as the primary filing deadline is just days away and he has few, if any, to even get on the ballot.. (hope we don’t hear the crickets, and that the lines don’t remain dead)..please, get your butts out there now, and get the man elected, or, you will have been shallow, angry people, who used him as a pawn for your selfish reasons, which is unfair to your candidate.. it will be a hard enough sell to the other 51, with two people from two of our “richest” county towns, on our ballot this year, so, get busy, champs….

  19. Good for Wall.. said at 9:20 pm on March 26th, 2011:

    for uniting behind their “favorite son”.. it was inspiring, and wish more towns thought that well of their leaders.. ..iyt was sad and scary to me, to not see Gary’s chair or council colleagues out there, trying to get himover the top, during the process:fyi, they are now expected to start showing up, and help in the effort, as Tom Arnone’s town did for him,last year!..

  20. A Lawyer said at 10:57 pm on March 26th, 2011:

    OK said
    “time to go to existing state law as to “organization of the political parties”.. basically, it is the statutory duty of each county committeeperson, elected in each district, to really go out INto their district, and meet/sign people up to vote”

    You are an idiot the committe people have 2 resposibilities by statute.
    1 Fill vacancies in some elected offices.
    2. elect a municipal chairman in their town
    and a county chairman.
    i don’t know what the #@$&!%^ your reading.

  21. A Chairman said at 11:35 pm on March 26th, 2011:

    Its not arrogant its called Representative Democracy.

    Thats how it works.

  22. Bill said at 4:03 am on March 27th, 2011:

    Congratulations Councilman Rich!

  23. Observer said at 9:30 am on March 27th, 2011:

    Mr. Chairman, then I guess you have absolutely no problem with any legislator’s actions of not listening to constituents since they can do what they please, and if you do not like it wait for the election; because, as you stated, it is a representative democracy.

  24. a Dem "laywer"? said at 12:24 pm on March 27th, 2011:

    .. perhaps?..and relatively new to the scene, since you obviously never saw our Monmouth GOP County Committee manual, based on, and which expanded the statute of party organization here, and which used the principles of our founder, Abraham Lincoln and other successful GOP Presidents, to train elected c.c. members to BE the party leaders, and get out and work and mine for people, of like-minded philosophy of government, to get out the vote our way, “in each precinct,”every year.. perhaps it’s time to drag the old book out, reprint it, and hold some county-wide training sessions, of what the office should be, and see which people of today are really willing to do the better job, or, just pop up once a year in the spring, like petulant children, demanding votes, and doing little to earn them.. you are, ,the greater “idiot”, and, whatever word you “bleeped”out to me, the same to you, double, with a smile..you have a nice day!..

  25. Freespeaker1976 said at 1:45 pm on March 27th, 2011:

    A Chairman said at 11:35 pm on March 26th, 2011:

    Its not arrogant its called Representative Democracy.

    Thats how it works.


    Elitist might fit as well

  26. A lawyer said at 2:10 pm on March 27th, 2011:

    I know what the manual says and I am sure I have been around longer then you.

    What the manual says has nothing to do with statutory requirements. What the staute says is what legally matters.

    If you are going to post please have a clue.

  27. The 6th Freeholder said at 2:19 pm on March 27th, 2011:

    It is enough that the people know there was an election. The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything.
    Joseph Stalin

  28. Doubt it! said at 2:48 pm on March 27th, 2011:

    you can be literal and stick to your law book, or YOU can get a clue, and understand what the whole political “commitment-thing”means, in order to succeed!.. just stop with the nasty, ok, it is uncalled for!.. would put my work and successes in the game against yours or just about anybody else’s, using the principles of actual grassroots work and practice,any day..

  29. A lawyer said at 10:21 pm on March 27th, 2011:

    I never said people shouldn’t be committed to the process of getting candidates elected.

    You represented that the statute said something it does not. I don’t disagree with your other comments I just do not like it when people misrepresent what the law says or for that matter any facts. In fact I get down right testy about it. If you have been doing this for so long you should know better.

    Get the facts straight. Is that asking too much?

  30. A Chairman said at 10:37 am on March 28th, 2011:

    It is not arrogant and it is not elitist.

    Certainly I would listen to opinions but in the end I am not elected to the position of Chairman to be a megaphone for my committee. If that is what they want they can get somebody else to do the job because I do not want it under those parameters.

    They elect me because they trust my judgment and I exercise that judgment.

    Yes I expect legislators or any elected official to act the same way. Listen to view points but in the end do what you think is best. If we as voters don’t like the way the elected official exercises their judgment then we should vote for someone else. When they do not act in that manner they wind up listening to who can make the most noise just so they can be re-elected.

    I am absolutly against Obama-Care and I will vote against any politician who is for it. However I admire those politicians who voted for it because they believed it was right even in the face of strident opposition.
    That showed courage.

    That is how representative democracy is supposed to work.

  31. Freespeaker1976 said at 4:56 pm on March 28th, 2011:

    A Chairman…

    You MUST remember that you started off this conversation with the comment that “I don’t poll the county committee people,” which is not indicative of your belief in a Representative Democracy.”

    Thus, it is disingenuous for you to come to the view in your last comment that you expect “elected officials to listen,” You are putting the cart after the horse in that if people don’t like what you do then they can throw you out.

    It would be nice if you had the mindset to listen to what they have to say and vote accordingly, so that you don’t get voted out.

    At this point, that’s arrogance and elitism to me, that YOU and only you know best. I’ve seen that before in Municipal Chairs and I know a duck when it quacks like a duck.

    I just hope and pray that enough people on your municipal committee get wise to you.

    Now, I’ve got more important things to do; rather than bandy words here.

    And thus, you are

  32. A chairman said at 5:42 pm on March 28th, 2011:

    your right I did say that. But they know they are free to call me anytime and give an opinion. You are the same type of person who will complain about elected officials governing by poll yet I am supposed to poll my people before I make a decision. Sorry thats not how I roll.

    My committee people trust me and let me make the decisions. Hell when committee people could vote (which I had no problem with) most of them would call me to ask who they should vote for.

    The day they are dissatisfied I will be happy to step down.

  33. An ex-committeemen said at 8:58 pm on March 28th, 2011:

    Dear A Chairman
    Not all your committee people trusted your

  34. James Hogan said at 9:42 pm on March 28th, 2011:

    I don’t even know who my municipal chairman might have voted for… and I asked!

    From a comment in the other entry — I would like to find out which people who were eligible to vote didn’t show up and what excuse(s) they had. I mean, I just assume that my chairman was there… for all I know, he was one of the dozen or two who just didn’t make it for one reason or another.

    In either case, congrats and good luck Gary! I’ll personally make sure that Long Branch Republicans hear all of the GREAT things about you and our incumbent candidates and show up to support our fine Republican ticket.