Congressman Chris Smith listens to Patricia Apy, a Red Bank attorney, testify about the need for the State Department to step up the enforcement of the Goldman Act
While most of Washington and the media was focused on why you see the ads you see on facebook yesterday, Congressman Chris Smith and his colleagues on the House Subcommittee on Global Human Rights were focused on reuniting kidnapped children with their American parents.
Smith, as chairman of the committee, called on the Trump administration to step up where the Obama administration failed by imposing sanctions on countries that are not enforcing court orders, including from their own courts, for families suffering from international parental child abduction. Read the rest of this entry »
Posted: April 12th, 2018 | Author: admin | Filed under: Chris Smith, Congress, Monmouth County News, New Jersey | Tags: Bindu Philips and Devon Davenport International Child Abduction Return Act of 2017 (H.R. 3512), Congress, Congressman Chris Smith, Goldman Act, House Subcommittee on Global Human Rights, India, International Child Abduction, James Cook, Japan, Monmouth County News, Patricia Apy, President Donald Trump, Suzanne Lawrence, The Sean and David Goldman Act, Trump Administration | Comments Off on Congressman Smith calls on President Trump to bring abducted children home
Edison (New Jersey), October 16, 2016: U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump pledged that the United States and India would be “best friends” if he is elected and that he would boost intelligence sharing with India in the battle against Islamic militants. Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump called India a strategic ally and said that “we… Read the rest of this entry »
Posted: October 16th, 2016 | Author: admin | Filed under: 2016 Presidential Politics, Donald Trump, New Jersey | Tags: 2016 Presidential politics, Donald Trump, Edison, India, New Jersey, Republican Hindu Coalition | Comments Off on Donald Trump: India, US would be ‘best friends’ if elected as President
The President and the First Lady will celebrate the election of the 112th Congress with a two day visit to India.
A visit with commercial sex workers in Kamathipura is on the First Lady’s agenda, according to a report in The Economic Times.
This will be an expensive trip:
“A team of secret service agents has already arrived, and has surveyed the areas of his stay and the roads and places on his itinerary,” the officer said.
To ensure fool-proof security, the President’s team has booked the entire the Taj Mahal Hotel, including 570 rooms, all banquets and restaurants. Since his security contingent and staff will comprise a huge number, 125 rooms at Taj President have also been booked, apart from 80 to 90 rooms each in Grand Hyatt and The Oberoi hotels. The NCPA, where the President is expected to meet representatives from the business community, has also been entirely booked.
The officer said, “Obama’s contingent is huge. There are two jumbo jets coming along with Air Force One, which will be flanked by security jets. There will be 30 to 40 secret service agents, who will arrive before him. The President’s convoy has 45 cars, including the Lincoln Continental in which the President travels.”
Since Obama will stay in a hotel that is on sea front, elaborate coastal security arrangements have been made by the US Navy in consonance with the Indian Navy and the Coast Guard. “There will be US naval ships, along with Indian vessels , patrolling the sea till about 330-km from the shore. This is to negate the possibility of a missile being fired from a distance,” the officer said.
The President will be accompanied by his chefs, not because he would not like to savour Indian cuisine, but to ensure his food is not spiked.
Posted: October 24th, 2010 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Obama | Tags: Barack Obama, Commercial Sex Workers, India, Michelle Obama | 3 Comments »