Freeholder Tom Arnone, Director Lillian Burry, Deputy Director Gary Rich and Freeholder Serena DiMaso. file photo
MARLBORO, NJ – Monmouth County’s Department of Public Works and Engineering is working to address traffic concerns on Newman Springs Road (CR 520), at the intersections of State Route 79 and Wyncrest Road.
“The intersection of Route 79 and CR 520 is operated by the State, but since CR 520 is a County road, I have asked the County’s engineering staff to study the traffic at the State controlled intersection,” said Freeholder Deputy Director Gary J. Rich, Sr. “The County Engineer has sent a letter to the State detailing the results of their studies and suggested improvements.”
The letter requests that the NJ DOT perform an evaluation of current traffic conditions and implement measures to improve traffic flow and safety at the intersection.
“Currently, there is no lead left turn signal onto CR 520,” said Thomas A. Arnone, liaison to the Department of Public Works and Engineering. “This causes traffic delays during peak travel times as drivers attempt to turn left onto CR 520 from State Route 79. We are seeking relief for our motorists.”
A second intersection in Marlboro currently being reviewed by the County is CR 520 at Wyncrest Road.
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Posted: October 7th, 2014 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Gary Rich, Marlboro, Monmouth County, Press Release, Tom Arnone | Tags: Freeholder Director Lillian Burry, Freeholder Gary Rich, Freeholder Serena DiMaso, Freeholder Tom Arnone, Marlboro, Marlboro NJ, Monmouth County, Press Release, Traffic | 6 Comments »
Monmouth County’s newest Demcratic office holder, Marlboro Councilwoman Carol Mazzola, is not ready to join Mayor Jon Hormik on the Barbara Buono for Governor bandwagon.
“I don’t know anything about her, ” Mazzola said in a phone interview, echoing the sentiments of 82% of New Jersey voters polled by Quinnipiac.
“I love Chris Christie!’ Mazzola exclaimed when asked what she thought about the Governor. But she stopped short of endorsing the New Jersey head of her former party. “Ask me in the fall when its time to make a decision.”
Mazzola was elected to the Marlboro Township Committee as a Republican in 2009. She announced earlier this month that she will run for reelection as a Democrat on Hornik’s team.
Posted: January 29th, 2013 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2013 Gubernatorial Politics, Barbara Buono, Chris Christie, Jon Hornik, Marlboro | Tags: Barbara Buono, Carol Mazzola, Chris Christie, Jon Hornik, Marlboro, Marlboro NJ | 4 Comments »
By Art Gallagher
Marlboro Mayor Jon Hornik told NJ.com that Governor Chris Christie is playing politics by not supporting Marlboro’s decision to post armed police officers at each of their schools as a reaction to the Newtown, CT massacre.
“Unfortunately, I believe that if Governor Christie was not contemplating running for President or was not running for re-election, he would be firmly behind [Marlboro’s actions], but politics has had its influence on him,” said Hornik. “Politics can’t come into play when you’re talking about children’s safety. We need gun control in this country, and we need to get rid of assault weapons and multi-bullet clips. I don’t see a need for them, while recognizing the Second Amendment, at all. But the reality is that guns are out there, right now.”
Since the day after the Newtown shooting, Christie has said that he does not think cops at schools are conductive to the learning environment nor are such deployments the answer answer to mass shootings.
At the press conference for the Belmar boardwalk groundbreaking this week, the governor said that he would not take action to stop communities that decide to have police at their schools.
Middletown Mayor Gerry Scharfenberger told MoreMonmouthMusings that Hornik’s comments sound political. “Maybe Jon’s running for governor,” said Scharfenberger, “his comments sound just plain silly. I don’t hear anything political in what Christie said. He is sharing his philosophy and a lot of people agree with him.”
Hornik told MMM that he’s not running for anything this year. “I doing my job as mayor. No other office excites me. You never know what will come your way, but I am not pursuing anything politically.”
Posted: January 11th, 2013 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2013 Gubernatorial Politics, Art Gallagher, Chris Christie, Connecticut Murders, Gerry Scharfenberger, Jon Hornik, Marlboro, Newtown CT, Sandy Hook Elementary School | Tags: Art Gallagher, cops in school program, Cops is schools, Gerry Scharfenberger, Gerry Scharfenberger Middletown NJ, Jon Hornik, Marlboro, Marlboro NJ, Marlboro Schools | 14 Comments »