The third annual Take A Veteran Fishing Day is Saturday, May 4 from 9 am till 2pm at Lake Julianna, Ponderosa Estates Farm, in Millstone Township. The goal of the day is to provide fun and relaxation for disabled veterans and to relax while enjoying the peaceful surroundings of Lake Julianna with other veterans.

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The event is sponsored by Cardinale Enterprises LCC and supported by Vietnam Veterans of America Shore Area Chapter 12, Project Healing Waters Fly Fishing, Boating Education and Rescue and the Jersey Coast Anglers Association. Read the rest of this entry »
Posted: May 3rd, 2019 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Monmouth County News, New Jersey | Tags: Cardinale Enterprises, Disabled Veterans, Lake Julianna, Monmouth County News, Play Hook-e, Ponderosa Estates Farm, Take a Veteran Fishing Day, Vito Cardinale | Comments Off on Disabled Vets To Play Hook-e From PTSD In Millstone
By Art Gallagher
I was surprised on Saturday morning as I headed south on Rt 35 in Ocean Township for the grand opening of Green Leaf Pet Resort and Hotel. There was a line of cars several blocks long down 35 to get into the place! The surprises kept coming when I pulled in. It was packed outside. Two radio stations were broadcasting from the front parking lot along side the bbq pit. The valets were directing traffic instead of parking cars for tips and there were hundreds of happy people and dogs coming and going.
This was no ordinary kennel opening. When did kennels start having grand openings? When are crowds of people happy and not competing for some imaginary prize at a highway location in New Jersey? Where did all of these well behaved dogs and people come from? I only heard one dog bark loudly during my visit and that was in the back parking lot. Who serves hamburgers at a kennel opening and why aren’t the dogs begging for the people food? Read the rest of this entry »
Posted: March 25th, 2018 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Monmouth County News, New Jersey | Tags: Donna Liebowitz, Green Leaf Pet Resort and Hotel, Millstone, Monmouth County News, New Jersey, Ocean Township, Shelly Liebowitz, Vito Cardinale | Comments Off on Your dogs are going to love this place

Developer Joe Spano seems to be resigned that the property he owns at the corner of Route 33 and Millhurst Road will remain a farm, after being thwarted in numerous attempts over the last thirteen years to get an acceptable development approved by the Manalapan Township Committee. But soy beans and corn crops are not coming close to covering expenses and providing a fair return on the roughly $20 million Spano says has been invested in the property through his former company, Manalapan Retail Realty Partners, and his current company, Village at Manalapan Properties.
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Posted: September 2nd, 2016 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Manalapan, Monmouth County News | Tags: Joe Spano, Manalapan, Manalapan Crossing, Manalapan Pig Farm, Monmouth County News, New Jersey, New Jersey Pig Farm, Pig farm, Probasco Farm, Vito Cardinale | 19 Comments »