Gov Phil Murphy and Marlboro Mayor Jon Hornik
Marlboro Mayor Jonathan Hornik today noted that the State of New Jersey historically shirks its obligations to the “chronically underfunded” pension system while local governments have been meeting their obligations. Hornik’s comment came in a press release touting S&P Global Ratings reaffirming his township’s AAA bond rating.
S&P noted that while the Township continues to make its annually required pension contribution to the State of New Jersey, the State pension system is chronically underfunded. “Local government continues to pay its share, and historically the State has shirked its obligation,” stated the Mayor. “In the context of our review, S&P reiterated its concern regarding the long term health of the State system. I am hopeful that with a new Administration in Trenton, the State will take a more responsible approach to its stewardship of the pension system.”
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Posted: April 11th, 2018 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Declan O'Scanlon, Jon Hornik, Marlboro, Monmouth County News, Monmouth County Politics, New Jersey, New Jersey State Budget, Pensions, Phil Murphy | Tags: Declan O'Scanlon, Marlboro, Monmouth County News, New Jersey, NJ Budget, NJ Pension Crisis, S&P Global, Senator Declan O'Scanlon, Standard and Poors | Comments Off on Hornik calls for Murphy administration to dramatically reform pension system

Marlboro Mayor Jon Hornik
Standard and Poors, the global credit rating agency, issued a AAA/Stable bond rating on $9.6 million in new borrowings by Marlboro and upgraded the Township’s existing debt to AAA as well.
The new rating makes Marlboro one of only 29 towns in New Jersey with the top possible credit rating, according to a statement from the Township.
“Marlboro’s credit is officially the highest grade available in the marketplace”, stated Mayor Jonathan Hornik. “This means that our taxpayers benefit from the lowest possible costs for road, parks and recreation and other capital improvements.” Read the rest of this entry »
Posted: September 13th, 2017 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Jon Hornik, Marlboro, Monmouth County News | Tags: AAA Bond rating, Marlboro, Marlboro Mayor Jon Hornik, Monmouth County News, New Jersey, Standard and Poors | 1 Comment »
New Jersey’s financial reputation took another hit yesterday, with S&P Global, one of the Big 3 Wall Street credit-rating agencies, announcing it has once again lowered the state’s debt grade by one step. The downgrade is another setback for Gov. Chris Christie, a Republican who has now suffered through more credit-rating reductions than any New Jersey… Read the rest of this entry »
Posted: November 15th, 2016 | Author: admin | Filed under: New Jersey | Tags: New Jersey, NJ Credit rating, NJ Economy, S&P Global, Standard and Poors | 1 Comment »
TRENTON — A new study cast doubts on whether New Jersey can withstand another economic downturn. It’s the second such study this year to find that the state, which has lagged behind the rest of the nation in recovering from the Great Recession, is particularly vulnerable and unprepared for yet another. New Jersey is among 10… Read the rest of this entry »
Posted: August 14th, 2016 | Author: admin | Filed under: Economy, New Jersey State Budget | Tags: Economy, NJ Budget, NJ Economy, Standard and Poors | Comments Off on N.J. could be in big trouble if another recession hit

Marlboro Mayor Jon Hornik
Standard and Poors, the international credit rating agency, has rated $21.957 million of general obligation bonds, water utility bonds and recreation utility bonds authorized in 2014 and 2015 as AA+. The AA+ differs from the top AAA rating only to a small degree, according to S&P. The rating means that S&P considers Marlboro’s ability to meet its obligations is very strong.
“This is tremendous news for Marlboro”, said Mayor Jonathan Hornik. “This rating upgrade affirms the difficult decisions made over the last eight years to reduce the size of government and run it more efficiently. It also represents a reflection of the overall financial stewardship of the municipality. ”
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Posted: December 2nd, 2015 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Jon Hornik, Marlboro, Monmouth County News | Tags: Marlboro, Marlboro Mayor Jon Hornik, Marlboro Township, Standard and Poors | 1 Comment »

PHILADELPHIA — Whatever New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie intended when he appointed a team of bankruptcy and restructuring experts to devise a plan to stabilize Atlantic City, N.J.’s finances, what he got was a firestorm that may have exacerbated the city’s plight. Officials delayed a $12 million bond offering last week after Moody’s Investors Service sharply… Read the rest of this entry »
Posted: February 3rd, 2015 | Author: admin | Filed under: 2016 Presidential Politics, Atlantic City, Chris Christie | Tags: Atlantic City, Atlantic City Emergency Manager, Chris Christie, Kevin Lavin, Moody's Investor Services, Standard and Poors | Comments Off on Is Christie’s attempt to stabilize Atlantic City backfiring?

This story was co-published with Marketplace. When the economy nosedived in 2008, it didn’t take long to find the crucial trigger. Wall Street banks had peddled billions of dollars in toxic securities after packing them with subprime mortgages that were sure to default. Behind the bankers’ actions, however, stood a less-visible part of the finance industry…
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Posted: December 24th, 2014 | Author: admin | Filed under: Economy | Tags: Banks, Credit rating agencies, Economy, Fitch, Moody's, Moody's Investor Services, Mortgage crisis, S&P, Standard and Poors, Subprime Mortgages, Tobacco Bonds | Comments Off on Bankers Brought Rating Agencies ‘To Their Knees’ On Tobacco Bonds

Freeholder Deputy Director Gary Rich and Freeholder Director Lillian Burry at the Italian American Festival in Ocean Township last week.
Monmouth County has received a new AAA bond rating from all three major rating agencies for the 16th consecutive year, according to a statement by the Monmouth County Board of Freeholders.
“This is the 16th straight year the County has been awarded AAA status from Fitch, Moody’s and Standard and Poor’s,” said Freeholder Deputy Director Gary J. Rich, Sr., liaison to the County’s Finance Department. “Monmouth County continues to be top-rated in how it manages taxpayer money.”
The three rating agencies rated the upcoming Monmouth County Improvement Authority’s (MCIA) governmental refunding bond series and reaffirmed the ratings of the County’s outstanding debt.
“Monmouth County continues its demonstration of sound, fiscal management. The County has been careful in its spending and continues to maintain low debt levels,” said Freeholder Director Lillian G. Burry. “As a result, we are able to have greater flexibility in delivering quality services to our residents. It shows how well the County is managing its resources and planning for the future.”
Monmouth County is the only county in New Jersey and one of less than three dozen counties in the nation that can claim to have received the highest score from all three rating agencies. The AAA rating is higher than that of the State of New Jersey and the United States of America.
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Posted: August 15th, 2014 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Gary Rich, Lillian Burry, Monmouth County, Serena DiMaso | Tags: AAA Bond rating, Fitch, Gary Rich, Lillian Burry, Monmouth County, Monmouth County Government, Monmouth County Improvement Authority (MCIA), Moody's Investor Services, S&P, Serena DiMaso, Standard and Poors | 24 Comments »
The three major credit rating agencies affirmed the credit ratings of New Jersey’s bonds within the last week. Two of the three, Moody’s and Fitch affirmed the outlook for the State’s credit as stable. However, while affirming their AA- rating today, Standard and Poor’s lowered their outlook for New Jersey from stable to negative. S&P’s rationale for lowering their outlook is that they consider Governor Chris Christie’s revenue projections optimistic.
Democratic legislators, Assembly Budget Committee Chairman Vincent Prieto, Senate Budget Committee Chairman Paul Sarlo and Assembly Majority Leader Lou Greenwald, a potential gubernatorial candidate next year, all jumped on the S&P outlook downgrade to score political points against Christie. The Statehouse Press Corp was happy to advance the negative spin.
Monmouth County’s Declan O’Scanlon, the Assembly Republican Budget Officer, fired back against the Democrats and the media for “crowing” about the S&P report while falling mute over the Fitch and Moody’s reports is a scathing statement:
“My Democrat colleagues are like vultures seeking to pounce on potential prey despite the fact that their appetite will not be satisfied by one agency’s outlook,” said O’Scanlon, R-Monmouth. “They are always ready to jump on what they perceive to be negative news and many in the media buy into their political theatrics. Instead of working with the governor and Republicans in the Legislature, they continue to wait for gloom and doom predictions.
“The conduct and glee from our leading legislative Democrats is remarkable and disturbing. For days, they sat silent when two ratings agencies affirmed New Jersey’s credit rating in response to the Schools Development Corporation bond offering and today are dancing in the streets when a third rating agency – after also maintaining the state’s credit rating – gave an outlier’s opinion and lowered its outlook,” explained O’Scanlon. “To see this kind of political opportunism and rooting for failure from individuals entrusted with some of the highest leadership positions our government offers is disgraceful. Their Swiss cheese, fragmented perception of reality – with the holes miraculously lining up with anything positive about our state’s fiscal condition – is disturbing, but not surprising.”
“That our Statehouse press corps simply gobbles the partisan nonsense up so willingly is also a real disappointment, stated O’Scanlon. “That is especially so when you see them blindly quoting even those lawmakers who so vigorously fought bipartisan pension and benefits reforms in an effort that would have crippled New Jersey’s long-term efforts to fix our long-term economic health.
“Had we followed the path of the very people now attacking the Governor the outlook for the state’s future would be dramatically worse. They cannot, with a straight face, criticize this Governor with any credibility,” said O’Scanlon. “It was this governor that has started to turn our state around – and he had to fight the very people now attacking him in order to do that. The governor and Republicans know we are in a difficult economy and these are risky times. But we are also not afraid to make tough decisions. Previous Democrat administrations talked about tough times, but never took action. Without taking decisive action to fix many of our state’s problems,New Jerseywould be in a financial abyss.
“The Democrats’ are selling a bill of goods to the public and the media which conveniently ignores their eight-year record of expanding government spending and want us to believe their distorted view of reality,” commented O’Scanlon. “We have more work to do in turning our state around, but I am much more confident entrusting our state’s future with the Christie administration than its Democratic predecessors.”
Posted: September 18th, 2012 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2013 Gubernatorial Politics, Art Gallagher, Chris Christie, Declan O'Scanlon, Fitch, Legislature, Moodys, New Jersey State Budget, NJ Media, NJ State Legislature, Standard and Poors | Tags: Chris Christie, Credit rating agencies, Credit ratings, Declan O'Scanlon, Fitch, Lou Greenwald, Moody's, New Jersey Media, Paul Sarlo, Standard and Poors, Statehouse Press Corp, Vincent Prieto | 1 Comment »
O’Scanlon: “I’m holding my breath waiting for S&P to revise their report.”
Wall Street rating agency, Standard and Poor’s, released an analysis of Governor Christie’s Fiscal Year 2013 budget yesterday that concurred with the reaction that many on both sides of the aisle have had since Christie addressed the legislature on Monday; Where are these revenue numbers coming from?
NEW YORK (Standard & Poor’s) Feb. 24, 2012–New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie
released his proposed $32.15 billion budget for fiscal 2013 on Feb. 21. The
budget remains structurally unbalanced, is built on what Standard & Poor’s
Ratings Services regards as optimistic economic projections to close the
budget gap, and increases New Jersey’s (AA-/Stable) reliance on nonrecurring
Christie’s budget projects revenue growth of 7.3% to $31.86 billion. Based upon the state’s projections, revenue would have increased 9%, if not for Christie’s proposed income tax reduction. While S&P concurs that revenue could increase significantly in a strong economy given New Jersey’s high income and progressive income tax structure, the agency doesn’t see a strong economy on the horizon in New Jersey until 2015.
“Due to New Jersey’s high incomes and the state’s progressive income tax
structure, we believe revenues could rebound significantly in a strong
economy,” said Mr. Sugden-Castillo. “However, in our view, the economic
assumptions that underpin the state’s revenue forecast appear to be optimistic based on current and projected economic conditions at the state and national levels,” he added. Through the first half of fiscal 2012, New Jersey revenues grew 3.2% from fiscal 2011, but are still falling 3.2% below budgeted amounts. According to IHS Global Insight Inc., the state will register 1.3% growth in 2012- 16th among all states. Unemployment in the state was 9% as of December 2011. IHS Global Insight projects employment will not return to pre-recession levels until 2015 and projects unemployment to remain above 8% through 2014.
Assemblyman Declan O’Scalon, the Republican Budget Officer in the lower house, said that S&P’s report is so flawed that it resembles a political hit piece more than an objective credit analysis.
“S&P, and other critics, are relying on the year to date short fall in our current revenues compared to budget in order to give their criticism of our new budget credibility,” said O’Scanlon, “They are all ignoring the well known fact that the lion’s share of state revenue comes in during the first quarter of the calendar year.”
O’Scanlon said that New Jersey’s revenue receipts will be right on budget at the end of February and that S&P should have known that.
“I’m holding my breath waiting for S&P to revise their report,” said O’Scanlon, “For two years, the Christie administration’s revenue projections have been spot on. I’m confident they will be this year too.”
Regarding the reliance of non-recurring revenues O’Scanlon said, “13% of Jon Corzine’s last budget relied on so-called one shot gimmicks. The Christie administration reduced that to 4% in the current budget and it’s only 5% in the proposed budget. There are always going to be non-recurring items. We (the Republicans) have brought them down to prudent levels. S&P should be praising that part of our budget, not criticising it.”
S&P also criticized the Christie administration for underfunding the state pension system:
Slightly more than half of the increase ($587 million) in
total spending is tied to pension funding cost increases. Total funding for
defined benefit pensions grows to $1.1 billion in fiscal 2013 from $484
million in fiscal 2012. Defined Benefit Pension funding accounts for 3.33%of
spending in the proposed budget. Despite this significant increase, New Jersey
is only funding 28.6%, or 2/7ths, of its statutorily determined actuarial
recommended contribution, which is different from ARC as defined by GASB.
According to the state, the ARC as calculated by GASB is normally higher than
the statutorily determined actuarial recommended contribution. The
underfunding of the ARC results in continued pressure on its pension system.
“To treat what the Christie administration has done with the pension system as news and a negative ignores recent history and raises suspicions of political motivation on the part of S&P,” O’Scanlon charged, “The Governor’s proposed budget makes the largest pension contribution in New Jersey history and is right on track with the pension reforms and benefit reforms passed last year.”
O’Scanlon defended the 3.7% increase in spending under the proposed budget. “What should be cut? The increased spending on education and municipal aid holds down property taxes. The other increases are for pensions and higher education, which has been neglected for decades. Our educated and sophisticated workforce is our most important asset.”
John Sugden-Castillo, S&P’s primary credit analyst for the report, has not responded to an email asking for comment.
Posted: February 25th, 2012 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Chris Christie, Declan O'Scanlon, Economy, New Jersey, New Jersey State Budget, Standard and Poors | Tags: Chris Christie. Christie Administration, Declan O'Scanlon, John Sugden-Castillo, New Jersey Budget, Standard and Poors | 3 Comments »