Eatontown “Mayor-elect” Dennis Connelley. photo via facebook with permission.
Dennnis J. Connelly is the Mayor-elect of Eatontown.
On election night, the Republican Council President was trailing four term incumbent Mayor Gerald J. Tarantolo by one vote.
After the provisional ballots were counted on November 10, Connelly was leading by two votes, 1481 to 1479.
Connelly and Tarantolo each picked up on vote during the recount this morning. Connelly’s a provisional and Tarantolo’s a vote my mail ballot. The final count is 1482 Connelly to 1480 Tarantolo.
Connelly told MMM that Tarantolo congratulated him and assured a smooth transition.
Posted: November 24th, 2014 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Eatontown, Monmouth County | Tags: Dennis Connelly, Eatontown, Eatontown mayoral election, Gerald Tarantolo | 5 Comments »
LaRocca Slate Shows Wide Support;Will to Win
Frank LaRocca today announced a complete slate to lead the Monmouth County Democratic Party, reflecting the diversity of the county and a will to win on the part of local leaders.
“I’m honored to have the support of such a broad-based coalition and those who know what it takes to win elections in Monmouth County,” LaRocca said. “This is an outstanding team.”
As the Marlboro Democratic Party Chairman, LaRocca has won 8 out of 9 elections, making Marlboro a model for how to build a Democratic Party organization from the ground floor. When he took over, there was an all Republican Council and a Republican Mayor. Now, as a second term councilman in Marlboro, he is providing innovative, effective leadership in to his community.
The following is the LaRocca Leadership Team:
In addition to serving as Mayor and Committeewoman in Manalapan, Aaronson was Chairman Victor Scudiery long-time vice-chair of the Monmouth County Democrats.
Rebecca volunteers as a Spanish interpreter at Parker Family Health Center in Red Bank. She has been honored by the Latino American Association of Monmouth County for her public service. She’s a graduate of Brookdale College. She and her husband Richard have raised two sons.
In 2005, Aaronson ran a strong race for Monmouth County Freeholder, nearly toppling an entrenched incumbent.
Corresponding Secretary
Mayor Tarantolo is currently serving his 14th year as Mayor of Eatontown and was last re-elected in November 2010 for a fourth four-year term. He also served on the Eatontown Council for 14 years and as a member of the community’s Board of Education.
Mayor Tarantolo was actively involved in the Save Fort Monmouth Committee, served as co-chairman of the Fort Monmouth Reuse Committee, the Governor’s Fort Monmouth Economic Revitalization and Planning Authority and now on the Governor’s Fort Monmouth Economic Redevelopment Authority (FMERA).
He is the 2007 recipient of the Eastern Monmouth Area Chamber of Commerce Spinnaker Award for Public Service and the 2010 SCAN Humanitarian Award.
Recording Secretary
Councilman Mangan is serving his second term where he’s been a leader on the community’s Environmental Commission and Tourism Commission. A business executive, Michael is a graduate of George Washington University. He’s served as executive director of the Monmouth County Democrats under Chairman Scudiery.
Sergeant at Arms
Vincent Solomeno has been fighting for Monmouth County Democrats since
he was fourteen. In 2000, The Asbury Park Press called him a
“political prodigy” when he beat the odds and elected two Democrats to
the Union Beach Borough Council. Since then, he has managed winning
races in Hazlet Township and helped elect Democrats across Monmouth
Vincent received his B.S. in Political Science from the University of
Scranton. As a Harry S. Truman Scholar, he worked in the Washington,
D.C. office of Congressman Frank Pallone, Jr. The recipient of a
2007 J. William Fulbright Fellowship to the Netherlands, he earned his
M.A. in European Studies from the University of Amsterdam for his
study of Islamic radicalization. He is a member of American Legion
Post No. 23, a former member of the Hazlet Township Planning Board,
past President of the Hazlet Democratic Club, and he presently serves
as President of the Bayshore Democratic Club.
Red Bank
Councilwoman Sharon Lee is a life-long resident of Monmouth County who has dedicated her public service to quality of life issues. In Red Bank, she chairs the Code Enforcement Committee and serves on the Police, Fire, Parks and Recreation Committees and is Council liaison to the Community Advisory Board. Sharon served for seven years on the Planning Board where her priority was always protecting the integrity of our neighborhoods. During her eight years on Council, Lee has served as Council President, Chair of Parks and Recreation and interim chair of the Finance Committee. She is also the former Chair of Department of Public Works and former Chair of the Education and Technology Committee.
Posted: May 17th, 2012 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Monmouth Democrats, Press Release | Tags: Frank LaRocca, Gerald Tarantolo, Michael Mangan, Monmouth County Democrats, Press Release, Rebecca Aaronson, Sharon Lee, Vincent Solmeno | 16 Comments »
Monmouth County Democrats have shrouded the selection of an Assembly candidate to replace Marilyn Schlossbach in the 11th legislative district in more secrecy than a Koch Brothers convention.
They won’t even say where and when the convention to vote on a candidate will be. Campaign Manager Vlad Gutman said the convention will be “on Wednesday, somewhere in the district.”
MMM has learned that the convention will be Wednesday, 6:30PM at the Asbury Park VFW.
Democratic County Committee members from the district are being called and urged to attend the convention which requires, under Title 19, a quorum of 50% plus 1 of the committee members in order to select a candidate. While they are scrambling to get a quorum, the Democrats are also scrambling to find a candidate. No mention of potential candidates is being made on the calls to the committee members and no one will say who is under consideration or who has thrown their hat into the ring.
Schlossbach’s withdrawal was a big blow to the Democrats’ slim hopes of picking up Assembly seats in Monmouth County. An internal Democratic poll indicated that Schlossbach had the highest name recognition of all Assembly candidates, including incumbents Mary Pat Angelini and Caroline Casagrande. While Schlossbach’s name recognition was superior, the poll indicated that the Republican team of Senator Jennifer Beck, Angelini and Casagrande are heavy favorites to win in November. Beck’s name recognition and favorables in the district are huge.
Despite a voter registration advantage in the district, the Democrats have a very thin bench. Elected officials like Red Bank Councilman Michael Dupont, Long Branch Councilman John Pallone (brother of the congressman), Neptune Township Deputy Mayor Randy Bishop and Eatontown Mayor Gerald Tarantolo all declined to run for the legislature back in April when the slate of Ray Santiago for Senate, Schlossbach and Vin Gopal for Assembly, all seeking their first elected office, was chosen by the party. Now that the summer fund raising season has past and polling has been done, the district looks less winnable for Democrats than it did it April, making it less likely that an experienced politico with a base will step up to replace Schlossbach.
Also complicating the Democrats task of finding an Assembly candidate, Santiago and Gopal have made support of gay marriage a central theme of their campaign. If marriage equality is a litmus test, finding a new candidate will be even more difficult.
Fund raising will be difficult whoever the Democrats nominate, with the possible exception of John Pallone who could tab his brother’s special interest supporters. Beck is dominating the fund raising race in the district by both raising money for her team and discouraging donors from contributing to her opponents. Beck called Cory Booker this week to express her displeasure over the fact that the Newark Mayor is headlining a fundraiser for Gopal later this month in Colts Neck.
The Democrats will probably come up with a nominee, if they get a quorum at the convention. Whoever it is will be taking one for the team and will probably get a new job or appointment some time in the next year.
Posted: September 10th, 2011 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: NJ State Legislature | Tags: 11th Legislative District, Caroline Casagrande, Cory Booker, Frank Pallone, Gerald Tarantolo, Jennifer Beck, John Pallone, Marilyn Schlossbach, Mary Pat Angelini, Michael Dupont, Randy Bishop, Ray Santiago, Vin Gopal, Vlad Gutman | 11 Comments »