Stonger Than The Scorn

Former Gov Jim McGreevey. Wikipedia photo
Former Governor Jim McGreevey is back in government service, according to a report in The Jersey Journal.
Jersey City Mayor Steve Fulop appointed McGreevey to the position of Executive Director of the Jersey City Employment and Training Commission. The commission is apparently a new venture of Fulop’s who made job creation and the establishment of a re-entry program for ex-offenders a major plank of his recent election campaign. There is no information about the commission on the city’s website.
Fulop’s spokesperson, Jennifer Morrill, did not know what McGreevey’s salary will be when we asked her. She promised to get back to us with that information and whether or not the job is pensionable.
UPDATED: Morrill said that McGreevey’s salary is $110,000. The commission is an independent authority, which is why there is no information about it on Jersey City’s website.
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Posted: July 12th, 2013 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2017 NJ Gubernatorial Politics, Jim McGreevey | Tags: Anthony Weiner, Eliot Spitzer, Jennifer Morrill, Jersey City, Jim McGreevey, Mark Sanford, Steve Fulop, Stronger Than The Scorn | 2 Comments »
Fulop has a strong lead in Jersey City
One hour after the polls closed in today’s municipal elections, Asbury Park has no results posted on the Monmouth County Clerk’s website.
In Jersey City, with 43% if the voting districts reporting as of 8:54 PM, Councilman Steve Fulop is on pace to defeat incumbent mayor Jerry Healy by a comfortable 54% to 37% margin.
UPDATE 9:10 pm Fulop declared victory on facebook at 9 pm. With 66% of the districts reporting, Fulop has 53% of the vote, Healy has 38%.
Posted: May 14th, 2013 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2013 Election | Tags: Asbury Park, Jersey City, Municipal elections | 2 Comments »
State Senator Joe Kyrillos (R- Monmouth/Middlesex) responded to reports that Jersey City will borrow to pay for more than $9 million in accumulated personal time and sick time this year by calling again for an immediate vote to end unused sick leave payouts for public employees:”Today, we saw the clearest example yet of how the Democratic Majority’s refusal to enact meaningful sick leave reform is costing the taxpayers of New Jersey. Jersey City is being forced to pay $9 million in unused leave benefits, rather than controlling taxes and improving services is bad enough. Sick leave is not deferred compensation. It is not a retirement plan or a bonus- it is intended to be used as time off when an employee is sick. The Majority needs to recognize that we must end, not just cap, these payments and post the Governor’s conditional veto immediately.”
The amended version of, S-2220, which would change the retirees unused sick leave statute is now pending before the State Senate.
Posted: October 12th, 2011 | Author: admin | Filed under: Joe Kyrillos, Press Release | Tags: Jersey City, Joe Kyrillos, Press Release, Sick Leave | 6 Comments »