Neptune City Councilman Richard Pryor, center, celebrates his reelection with Neptune City and Monmouth GOP leaders. Click photo for larger view
The streets of Neptune City were reminiscent of Newark, Jersey City or Chicago on election day Tuesday as out of town canvassers worked the town to get Democrats to come out and vote in a Special Election for a Council seat that was vacated as a result of a tie vote last November.
The State Democratic Party emailed Democrat activists statewide, imploring them to knock on doors and make phone calls in Neptune City, “because it is the home of Monmouth County Freeholder Director and Republican Leader Tom Arnone, who previously served as mayor.” U.S. Senator Cory Booker made a robocall for the Democrat candidate. An estimated 30 out of towners were bused in on Tuesday to to find Democratic votes to drag to the polls.
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Posted: March 22nd, 2016 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Monmouth County News, Monmouth Democrats, Monmouth GOP, Neptune City, Tom Kean JR | Tags: Freeholder Director Tom Arnone, Michael Skudera, Monmouth County News, Monmouth GOP, Neptune City, Neptune City GOP, Neptune City Special Election, Richard Pryor, Rick Pryor | 4 Comments »

Michaela O’Brien, photo via facebook
Michaela O’Brien’s vote has been counted, 84 days after she cast it, and as a result the Neptune City Council election between Democrat Michael Skudera and Republican Richard Pryor is tied at 602-602. A special election between the two currently former councilmen will be held on March 22.
O’Brien, an 18 year old Brookdale student voting for the first time on November 3, voted by provisional ballot when her name did not appear in the poll book at the Neptune City First Aid Building. O’Brien turned 18 in August and registered to vote on or about October 13, according to the election contest complaint file by Jason Sena, Esq on behalf of Pryor.
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Posted: January 27th, 2016 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Monmouth County | Tags: Jason Sena, Michael Skudera, Michaela O'Brien, Monmouth County News, Neptune City, Richard Pryor | 8 Comments »

Neptune City Councilman Richard Pryor is trailing Michael Skudera by one vote after the recount
The outcome of the election for a seat on the Neptune City Council changed as a result of the recount that took place this morning at the Board of Elections office in Freehold.
Democratic candidate Michael Skudera (not the same Michael Skudera who is the former mayor of Tinton Falls) gained three votes in the hand count of Vote-By-Mail and provisional ballots and now leads incumbent Republican Councilman Richard Pryor by one vote, 602-601. Pryor picked up one vote in the recount.
Hand recounts of Vote-By-Mail and provisional ballots often result in additional votes being counted. The votes are first counted electronically via scanner. During a hand recount, elections commissioners are able to determine the intent of a voter who may have not completely filled in the box on the ballot sufficiently to be read by the scanner.
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Posted: November 24th, 2015 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2015 Elections, Monmouth County News | Tags: 2015 Election, Michael Skudera, Monmouth County News, Neptune City, Richard Pryor | Comments Off on Recount Tilts Outcome Of Neptune City Council Race

Neptune City Councilman Richard Pryor
Neptune City Councilman Richard Pryor, a Republican, is tied with Democratic challenger Michael Skudera now that the provisional ballots have been counted.
In the post-Election Day machine count, Pryor trailed Skudera by one vote.
Barring a change in the tally due to a recount, which neither side has announced, there will be a run-off election between Pryor and Skudera, on a date to be determined, most likely in mid-December.
Republicans are said to be reviewing the Vote-By-Mail applications from the City prior to deciding whether to file for a recount. Operatives of the notorious Asbury Park “A Team” are rumored to have managed the Vote-By-Mail operation for the Democrats.
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Posted: November 9th, 2015 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2015 Elections, Monmouth County, Monmouth County News, Neptune | Tags: 2015 Elections, A-Team, Asbury Park, Michael Skudera, Monmouth County News, Neptune City, Richard Pryor | 1 Comment »