Kentucky Senator Rand Paul endorsed Mitt Romney for President yesterday, less than 24 hours after his father, Texas Congressman Ron Paul sent out an email to supporters acknowledging that he does not have enough delegates to win the GOP nomination.
The Bayshore Tea Party Group and the Monouth County Tea Party Coalition are calling for the elder Paul to disown his son.
Posted: June 8th, 2012 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2012 Presidential Politics, Bayshore Tea Party Group | Tags: Bayshore Tea Party Group, Monmouth County Tea Party Coalition, Rand Paul, Ron Paul | 9 Comments »
Distressed that their endorsement of Ron Paul for the GOP presidential nomination was not the effective “political statement to the GOP elite” that they had hoped for, two Monmouth County Tea Party groups are in discussions to support a third party candidate entering the U.S. Senate race between Democratic incumbent Bob Menendez and presumptive GOP nominee Joe Kyrillos, according to a source familiar with meeting between the Bayshore Tea Party Group and the Monmouth County Tea Party Coalition on Tuesday evening.
The Tea Party groups, who have endorsed Badar Qarmout in the GOP primary against Kyrillios, would have to collect 800 valid petition signatures and file the petition with the New Jersey Secretary of State before 4PM on Tuesday, June 5 in order to get their candidate on the general election ballot.
A woman from the Two Rivers area of Monmouth County is said to be the desired candidate of the Tea Party Groups.
Posted: May 31st, 2012 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2012 U.S. Senate Race | Tags: Badar Qarmout, Bayshore Tea Party Group, Bob Menendez, Joe Kyrillos, Monmouth County Tea Party Coalition | 19 Comments »
Monmouth County Tea Party Coalition
Ocean County Citizens For Freedom
Bayshore Tea Party Group
Tea Party of Middlesex County
No longer will we be forced by both political parties and the media to choose between the lesser of two evils. We say, not on our watch will we ever give in to this sort of tyranny again. This game ends right here, right now! Endorsing Mitt Romney and his record of left-leaning policies would be a complete hypocrisy that collides with everything the Tea Party Movement stands for.
So, it is with great pleasure and honor that We of the above mentioned Tea Party Groups of New Jersey, announce our full endorsement of Dr. Ron Paul for President of The United States of America 2012. Dr. Paul’s 20+ year voting record as an ardent constitutional conservative speaks profoundly of his integrity both as a representative of the people and as a human being. Dr. Paul’s message of Limited Constitutional Government and Individual Liberty is what motivated the Tea Parties into action to begin with and this message will continue to resonate within our movement until America is restored to her former glory and is once again a beacon of freedom.
We choose to stand by our principles rather than to sell our souls to the game of politics because this is what Ron Paul has done consistently his entire political life and we expect nothing less of ourselves.

Posted: May 21st, 2012 | Author: admin | Filed under: Bayshore Tea Party Group, Press Release, Tea Party | Tags: Bayshore Tea Party Group, Mitt Romney, Monmouth County Tea Party Coalition, Ocean County Citizens For Freedom, Press Release, Ron Paul, Tea Party Groups of New Jersey, Tea Party of Middlesex County | 25 Comments »
By Frank Cotton
Last election Anna Little proved to be someone that would represent the people and not party politics. She has endured hostile treatment by former supporters that appear to be “party centered” and not concerned with the decay and downward direction of our country.
Recently members of the MCTPC reviewed candidates for congress and the backing they have received and used this as a “beacon of light”. We are very disgusted with the politics and the continued effort of those in both parties to not put forth constitutionally leaning candidates yet these parties swore an oath of allegiance to our U.S. Constitution. Only Anna Little has proven to be for Americans whether they are conservative or the “useful idiots” of the globalists. Therefore we proudly support Anna Little because it is clear Anna Little is not only older, but has proven to be best committed to people’s freedoms and restoring American greatness. She would never say “after this election I can be more flexible“.
Many say “our congress is now leaning more conservative so why bother?” Well this current congress has no clue, they don’t over-ride executive orders, they haven’t de-funded fascist political hidden agendas and have done nothing to audit our federal expenditures. Where is the outrage? It saddens many of us that so many people don’t realize our constitution declares our rights and shouldn’t be looked at as an outdated document. It provides for checks and balances and basic fundamental rights have not diminished due to TV, electricity, computers and the availability of cross state travel.
We put our trust in Anna Little and those folks who are tired and feel it’s not worthwhile to vote. We trust they will see the light and be engaged and await the long hard battle (here we go again) to victory.
Posted: April 17th, 2012 | Author: admin | Filed under: 2012 Congressional Races | Tags: Anna Little, Frank Cotton, Monmouth County Tea Party Coalition | 12 Comments »
This just in from Frank Cotton of the Monmouth Tea Party Coalition:
Did they break the law?
I need everyone who can to go to the look up my profile frankcott and respond to this:
Three members of a local tea party group (Monmouth County Tea Party Coalition) did write-ins in June for democratic county committee chairs. The people were Bill Lawton, a gentleman (anonymous) and a woman (anonymous) for district 13. As of today, none of these 3 have been allowed to participate in democratic meetings, leaving them out of important events like the recent November elections.
Bill Lawton was notified of winning but the man and woman were not notified . Afterwards Bill spoke with Joe Marks, the democratic township committee man, and Joe Marks responded that he didn’t want Bill or the others on the committee because
“you are not friends of the democratic party”. This remark shows how the democrats in Hazlet are about getting their own like minded people and don’t respect the democratic process and voice of the people, not unlike our national democratic leaders.
Mr. Marks, why haven’t included these write-ins in the democratic meetings? Don’t you understand our constitutional rights, apparently not?
Frank Cotton of the Monmouth County Tea Party Coalition is now making inquires to the county board of elections and sees to have the state question the alleged actions of the local democrats. Meanswhile Hazlet, Aberdeen and and towns will soon find themselves under democratic leadership and proababy become high taxed, limited rights, congested and social welfare havens like the northern counties due to the alleged corruption and like minds of these democratic leaders. We have seen healthcare, cap and trade, and all kinds of deception at the national level by democrats, we don’t need that nonesense here in monmouth county.
Furthermore today, Frank Cotton asked the democratic county committee at the following question:
“I would like to know why Bill Lawton and Cindy Butler, write-ins for the country committee, are being excluded from your organization? Please respond to them directly so we can all participate in our democratic process. “
Posted: December 30th, 2010 | Author: admin | Filed under: Tea Party | Tags: Frank Cotton, Hazlet Democrats, Monmouth County Tea Party Coalition | Comments Off on Hazlet Democrats Excluded Duly Elected Committee Members From Participating