Former Howell Mayor Joe DiBella issued the following statement this morning:
Over the past week I have received numerous calls and inquires related to my challenging Frank Pallone for the 6th Congressional District seat. I’d like to first thank the many people who called and encouraged me to challenge Congressman Pallone. The outpouring of support and encouragement was sincerely appreciated and I put considerable time into evaluating a run for Congress.
As I have said repeatedly, Sheriff Shawn Golden would have be an exceptional candidate to challenge Frank Pallone. Sheriff Golden is an accomplished public servant with a proven capacity to lead and a common-sense approach to government that is desperately needed in Washington, DC. I was disappointed to learn Sherri Golden opted not to run but respect and understand his decision. I would only have sought the Republican nomination in the event Sherriff Golden declined to run.
Having thought about my own potential candidacy and having discussed the issue with my wife and children, I have notified Chairman Bennett that I have decided against running for Congress and seeking the nomination at this time. While intrigued with the possibility of running for Congress and especially against the tax-and-spend liberal Frank Pallone, the timing is simply not right for my family and I at this time.
I do believe that the Republican party in Monmouth and Middlesex will come together and that the organizations will have a strong candidate to challenge and ultimately unseat Frank Pallone. Simply put, Pallone is out of touch and out of step with the people of Monmouth and Middlesex Counties. His tax-and-spend approach has contributed to a weakened economy and a growing national unemployment rate. Plus, as one of the main architects of the patient protection and affordable care act he has participated in a historic assault on the American heath care system that 4 years after its passage has left patients less protected and health insurance more unaffordable than ever.
I stand ready to work with our party in helping to defeat Frank Pallone and return responsible Republican representation to the 6th district. I hope to have an opportunity to serve in the future.
Posted: February 24th, 2014 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2014 Congressional Races, 2014 Elections, Frank Pallone | Tags: CD 6, Frank Pallone, Joe DiBella, NJ6 | 17 Comments »
Reports out of Long Branch are that Frank Pallone was shocked and dismayed that he lost his first election ever last night.
The story is that it took him two hours after the Associated Press called the primary for Cory Booker to show up at McLoone’s Pier House because he was holed up in his office, unable to compose himself. It was only after he heard the media was leaving that he was able to pull himself together and join his own party while Senate nominee Cory Booker was delivering his victory speech on live TV from Newark.
But the big story, and what Pallone should really be upset about, is not that he lost a primary few thought he could win, but that he is now exposed as vulnerable for reelection in the 6th Congressional District. Pallone performed poorly in his Middlesex and Monmouth base.
Numbers and graphics from Politico.
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Posted: August 14th, 2013 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2014 Congressional Races, Anna Little, Congress, Frank Pallone | Tags: Anna Little, Bayshore Tea Party Group, CD 6 NJ CD 6, Cliff Moore, Frank Pallone, Hazlet, Jun Choi, Mark Falzon, NJ6, Tony Fiore, Victor Scudiery | 35 Comments »