
Russian Mob Funding Byrnes and Whatshername’s Middletown Campaign

By Art Gallagher

It is come to MoreMonmouthMusings’ attention that the same Russian mob that looted Middletown’s bank accounts over Labor Day weekend could be funding the township committee campaign of Sean Byrnes and his running mate, Whatshername.

$13,000 of the $370,000 that the Slavic cyber looters made off with has yet to be recovered.

If the Middletown Democrats filed their October ELEC report, it was not published on ELEC’s website this afternoon.  Byrnes’ ELEC report says he’s only raised $150.00 for his campaign.  Whathername has raised only $3000.  So who’s paying for all those signs?   It could be the Russian mob!

I know. I’m being ridiculous.  About as ridiculous and David Axelrod and President Obama are when they say that the U. S. Chamber of Commerce and Americans for Prosperity are funding their anti-Democratic incumbent ads with foreign money. 

I’m being as ridiculous as the Middletown Democrats were last year when the alleged that the Middletown GOP bribed and coerced Steve Massell into running for township committee last year.  I’m being as ridiculous as the Middletown Dems were last year when they claimed that the GOP township committee raised their salaries, after they gave up their stipends.

Posted: October 12th, 2010 | Author: | Filed under: Middletown | Tags: , , | Comments Off on Russian Mob Funding Byrnes and Whatshername’s Middletown Campaign