Mayor Christopher Siciliano downplays the allegations as greed and politics
In a law suit filed on April 22, Meredith Nelson, the Deputy Director of Finance of Ocean Township, alleged that her supervisor, Stephen Gallagher (no relation to the editor of this website), the Director of Finance and Chief Financial Officer of the Township, habitually harassed her and other female employees of the Township.
Ms Nelson charges that the Township Manager, Michael Muscillo, took no action when she first brought the situation to his attention last August, six months into her employment, other than ordering her to take a “pre-employment drug test. When she complained of the ongoing harassment again in January of this year, Gallagher retaliated by ceasing all communication with her, “intentionally ignoring her existence,” thereby preventing her from doing her job. Three months latter, in March, Gallagher met with Nelson and and Muscillo to deliver a 12 page employment improvement plan which included instructions on which calculator to use, where her computer monitor and other business equipment was to be placed in her work area and instructions to seek certification as a Tax Collector…a position she explicitly declined in her pre-employment negotiations with the Township.
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Posted: May 7th, 2019 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Monmouth County News, New Jersey, News, Ocean Township | Tags: Brian Nelson, Hazlet, Lawsuit, Mayor Christopher Siciliano, Meredith Nelson, Michael Muscillo, Monmouth County News, Ocean Township, property tax fraud, sexual harassment, Stephen Gallagher | 2 Comments »
TRENTON –Three state senators on Monday said they’ve sued Gov. Chris Christie’s administration seeking to slam the brakes on the governor’s $300 million renovation of the historic Statehouse. The lawmakers — two Republicans and a Democrat — say the Christie administration violated the state constitution by cheating the Legislature and the public out of their say… Read the rest of this entry »
Posted: May 16th, 2017 | Author: admin | Filed under: New Jersey | Tags: Chris Christie, Lawsuit, New Jersey, NJ EDA, Palace of Versailles, Sen Kip Bateman, Sen Mike Doherty, Sen Ray Lesniak, Statehouse renovations | 1 Comment »

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Monmouth County SPCA Chief Victor “Buddy”Amato resigned on Wednesday after news of a lawsuit alleging that he regularly sent racist, homophobic and sexist text messages to the agencies employees was broken by BuzzFeedNews.
Amato told News12 that the lawsuit prompted him to submit his retirement papers six months earlier than planned.
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Posted: March 12th, 2015 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Monmouth County, Monmouth SPCA | Tags: Buddy Amato, John Sanders, Lawsuit, Monmouth SPCA, Shebell and Shebell | 1 Comment »

NJ Democratic State Committee Chairman John Currie, right and Vice Chair Lizette Delgado-Palanco
The New Jersey Democratic State Committee and five Belmar residents have filed suit in Monmouth County Superior Court alleging that the Republican candidates for Mayor and Council in last year’s municipal election, as well as four of their supporters, also Belmar residents, participated in a voter suppression scheme designed to disenfranchise vote by mail voters who delivered their ballots to Freehold via messenger.
The suit, filed as amended on February 3, also alleges that Monmouth County Superintendent of Elections Hedra Siskel instructed and/or advised two of the Belmar defendants, Joy and Carmine DeSanctis to alter, amend or modify their sworn affidavits challenging the mail in ballots. Siskel is not a defendant in the suit.
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Posted: March 4th, 2015 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2014 Elections, Belmar, Monmouth County, Monmouth County Court, NJ Democrats | Tags: Belmar, Belmar Elections, Eugene and Katrina Clapis, Hedra Siskel, James Bean, James Carpino, Joy and Carmine DeSanctis, Judith Murray, Lawsuit, Matt Doherty, Michael Seebeck, Monmouth County Board of Elections, Monmouth County Superintendent of Elections, NJ Democratic State Committee, Robert and Patricia Davis, Thomas Brennan | Comments Off on NJ Democratic Party Sues Belmar Republican Candidates, Board of Elections, Alleging Voter Suppression
As part of a fundraising email sent this evening, former Highlands Mayor Anna Little issued the following statement in response to today’s news about the lawsuit that accuses her of failing to perform the work she was hired to do and advising her client to pay undocumented workers in cash:
“Every citizen has the right to seek legal redress if they believe they have been wronged. The other party also has the right to defend themselves, and be judged by a judge or a jury of their peers. The pending legal action is an allegation. There is no final money judgement (sic) in the matter. It has just come to my attention that Default has been entered, a technicality which occurs when one party doesn’t answer on time. I have filed an Answer and have sought legal counsel to defend me. I intend to seek to vacate default, defend myself, and make motion for the complaint to be dismissed as we deem appropriate after thorough review of the matter.”
The subject/title of the email was,”What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger…”
Posted: May 31st, 2012 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2012 Congressional Races, Anna Little, Ernesto Cullari | Tags: Anna Little, CD 6, Ernesto Cullari, Illegal Immigrants, IRS, Lawsuit, Undocumented workers | 7 Comments »
This beats “Twinkle Twinkle Kenneth Star”
By Art Gallagher
MoreMonmouthMusings just received a copy of the lawsuit, the complaint and answer, against Rush Holt and Frank Launtenberg for employment discrimination against African-Americans during the 2008 Democratic primary campaign.
You can view the document by clicking here. The red meat starts on page seven.
Here’s a tidbit to get you started:

I’ll be going through the document and making commentary as time allows. Please, jump right in and make comments about what you find in the meantime.
Posted: September 22nd, 2010 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Frank Lautenberg, Rush, Rush Holt | Tags: Chauntay Jenkins, Employment Discrimination, Frank Lautenberg, Lawsuit, Rush Holt | 2 Comments »