Richard B. Thompson (News12 photo)
Former Municipal Court Judge Richard B. Thompson was admitted to the pre-trial intervention programs by the Monmouth County Prosecutor’s Office–meaning he will not serve any prison time and the charges he pleaded guilty to will be dismissed if he stays out of trouble for one year, according to a report at app.com.
Thompson will be eligible to have his criminal record expunged six months after successfully completing the program.
Thompson, 62, of Middletown, pleaded guilty last month to one count of fourth degree Falsifying Records. Read the rest of this entry »
Posted: March 24th, 2018 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Monmouth County News | Tags: Monmouth County News, Monmouth County Prosecutor's Office, Municipal Court, New Jersey, Pre-Trial Intervention, Richard B. Thompson | 5 Comments »
Civil suit alleges that Marlboro Recreation Department failed to supervise, protect children and attempted to cover up sexting incidents

Matthew Kleinstein
Matthew Kleinstein, 20, of Marlboro Township, pleaded guilty to fourth degree Cyber Harassment on August 17, 2015 in Monmouth County Court. Kleinstein had also been charged with 3rd degree Endangering the Welfare of a Minor after he sent pictures of his genitals to four female campers, ages 11-13, via text message and SnapChat, during his employment as a Camp Counselor with the Marlboro Department of Recreation at Marlboro High School during the summer of 2014.
Kleinstein has applied for Pre-Trial Intervention (PTI). He is scheduled to be sentenced by Judge Ronald Lee Reisner on October 9th at 9 a.m, according to Charles Webster, spokesman for the Monmouth County Prosecutor’s Office. If accepted into the PTI program, Kleinstein will avoid serving jail time and have his criminal record expunged upon successfully completing the program.
A civil lawsuit filed by one of the victims and her guardian on September 18, 2015 alleges that Kleinstein’s father, Darrin Kleinstein, Vice Chairman of the Marlboro Recreation Advisory Committee, obstructed the investigation into his son’s actions by the Marlboro Recreation Department and the Marlboro Police Department. The suit alleges that the elder Kleinstein contended that the allegations were false and manufactured with the intent of harassing his son.
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Posted: October 1st, 2015 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Jon Hornik, Marlboro, Monmouth County, Monmouth County Court, Monmouth County News, Monmouth County Prosecutor | Tags: Darrin Kleinstein, Judge Ronald Reisner, Lyne Gustman, Marlboro, Marlboro Mayor Jon Hornik, Marlboro Township, Marlboro Township Recreation Department, Matthew Kleinstein, Michelle Gropper, Monmouth County Prosecutor's Office, Pre-Trial Intervention, PTI, Robert Honecker, Sexting, SnapChat, Steven P. Lombardi Esq, Suzi Leifer, Ted Ernst | 40 Comments »

Shaneen Allen and her sons Niare and Sincere
Governor Chris Christie’s office responded to a constituent who had written in support of Shaneen Allen with a phone call stating that the separation of powers prevents the Governor from intervening in the Atlantic County prosecution.
Allen is a 27 year old single mother who is facing a possible 10 years in State Prison for bringing her Pennsylvania licensed handgun into New Jersey. She is being prosecuted by Atlantic County Prosecutor James McClain, a Christie appointee. McClain refused to allow Allen to enter the same Pre-Trial Intervention Program for first offenders that former Baltimore Ravens star Ray Rice was admitted to after he knocked out his then fiancee in an Atlantic City casino elevator last February.
Last week, McClain requested a three week adjournment in the case. This was seen as a sign by Allen’s supporters that McClain is reconsidering his decision to prosecute due to the public outcry since the video of Rice beating his fiancee became public.
In the call from Christie’s office this afternoon to James Hogan of Howell Township, a young sounding man left a message stating that he was calling from the Governor’s office. Hogan forwarded the message to MMM:
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Posted: September 16th, 2014 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Atlantic City, Atlantic County, Chris Christie, Crime, Crime and Punishment, Gun Control, Gun Rights, Guns, Monmouth County, New Jersey, News, NJ Constitution, Shaneen Allen | Tags: Atlantic County Prosecutor, Chris Christie, Gun Control, Gun Rights, James Hogan, James McClain, Michael Drewniak, Pre-Trial Intervention, Ray Rice, Second Amendment, Shaneen Allen | 12 Comments »

Shaneen Allen and her sons Niare and Sincere
Former Baltimore Ravens running back Ray Rice was released by the NFL team today and suspended indefinitely by the league as a result of the public outrage at the video of Rice knocking out his then fiancee that was released by TMZ this morning.
Clearly, the NFL’s move is a public relations and business decision. NFL officials had seen the video prior to suspending Rice for only 2 games and docking his pay for a third.
One has to wonder if Atlantic County Prosecutor James McClain would have accepted Rice into the Pre-Trial Intervention Program had the video become public before the former Rutgers star was given leniency. Rice had been indicted on third degree aggravated assault charges after clocking his wife. The prosecutor said there was enough evidence for a conviction even without Mrs. Rice’s cooperation. Presumably he meant the video. Rice faced five years in prison, but McClain accepted him into the Pre-Trial Invention Program for first offenders. If Rice stays out of trouble until May of next year, he is off the hook, legally, for the assault.
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Posted: September 8th, 2014 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Atlantic City, Atlantic County, Gun Control, Gun Rights, Guns, Shaneen Allen | Tags: Atlantic County Prosecutor, Chris Christie, Domestic Violence, Gun Rights, Guns, Jame McClain, NFL, Pre-Trial Intervention, Ray Rice, Shaneen Allen | 6 Comments »

Shaneen Allen and her sons Niare and Sincere. Photo via facebook
The mainstream media will be making a big deal today about the leniency Baltimore Raven Ray Rice received from the NFL after knocking out his then finance in Atlantic City in February. TMZ obtained an released a video of the incident this morning. Sources are quoted as saying that NFL officials saw the video before suspending Rice for the first two games of this season and docking his pay for a third game.
But the NFL would not be subject to the public outrage they are experiencing had the Atlantic County Prosecutor’s Office not been lenient with Rice first. Rice was first charged with simple assault. The charges were upgraded to aggravated assault by an Atlantic County Grand Jury. Rice faced a possible five years in State Prison. But the Prosecutor accepted Rice’s application into the Pre-trial Intervention Program for First Offenders and his Not Guilty plea which leaves him off the hook if he stays out of trouble for a year.
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Posted: September 8th, 2014 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Atlantic City, Atlantic County, Chris Christie, Crime, Crime and Punishment, Opinion | Tags: Atlantic County, Chris Christie, Domestic Violence, Gun Rights, Guns, James McClain, John Hoffman, Justice, Pre-Trial Intervention, Ray Rice, Shaneen Allen | 10 Comments »