Monmouth County Sheriff Shaun Golden is warning County residents of the dangers that fireworks pose to the lives and limbs of residents celebrating our nation’s Independence over the Fourth of July holiday.
“The result of fireworks being handled in the wrong way can cause serious injuries,” Sheriff Golden said. “It’s important to know that the danger is not only limited to general Fourth of July fireworks. Even sparklers, which are now exempt from the state’s fireworks ban, should be kept away from small children, as they can easily cause harm.”
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Posted: June 29th, 2018 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Monmouth County Life, Monmouth County Sheriff's Office, Shaun Golden | Tags: 4th of July, Fireworks, Independence Day, July 4th, Monmouth County News, Sheriff Shaun Golden | Comments Off on Sheriff Golden Warns Of Fireworks Danger

Sheriff Shaun Golden
Monmouth County Sheriff Shaun Golden is urging all residents and visitors to enjoy their 4th of July holiday celebrations while staying safe from the dangers of illegal fireworks.
“The result of fireworks being handled in the wrong way can cause serious injuries,” said Sheriff Golden. “It’s important to know that the danger is not only limited to general Fourth of July fireworks. Even sparklers should be kept away from children, as they can easily cause harm.”
Fireworks are dangerous, illegal and should only be handled by the professionals, Golden said. According to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, 230 people on average are treated for fireworks related injuries on a daily basis during the month around the July 4th holiday.
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Posted: June 28th, 2017 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Monmouth County, Monmouth County News, Monmouth County Sheriff's Office, Shaun Golden | Tags: 4th of July, Fireworks, Independence Day, July 4th, Monmouth County News, Monmouth County Sheriff Shaun Golden, Shaun Golden | Comments Off on Sheriff Golden Warns Of Dangers of Fireworks
By Freeholder Lillian Burry (as prepared for delivery to the Borough of Avon’s July 4th ceremony)
Hello and thank you for having me here today. With the Fourth of July at hand, I thought it appropriate to reflect on the meaning of that day in American History and the cause of liberty that makes it special. The fourth is the celebration of the founding of our nation and the ideals on which that founding was based.
When we think of the American Revolution we do not think of any single place or person or act more than the signing of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776. And we recall those powerful words with which our founding fathers bound themselves together and we remember the great men who put their names to them. “We mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our Sacred Honor”.
While that was a singular event, there were many other moments that led up to and followed along after it that also embodied the same spirit of American freedom. We must remember that this was a revolution that rose from the people of the thirteen colonies, each with its own leaders and prominent voices. All were inspired and united with a spirit best remembered in the work of Thomas Paine. Our second President, John Adams, wrote “Without the pen of the author of “Common Sense” the sword of Washington would have been raised in vain.”
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Posted: July 7th, 2016 | Author: admin | Filed under: Lillian Burry, Monmouth County News | Tags: Freeholder Lillian Burry, Independence Day, July 4th, Monmouth County News | 3 Comments »