
Cory Booker Wants You To Consider That He’s Gay

He’s not coming out.  He’s not saying he’s straight either.  Just like his income, he’s not saying.

But he wants us to consider the possibility that he is gay, so that we can confront our homophobia, so he told The Washington Post:

And people who think I’m gay, some part of me thinks it’s wonderful. Because I want to challenge people on their homophobia. I love seeing on Twitter when someone says I’m gay, and I say, ‘So what does it matter if I am? So be it. I hope you are not voting for me because you are making the presumption that I’m straight.

OK. I considered it.  I don’t care and I am not voting for him because I presume he’s straight.

I would like to see his tax returns, though.

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Posted: August 27th, 2013 | Author: | Filed under: Cory Booker, Senate Special Election | Tags: , | 4 Comments »