Each Spring, the New Jersey State Association of Chiefs of Police
coordinates and hosts the New Jersey Law Enforcement Memorial Service,
the oldest state-wide memorial for fallen officers in the nation.
This emotional and moving ceremony will be held Tuesday, May 20th
beginning at 11:00 AM at the historic Great Auditorium located at
21 Pilgrim Pathway in Ocean Grove, New Jersey.
A tribute to those law enforcement officers who made the ultimate
sacrifice in the line of duty over the past year, as well as all of those heroes who have been lost over the years.
The Memorial brings together the entire New Jersey law enforcement community for a day of solemn remembrance.
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Posted: May 19th, 2014 | Author: admin | Filed under: BizEturtle, Monmouth County | Tags: bizeturtle, COPS, memorial service, Ocean Grove, Ocean Grove Great Auditorium | Comments Off on New Jersey Law Enforcement Memorial Service
Seal Team 6 killed Osama Bin Laden.
Having lost the legislative map battle, Governor Christie made a deal with Senate President Stephen Sweeney over Supreme Court Justice nominees’ confirmation hearing. In making the deal, six months before the general election, Christie implicitly conceded that the Democrats would retain control of the State Senate and the Sweeney would remain Senate President.
Howard Birdsall resigned as chairman of the Brookdale College board of trustees.
The world did not end. The Rapture was rescheduled for October.
The State Supreme Court reaffirmed the Abbott decision, assuring that New Jersey’s educational system would remain racially segregated and funded by the highest property taxes in the nation.
The Neptune Board of Education made a deal with the ACLU that prevented litigation and kept the high school graduation at the Ocean Grove Great Auditorium.
Governor Christie pulled New Jersey out of the RGGI cap and trade scheme.
86 veterans of the Battle of the Bulge and their families attended a Survivors Reunion and Monument Rededication Ceremony at Thorne Middle School in Middletown.
Rutgers paid Snooki $32,000 to bestow her wisdom upon the student body. They paid retiring University president Richard McCormick $550,000 to take a year off and will pay him $335,000 per year to teach history when he returns.
Posted: December 29th, 2011 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2011 Year in review | Tags: Abbott Ruling, ACLU, Battle of the Bulge, Bin Laden, Brookdale Community College, Bud Thorne, Chris Christie, Howard Birdsall, Neptune Board of Education, Ocean Grove Great Auditorium, Racial Segregation, RGGI, Richard McCormick, Rutgers, Seal Team 6, Snooki, State Supreme Court, Stephen Sweeney, The Rapture, Thorne Middle School | Comments Off on MMM Year in Review – May
Neptune Board Of Ed and ACLU Reach Compromise
By Art Gallagher
The Neptune Board of Education has agreed to cover religious signs and symbols in and outside of the Ocean Grove Great Auditorium, with the exception of the prominent cross on the building, and the ACLU has agreed not to take legal action to prevent the Neptune High School Class of 2011 graduation to take place at the auditorium, according to reports at Neptune Matters and Blog Finger.
The board agreed that this graduation and future ceremonies would be free of religious content, i.e., prayers and hymns.
The agreement clears the way for the 70 year Neptune tradition to continue.
The identity of the ACLU’s client has not been revealed. The complainant has been identified only as the grandmother of a student who graduated last year. MMM has narrowed the identity down to one of two women with the same last name, initial “B.” One an Eatontown resident, the other an Ocean Township resident. So long as this agreement sticks, MMM will cease efforts to confirm the identity of the complainant.
Posted: May 25th, 2011 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Neptune, Neptune Township | Tags: Breslow, Neptune High School Graduation, Ocean Grove Great Auditorium | 2 Comments »