
Poll: Christie Viewed More Favorably Than Rubio Among All Voters But Trails with Republicans

By Matt Rooney, cross-posted at Save Jersey

I love politics. Always have. But after living through the 2012 GOP Primary, Save Jerseyans, I’m psyched to be three years away from another borish Republican debate.

I’m sure you agree!

Three years out, Chris Christie finds himself in a strong position relative to the rest of the hypothetical field according to a new national registered voter poll from Fairleigh Dickinson University.

Naturally a lot can still change. And as predicted by your Blogger-in-Chief, the same Obama-related interactions that have elevated Christie’s brand in the minds of Indies and Dems have also potentially damaged his standing among Republican primary voters outside of the Garden State.

The numbers:


Right now, the FDU poll found Christie’s name recognition to be superior to FL Senator Marco Rubio’s by 12-points, 68% to 56%, among all voters. Christie is also viewed more favorably than Rubio by 9-points, 55% to 46%, though their unfavorable rating is about the same (20% and 21% respectively).

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Posted: December 18th, 2012 | Author: | Filed under: 2016 Presidential Politics, Chris Christie | Tags: , , , , , , , | 3 Comments »