Bakke Says Politico “Reporter” is Democratic Mouth Piece
“A mouth for the moth lover”

Press Release
East Brunswick, NJ- Synnove Bakke, a Republican candidate for New Jersey Assembly from Middlesex County responded to a recent hit piece on her by Politico-New Jersey reporter Matt Friedman with the following statement:
“The Columbia School of Journalism should demand it’s diploma back from Matt Friedman,” Bakke said. “He is not reporting, but rather is regurgitating opposition research paid for by Trenton Democrats and my opponent Nancy Pinkin. The PC nonsense that Friedman is posting on Poltico-NJ is worthy of a partisan blog, not a journalistic news site and I am shocked Assemblywoman Pinkin would condone this nonsense.”
“Friendman’s recent garbage never would have gotten past the editors of his former employers, the Star Ledger and PolitickerNJ, and that says a lot”, Bakke continued. “I’m not the only Republican he’s gone after. Friedman has been reporting Democratic opposition research as if it was original reporting for weeks.”
Friedman wrote on Poltico-New Jersey beta, an upstart division of the national Democratic leaning website, Politico, that Bakke tweeted that the United States should consider deporting Muslims and faces a “Muslim invasion,” and suggested that President Barack Obama is not an American.
“I have issued 33,000 tweets in the two years I have had that twitter account. That the Trenton Democrats paid someone to go through my tweets and come up with three politically incorrect entries is a sign that my true message is resonating with the voters of the 18th Legislative District.”
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Posted: October 13th, 2015 | Author: admin | Filed under: 2015 Elections, 2015 Legislative Races, Legislature, Middlesex County Democrats, Middlesex County Republicans, Middlesex GOP Women's Club, Politics, Press Release | Tags: 2015 Elections, LD 18, Matt Friedman, Politico-New Jersey, Press Release, Synnove Bakke | 1 Comment »
In Chris Christie:The Inside Story of His Rise to Power, authors Bob Ingle and Michael Symons describe U.S. Attorney Christie’s reluctance to use Solomon Dwek as informant during the Operation Bid Rig investigation in 2006. “Do I really want to get in bed with this guy?” Christie is described as asking his deputies who were pushing for approval to make Dwek an informant.
Ironically given how Democrats and defendants have argued that the July 2009 arrests based on Dwek’s sting were politically motivated to help Christie, the Deputy U.S. Attorneys advocating the sting argued to Christie that he would have been acting politically if he did not approve Dwek’s cooperation.
If this Star Ledger article by Matt Friedman is an indication of charades to come this summer, the Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee will make Joe Oxley’s confirmation hearing for his Superior Court Judgeship nomination a payback for the unceremonious end to former House Speaker, Senator and Commissioner of Community Affairs Joe Doria’s career when he his home was raided during the July 2009 federal operation.
Doria has been cleared of any wrongdoing. He has a letter from the U.S. Attorney, just like John Bennett does, but his career in public service is over. Maybe Doria can become Chairman of the Hudson County Democrats some day.
U.S. Senate nominee Joe Kryillos is in the Democrats sites as well. Dwek is the ammunition.
Democratic State Chairman John Wisniewski Tuesday issued a list of questions for Kyrillos, including how often he met with Dwek, what was discussed, who else was in attendance and whether he was ever contacted by law enforcement about it. “If you deny this and suggest Dwek is lying, does that raise the possibility with you that Dwek’s testimony that convicted others should be questioned?” Wisniewski wrote.
Kyrillos campaign spokesman Chapin Fay did not directly respond to Wisniewski, instead repeating that Kyrillos did nothing to help Dwek.
During the trial of Ridgefield Mayor Anthony Suarez it was revealed that among the diobalical schemes Dwek deployed in the 14 years leading to his 2006 arrest was a life insurance scam. Dwek paid the life insurance premiums of people close to death who could not afford to keep their policies. Upon the death of the insured, Dwek would give the deceased’s family 10% of the policy proceeds and pocket the rest.
Dwek’s father tried to get Soloman a pardon from President George W. Bush. Maybe President Obama will pardon Dwek if he helps knock Chris Christie down a notch and helps keep Bob Menendez in the Senate.
Posted: June 13th, 2012 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2012 Presidential Politics, 2012 U.S. Senate Race, Bob Ingle, Bob Menendez, Chris Christie, Joe Oxley, John Bennett, NJ Judiciary | Tags: Bob Ingle, Bob Menendez, Chris Christie, Joe Doria, Joe Kryillos, Joe Oxley, John Bennett, Matt Friedman, Michael Symons, Soloman Dwek, Star Ledger | 64 Comments »