
Assemblywoman Handlin will not seek reelection

Assemblywoman Amy Handlin

Assemblywoman Amy Handlin of the 13th legislative district will not seek another term in Trenton next year.

Handlin told NorthJersey.com that she is serving her last term in the legislature and NewJerseyGlobe that she will not seek reelection.  Handlin has not yet responded to MMM’s call or email.

A Monmouth County freeholder from 1990-2005, Handlin was elected to the Assembly in 2005 after defeating incumbent Assemblyman Joe Azzolina a 13th district Republican primary.  She served one term on the Middletown Township Committee from 1987 till 1990.

Throughout her political career, Handlin has been known as a ethics watchdog and consumer advocate.



Posted: October 8th, 2018 | Author: | Filed under: Monmouth County News, New Jersey | Tags: , , | Comments Off on Assemblywoman Handlin will not seek reelection

Pallone’s Past

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Long before Cory Booker was shoveling snow and tweeting about it, Frank Pallone was delivering generators to storm victims in his district.

~The Star Ledger

And…he was a Republican in he youth? Yes, according to his Wikipedia page, Pallone was a member of the Young Republicans while a student at Middlebury College in Vermont. (h/t The Auditor)

Even as a Democrat, Pallone, who now has a 100% rating from Planned Parenthood used to be strongly pro-life.   He was endorsed by New Jersey Right To Life in his 1988 race for congress against the late Captain Joe Azzolina.

Posted: July 15th, 2013 | Author: | Filed under: 2013 Election, Frank Pallone, Senate Special Election | Tags: , , , , | 1 Comment »