Congressman Chris Smith and Monmouth County Sheriff Shaun Golden prepare to survey Hurricane Sandy damage. November, 2012. Smith’s new legislation would assist citizens and towns still recovering from Sandy while also dealing with the COVID-19 crisis.
Legislation introduced on Friday by Congressman Chris Smith and co-sponsored by Congressman Jeff Van Drew would provide a major assist to citizens and municipalities still recovering from Superstorm Sandy as they now deal with the COVID-19 crisis as well.
The New Jersey Senate is expected to pass a bill to extend mortgage forbearance for victims of Superstorm Sandy today, Senator Declan O’Scanlon told MMM this morning. The current law that protects homeowners who continue to deal the the effects of the devastating October 2012 storm expires on July 1, as reported by the Asbury Park Press.
APP reports that hundreds of homeowners have been contacted by their banks seeking payments starting in July.
“Raise your hand if this is your first time here,” Eddie Segall religiously started off his nightly sunset ceremonies at the Sea Gull’s Nest. “Now raise your hand if this is your last time here,” Segall barked as 10’s of customers raised their hands in laughter, just as they had the night or the week before. The joke never got old.
We’ve raised our hands, sung God Bless American along with a Kate Smith recording, honored our troops and first responders and watched the octogenarian Segall challenge much younger men to 50 push ups for the last time.
Bernard and Linda Ebner accept the Vietnam veteran’s replacement military metals from Congressman Chris Smith
Bernard and Linda Ebner lost their Union Beach home of 47 years and most of their possessions to twelve feet of water during Superstorm Sandy six years ago this week. Among those possession were the medals that Bernard, a Vietnam War veteran, earned during his four years of service.
Congressman Chris Smith presented the Ebners with replacement medals on Tuesday, October 30, during an emotional ceremony in the congressman’s Ocean County office in Plumsted which is nearby the couple’s new home in Whiting.
WASHINGTON — U.S. House legislation to help victims of the most recent hurricanes also would help some of those who suffered losses under Hurricane Sandy. The hurricane relief bill, which awaits Senate passage, would limit to three years the time the Federal Emergency Management Agency can demand repayments from disaster victims. Thousands of letters have been… Read the rest of this entry »
Monmouth County Freeholder Director Lillian G. Burry issued the following statement today encouraging residents of Monmouth County to support the residents of Texas and Louisiana who are suffering from the impact of Hurricane Harvey:
“On behalf of Board of Chosen Freeholders, I offer our heartfelt sympathies to the residents of Houston and the numerous surrounding communities who are suffering in the wake of Hurricane Harvey.
Just five short years ago, Superstorm Sandy ravaged our beautiful Monmouth County shoreline, thrusting our residents into a battle against Mother Nature and a complex and burdensome Federal aid and flood insurance system. Our communities are resilient and through hard work and perseverance our Jersey Shore has come back better than ever. Read the rest of this entry »
The Monmouth County Board of Chosen Freeholders and the New Jersey State Legislature honored Bob Burlew, the recently retired code enforcement and construction official for Union Beach and Keyport, at the Freeholders regular meeting which was held in Union Beach last evening.
Burlew is a real life hero to thousands of Bayshore residents who suffered devastating losses in the wake of Superstorm Sandy. His compassion, commitment and encyclopedic knowledge of the government’s byzantine recovery regulations has eased the burden for many throughout the years long rebuilding process.
Maggie Moran, the only Democrat political consultant/campaign manager to lose a statewide race in New Jersey in the last twenty years and the wife of Monmouth County freeholder candidate, Belmar Mayor “Lawless Matt” Doherty, denies that she did work for AshBritt Inc. during the aftermath in Superstorm Sandy, as has been reported by MoreMonmouthMusings and many other publications.
Highlands Mayor Frank Nolan announced on facebook last night that he will not seek a third term.
Thank you to so many people for encouraging me to run for a third term as mayor. The past six years have been tough with Irene, Sandy, and all the other set backs. Last year was the toughest with my own personal health issues. Those that are closest to me know I have truly enjoyed being an elected official for the past ten years. I am honored and humbled to have been able to serve the town and all its people. I made some mistakes but tried my best to always do the right thing. My role as a father and husband has to come first. For this reason I will not be a candidate for mayor this November and will serve out my current term. I want to thank all the great borough professionals, past and present I have had the pleasure of working with. The many council people and Mayor’s who I may have had my differences with but at the end of the day I think we knew our common goal was the advancement of the town. Special thanks to my wife and soulmate Lori Ann. You have stood by me through thick and thin and I love you forever.
Congressman Chris Smith and Monmouth County Shaun Golden prepare to survey Hurricane Sandy damage. November, 2012
Congressman Chris Smith (R-NJ4) introduced legislation yesterday that, if enacted, would allow Superstorm Sandy victims who borrowed from the Small Business Administration to fund the rebuilding to their homes and businesses to repay those loans with the proceeds of grants from the federal department of Housing and Urban Development.
The Equity for Disaster Victims Act, co-sponsored by Congresswoman Nydia Velázquez (D-NY), would correct a con perpetrated by the government on Sandy victims in the aftermath of the strom and reform the federal government’s disaster relief programs to ensure fairness and flexibility.