My family and friends think my appearance on NJN’s Reporters Roundtable with Michael Aron was wonderful.
My brother emailed me that his wife said I looked good. I responded, “No wonder you love her, she is very generous!” “Yes, she is,” was his reply.
The final broadcast of the first “Bloggers Roundtable” featuring yours truly, Murray Sabrin, and BlueJersey’s Jay Lassiter and Jeff Gardner is at 10AM this morning. NJN is channel 23 on Comcast in Monmouth County. Check your local listings if you have a different TV provider.
If you miss the broadcast you can view the video here.
Posted: November 28th, 2010 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: NJ Media, NJN | Tags: "Blogger's Roundtable, NJN, Reporters Roundtable | 5 Comments »
I’m looking forward to being with family today, even if it means several hours of driving round trip. Last year much of my extended family was scattered geographically during the holidays. As I look forward to sharing today with them I realise how much I missed them throughout the past year.
Thank you for being a MMM reader. Five years ago when I started musing on the Internet, I never imagined I would have the voice I have today. Thank you for that.
If you need a respite from food or football today, check out NJN’s Reporters Roundtable with Michael Aron, featuring Jay Lassiter and Jeff Gardner of BlueJersey, Murray Sabrin, and yours truly. I’m thankful that NJN posted the show early. It will be broadcast on TV Friday at 7PM and Sunday at 10AM. Channel 23 on Comcast locally. Maybe a commenter will post the Cablevision channel in the comments.
The link to the Reporters Roundtable video is here.
Posted: November 25th, 2010 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Uncategorized | Tags: Family, Happy Thanksgiving, NJN, Reporters Roundtable | 2 Comments »

On the left, Jay Lassiter and Jeff Gardner of Michael Aron of NJN, seated center. On the right, Art Gallagher and Murray Sabrin of
NJN’s Reporters Roundtable will be a bloggers roundtable this week.
I was privileged to join BlueJersey’s Jay Lassiter and Jeff Gardner, along with Murray Sabrin for the taping on Michael Aron’s weekly show this afternoon at NJN’s studio in Trenton.
The half hour show will air Friday evening at 7PM and Sunday morning at 10AM and be posted on NJN’s website on Monday the 29th.
Posted: November 23rd, 2010 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: NJ Media, NJN | Tags: Blue Jersey, Jay Lassiter, Jeff Gardner, Michael Aron, Murray Sabrin, Reporters Roundtable | 2 Comments »