Democrat For A Day

Amy Quinn
Today is Monmouth County Democratic Chairwoman Amy Quinn’s birthday.
As a birthday gift, Amy asked that I become a Democratic blogger for the day.
In preparation, I checked out Middletown Mike’s blog. Mike has the President’s weekly Youtube address and a Saturday morning cartoon posted.
Over at BlueJersey, they have a video of Chris Matthews interviewing Carl Lewis on MSNBC’s Hardball. Matthews mentioned his friendship with the late Republican Jack Kemp and neither man talk about sensations in their legs.
Following suit, and as a gift to Amy on her birthday, I bring you Wolf Blitzer and James Carville.
Happy Birthday Amy!
Posted: September 17th, 2011 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Monmouth Democrats | Tags: Amy Quinn, Blue Jersey, Carl Lewis, Chris Matthews, Jack Kemp, Middletown Mike, Monmouth County Democrats | 2 Comments »