
Beck, O’Scanlon and Casagrande Voice Opposition To Toll Hikes

12th District Legislators Senator Jennifer Beck, Assemblyman Declan O’Scanlon and Caroline Casagrande today announced their opposition to the massive toll hikes proposed by the Port Authority.

“With so many of our own residents here in New Jersey unemployed, adding another undue burden, a 150% toll hike on working families is not the right course of action,” Beck said. “This is another battle in the fight for our State to remain an affordable place for our families. New Jersey has already lost residents who’ve left the State for more affordable places to live and another toll increase is counter-productive to New Jersey’s economic recovery.”

“Senator Beck, Assemblywoman Casagrande and I completely oppose these massive toll hikes, and we support Governors Christie and Cuomo in their efforts to derail them,” said O’Scanlon. “To nearly double the tolls and PATH fares in a time of economic difficulty makes no sense. This will be one more barrier to economic activity in the tri-state area, and a tax increase on people who already having a hard time making ends meet.”

The Port Authority is holding several hearings today at 8am and 6pm, often in difficult to reach places. Casagrande said that was not a coincidence.

“We saw the same thing for the Corzine toll hikes on the Parkway and Turnpike. They hold the hearings at a time when the very people who would be affected by this – commuters – are on their way to or from work so they can’t attend. They’re not interested in hearing or considering the public’s opinion, because if they did, their ears would be burning. This is an outrageous burden to put on people who have to drive into the city or to visit loved ones in the New York area.”


Posted: August 17th, 2011 | Author: | Filed under: Press Release | Tags: , , , | 9 Comments »

Monmouth GOP May Face Tougher Election Than Expected

By Art Gallagher

Throughout the spring and summer the conventional wisdom has been that the Monmouth GOP will not face serious challenges in legislative and county races of 2011.   2011 is supposed to be a “good Republican year.”

It still could turn out that way. Probably will.  But MMM has learned that the Democrats think they have unexpected opportunities.

On the legislative level, the Trenton Democratic machine has taken interest in the new 11th district. 

Back in April after the new legislative map was released the Democrats were scrambling to field a slate of candidates.  No Democratic elected officials would challenge Republican incumbents Senator Jennifer Beck or Assemblywomen Caroline Casagrande and Mary Pat Angelini.  Now the Democrats think the 11th is in play and will dedicate financial and human resources to elect Ray Santiago to the Senate and Marilyn Schlossbach and Vin Gopal to the Assembly.

Both sides fear that Independent Assembly candidate Dan Jacobson will draw votes away from them and could end up being a spoiler.   In his column in last week’s triCityNews, Jacobson said that he expected to take votes from both sides and that he would need 20% of the voters to cast an uninformed protest vote for him in order to win a seat.  Jacobson said he expects Beck, Casagrande and Angelini to prevail in November.

On the county level, the Democrats are planning a character assassination on Freeholder Lillian Burry.  They will allege conflicts of interest on Burry’s part going back to her tenure as Mayor of Colts Neck and continuing in Freehold.

Game on.

Posted: August 10th, 2011 | Author: | Filed under: Monmouth County, Monmouth Democrats, Monmouth GOP, NJ Democrats, NJ State Legislature | Tags: , , , , , , , , | 21 Comments »

Nothing Of Significance Happened In Trenton Today

By Art Gallagher

Senate President Steve Sweeney called the upper house into session today…it can’t honestly be said that he called it “to order”…to vote on 15 of Governor Christie’s 39 line item vetoes in the State Budget.

There was grand standing, name calling, yelling and screaming, but in the end all of the override votes failed, just as everyone knew they would before the show started.   Only Senator Jennifer Beck broke partisan ranks to vote with the Democrats to increase Planned Parenthood funding by $7.5 million.  The measure still failed.

Tomorrow the Senate will repeat the process.

Nothing real will happen until Governor Christie returns from vacation on Friday.

Posted: July 11th, 2011 | Author: | Filed under: Chris Christie, Jennifer Beck, NJ State Legislature, Stephen Sweeney | Tags: , , | 11 Comments »


The ultimate hypocrisy – voters in the 11th District are tired of professional politicians who play the public

The following is a statement issued by 11th District Democratic Senate Candidate Ray Santiago in response to a July 3rd Courier Post news report that incumbent Senator Jennifer Beck will flip her position on marriage equality:

“News this weekend that Senator Beck will now support marriage equality after voting against it when all of New Jersey was watching is not shocking to anyone who has followed Beck’s career as a professional politician. She now faces a district which includes Asbury Park, Ocean Grove & other LGBT friendly areas – a new district which has 10,000 more registered Democrats than Republicans – therefore, it should come as no surprise that Senator Beck is flipping her position only due to politics.

The reality is that New Jersey taxpayers are tired of hypocritical, professional politicians who change their positions based on the political climate. Republicans, Democrats and all New Jerseyians should be tired of politicians who play the public. It is not like the Senator opposed marriage equality because it is in her belief system, it was simply due to the politics of a new district.This is an issue of human rights and Senator Beck plays politics – She voted against marriage equality not once, but twice – once in the judiciary committee and a second time on the floor of the senate and now because of a new district, she claims she supports it.

When it mattered most and the world was watching, Senator Beck decided to appease Chris Christie and her Tea Party base. All New Jerseyians who support human rights and full marriage equality for all of our brothers and sisters in the LGBT community will see through Beck’s incredible hypocrisy.

I have and always will support full marriage equality for all New Jerseyians and 11th district residents can be assured that I will not change my position based on politics. Marriage equality is a human rights issue which I will fight day and night for until it becomes law. It is a sad day to see a New Jersey state senator play politics on an issue of human rights.”

Posted: July 5th, 2011 | Author: | Filed under: Jennifer Beck, NJ State Legislature, Press Release | Tags: , , , | 37 Comments »

Jennifer Beck and same sex marriage

By Dan Jacobson, originally published in the June 30th edition of the triCityNews

Time for Jennifer Beck to face the music on same sex marriage. And the recently-engaged Republican Senator will soon have a lot of explaining to do.

With New York voting for marriage equality, the focus will shift to New Jersey where our state Senate voted down same sex marriage two years ago.

Beck, to her shame, voted against it. And all 16 Republican Senators in office today oppose marriage equality.

Of course, it’s politics. Republicans must appease their right wing on social issues – just as Democrats must do with their left wing on economic issues. That’s what pisses everyone off. The total bullshit of it all. You can’t tell me 100 percent of those Senate Republicans in Trenton personally oppose marriage equality.

And no way does Beck, despite her vote.

Jennifer kept her mouth shut during the floor debate on the issue. And her letter to constituents explaining her vote never stated she personally opposed marriage equality – only that she voted according to the sentiment of her legislative district.  

Well, the Senator now has a new district with new constituents. She’s in the newly gerrymandered 11thDistrict, which for the first time includes Red Bank, Long Branch and Asbury Park. I call it the triCity district. (I’m running in the same district as an Independent for state Assembly.) The 11th District also includes Ocean Township, Neptune and Ocean Grove, among other places.

Suddenly, Senator Beck has a sizeable gay and lesbian population among her constituents. Probably the largest in any legislative district in the state. So this ought to be interesting. After all, in Jennifer’s world the moral issue of same sex marriage is decided by what’s best to do politically. Or in the language of politicians: “Representing the will of my constituents.” So what will she do now?

As Beck spends more time in Asbury Park and Ocean Grove, and other places in her new district with a gay population, she’ll feel like a total fool. There is no way this otherwise progressive Republican woman – she’s also pro-choice – is personally opposed to marriage equality. No way. And everyone knows it.

So consider this. If a politician doesn’t have the guts to vote what they believe on a moral issue – remember we’re talking about issues of morality here – how can we ever expect them to do the right thing on anything else?

Obviously, marriage equality isn’t the most important issue facing the state government – it’s all economic issues right now – but I’ve always considered it a big deal. It’s outrageous that there still exists such bigotry against my friends and neighbors here in Asbury Park, and that politicians are afraid to stand up to it. And it says so much about those we elect.

Lots of readers know that Beck and I are long-time close friends. And the triCityNews has backed her since she was unknown and unelected and taking on the Democratic machine up in Red Bank. That’s where she made her name. So when I win my Assembly race in November, the two of us will be spending lots of time together. Driving to Trenton, going to local events, meeting on issues of concern to the 11th District.

And I will hound her every second until she changes her position on the marriage equality issue. Because it’s a complete joke – really a disgrace – to watch her stand there and say she will vote against it again. I’m not buying it for one second. And friends don’t let friends make asses of themselves.

So Beck might as well get it over with and change her stance now. She’s not going to lose this election in November, and the next one is four years away. Her only vulnerability would be in a GOP primary against a right-wing social conservative. And even that she’d win in this moderate district.

Then again, if Beck lost a Republican primary because of supporting marriage equality, so what? It’s the right thing to do. You don’t play games on moral issues. Or else you’ll end up looking like those southern bigots of the 1960s who opposed interracial marriage.

That will be Beck’s legacy if she sticks with this position. Bet most of those clowns opposing interracial marriage didn’t care either way – hey, it was just politics. Like Beck is doing today. If she doesn’t switch her position soon in her new district, this issue will haunt her down the road. As it should. Better to do it sooner than later, when it would look like she was just trying to avoid the issue until it comes up again for a vote.

A special mention is due here to Republican Assemblywoman Mary Pat Angelini, who is Beck’s running mate and the only Republican in Trenton I know who supports marriage equality. I’ve long saluted Mary Pat in these pages for taking that stand. What a great reflection of great character on her part.

Interestingly, in the contest for the two Assembly seats in the 11thDistrict, four of the five candidates – Mary Pat, myself and Democrats Marilyn Schlossbach and Vin Gopal – all support same sex marriage. So does Beck’s Democratic opponent Raymond Santiago.

Jennifer’s conduct on this issue has been disgusting long enough. It’s time to end it. She’d be the first Republican in the current state Senate to change her stand, and do what’s right. Jennifer would join Mary Pat Angelini as a leader in the Republican Party on this issue.

Of course, we’d be happy to make these pages available for Beck’s announcement supporting marriage equality. There’s no better venue for Jennifer to set everything right.  

After all, we’re the triCityNews. We’re here to help.

(The new 11thDistrict – where everyone mentioned in this article is running – includes Asbury Park, Long Branch, Red Bank, Ocean Township, Neptune, Neptune City, Interlaken, Deal, Allenhurst, Loch Arbour, West Long Branch, Eatontown, Shrewsbury Borough, Shrewsbury Township, Tinton Falls, Colts Neck, Freehold Township and Freehold Borough.)

Editors note:  As Dan Jacobson appears to be submitting his triCityNews publisher’s column to MMM on a weekly basis, this is a good time to remind readers and writers that all are welcome to submit material to MMM.  It has always been that way but is worth repeating.  Send your stuff to artvg @ aol .com

Posted: June 30th, 2011 | Author: | Filed under: Dan Jacobson, Jennifer Beck, Same Sex Marriage | Tags: , , | 17 Comments »

Beck Bill Addressing Antiquated, Demeaning Language Towards Women Clears Committee

Trenton—Legislation sponsored by Senators Jennifer Beck (R-Monmouth/Mercer) and Loretta Weinberg (D- Bergen) that would repeal certain obsolete, antiquated statutes containing demeaning language to women was passed by the Assembly Judiciary Committee today. The bill, S-2665/A-3841, would repeal a number of statues on the books which either do not accurately reflect the status of women in the 21st Century, or contain language which would be considered sexist or demeaning under today’s standards.

“It is bad enough these laws existed at all, much less remain on the books,” Beck said. “Our society has moved on from an era where the rights of women were deliberately limited by the Government, and it is time the law books do the same”

The laws which would be repealed are:

The “Married Woman’s Property Acts,” a law first enacted in the 1800s to codify married women’s right to own, control, and dispose of property. At the time of enactment, the law was considered an advance for women over the common law which imposed restrictions on a women’s legal and property rights. However, the law was made obsolete with the passage of the New Jersey Constitution and the Law Against Discrimination, along with any number of federal laws outlining a woman’s rights as being equal to men’s rights;

The “Bar by consent to ravisher law,” which provides that, “if a wife after being ravished, consent to the ravisher, she shall be disabled and forever barred from having her jointure or dower, unless her husband is voluntarily reconciled to her and permits her to dwell with him, in which case she shall be restored to her jointure or dower;”

The “Immediate marriage if arrested upon criminal charge law,” which states, “if a person is arrested upon a criminal charge, involving an accusation of bastardy, rape, fornication or of having had carnal knowledge of an unmarried female, and the accused person consents to marry such female, any licensing officer is authorized to immediately issue a marriage license irrespective of the provisions of [marriage requirements].”


Posted: June 16th, 2011 | Author: | Filed under: Jennifer Beck | Tags: , , | 7 Comments »

Highlands Kicks Off The Summer Season With Ceremonial Ribbon Cutting For New Bridge

By Art Gallagher

The Highlands Business Partnership was joined by the Mayor and Council, Senators Joe Kyrillos and Jennifer Beck, Assemblywomen Mary Pat Angelini and Amy Handlin, Freeholders John Curly and Amy Mallet and about 200 members of the community to celebrate the completion of the new bridge that spans the Shrewsbury River between Highlands and Sea Bright with a ceremonial ribbon cutting.highlands-bridge-ribbon-cutting

During the ceremony, the Bayshore Marine Task Force, a cooperative of Bayshore area first responders who provide marine emergency services, provided a water display with their equipment.

The ceremony was followed by a two hour cruise on the river and Sandy Hook Bay hosted by SeaStreak and catered by Highlands restaurants.

Mayor Frank Nolan declared, “Highlands is open for business!”  Nolan noted that business in Highlands, home to 22 restaurants within one square mile, was off 40% during the three summer seasons that were impacted by the demolition of the 75 year old drawbridge and the construction of the new 65 foot high fixed-span structure.

Old Highlands-Sea Bright Bridge. Photo Courtesy NJDOT.

Old Highlands-Sea Bright Bridge. Photo Courtesy NJDOT.

Senator Joe Kyrillos read a letter from Governor Chris Christie which said in part, “today’s event effectively kicks off the first summer season at the Jersey Shore that vacationers and day trippers will be able to use it (the new bridge). I join with the legislators and community leaders present today in applauding the New Jersey Department of Transportation for completing this project on-time and under-budget.  The bridge has made it easier for people to experience what Sandy Hook has to offer, including all of its small businesses that make vital contributions to our State’s rich economy.”

Jay Cosgrove, Vice President of the Business Partnership and an owner of Bahrs Landing expressed the gratitude of the business owners to their loyal customers who battled difficult traffic conditions to quick the establishments afloat during the bridge construction.

New Highlands Bridge.  Photo Credit Jay Cosgrove, Bahrs Landing

New Highlands Bridge. Photo Credit Jay Cosgrove, Bahrs Landing

Kyrillos said, “This bridge is of incredible importance to the residents of Monmouth County, as well as the many tourists and visitors from which our regional economy benefits,” Senator Kyrillos said.  “The old, moveable bridge spanning the Shrewsbury River was in the poorest condition of all moveable bridges in New Jersey.  We are fortunate to replace this critical infrastructure. It is a beautiful bridge and more important it is safe and secure and will be of service for generations to come.”

Senator Jennifer Beck said, “We’ve been watching the progress of the construction of the new Highlands Bridge over more than two years,” said Beck, “and it is exciting to see it concluded just in time for the summer beach season, when thousands of people, from New Jersey and beyond, come to visit the shore. Also, as a sponsor of legislation that would name this span in honor of my friend and mentor Captain Joseph Azzolina, which has already passed the State Senate, I have a personal connection to this bridge, and I look forward to seeing the legislation pass the Assembly.”

Beck asked those present to call Assembly Speaker Sheila Oliver and ask her to post the bill naming the bridge for Azzolina for a vote.

Posted: May 1st, 2011 | Author: | Filed under: Frank Nolan, Highlands, Jennifer Beck, John Curley | Tags: , , , , , , | 2 Comments »

Beck, Oroho Submit Legislation to Stop Simultaneous Collection of Pensions, Public Paychecks

Trenton— Senators Jennifer Beck (R- Monmouth/Mercer) and Steve Oroho (R- Sussex/Hunterdon/Morris) have submitted legislation aimed at ending abuse of the state’s pension system. The bill, S-2716, would prohibit retired public employees that return to government service from collecting pension payments while on payroll.

“Pension payments should only be collected by those who have left the government payroll,” said Senator Beck. “Public employees who game the system by collecting a paycheck and a pension check simultaneously commit the worst kind of double dipping. New Jersey’s taxpayers are tapped out, our pension system woefully underfunded, and neither can tolerate this sort of abuse. Nobody should be able to line their pockets in this manner at public expense.”

The bill prohibits any public employee in the state retirement system from collecting a pension if he or she resumes public employment and is compensated more than $15, 000 annually. Those returning to service after retirement would not accumulate additional pension credits. The bill applies to all state pension plans.

“We must protect New Jersey’s pension systems and it is critically important that we protect the qualified status of those pensions, as well as end any unnecessary strains on the funds,” Oroho added. “There are a variety of good reasons retirees may wish to return to the workforce. However, for the purposes of collecting a pension, and to protect the qualified status of the plans, retired means retired.”

Posted: March 2nd, 2011 | Author: | Filed under: Jennifer Beck, Pensions, Press Release | Tags: , , , | 8 Comments »

Beck, O’Scanlon, Casagrande Praise Governor’s Action on Wagering Bills

Trenton— Senator Jennifer Beck and Assemblymen Declan O’Scanlon and Caroline Casagrande (all R- Monmouth/Middlesex) today said that Governor Christie’s actions on off-track, exchange wagering, and pari-mutuel betting legislation will strengthen New Jersey’s horse racing industry. Governor Christie signed A-2926 and A-3200, which establishes a system of exchange wagering for in-state and out of state races and single pool betting, respectively. The Governor offered a conditional veto recommending minor changes to A-1705, which expands off-track and account wagering.

Senator Jennifer Beck

“Horse racing is vital part of our regional economy and helps preserve significant amounts of open space in our state. Exchange wagering and pari-mutuel betting will help the industry adapt to a changing market and consumer preferences and lend a much needed boost to the racing industry’s revenues. The Governor has also offered sensible revisions in his conditional veto of the off track wagering bill that I believe can and should be swiftly adopted by the Legislature.”


Assemblyman Declan O’Scanlon

“I have always believed that revitalizing Atlantic City and saving the horse racing industry do not have to be mutually exclusive endeavors. I am very pleased that the Governor has signed two bills that will help horse racing survive through innovative and creative betting instruments. I also want to thank him for working with and listening to racing advocates such as myself as he plots an improved course for the gaming industry as a whole in New Jersey.”


Assemblywoman Caroline Casagrande

“The most effective type of aid horse racing can receive is that which helps the industry stand on its own two feet. Exchange and single pool pari-mutuel betting are a step in the direction of doing just that. Off track betting is also a critical component of the equation for a stronger horse racing industry, and I call on my colleagues to swiftly take up the changes recommended in the Governor’s conditional veto which are neither unreasonable nor a threat to the overall objective of the bill.”

Posted: January 31st, 2011 | Author: | Filed under: Horse Racing Industry, Press Release | Tags: , , , , | Comments Off on Beck, O’Scanlon, Casagrande Praise Governor’s Action on Wagering Bills


Senator Jennifer Beck (R-Monmouth, Mercer) provided the following travel information from the New Jersey State Department of Transportation regarding the situation on Route 18 in Monmouth County due to Sunday’s storm:

            “The New Jersey Department of Transportation is mobilizing all available resources and will work continuously to clear Routes 18, 34 and 35. To obtain status reports or find out if a road is open or closed, call 511 or go to www.511nj.org for real time information about the storm cleanup efforts.

            “I urge everyone to call the above number or access the above website to determine the safest travel route for Wednesday morning’s commute.”

Posted: December 28th, 2010 | Author: | Filed under: Jennifer Beck | Tags: , | 4 Comments »