By Monmouth County Freeholder Director Tom Arnone

Freeholder Director Tom Arnone speaks at the NJTPA Board Meeting – Jan 22, 2018
While I could say the last few weeks have been very busy, the truth of the matter is that the County stays busy around the year with ongoing projects and initiatives.
I would like to provide a few updates from the departments I oversee, including the County’s Department of Public Works and Engineering. I’m proud to serve as the liaison to this department and cannot praise enough the tremendous work these – and all – County employees do on a daily basis to maintain the high quality of life we enjoy in Monmouth County.
One ongoing project this department has been working on is the rehabilitation of the East End Avenue Bridge, located between Neptune Township and Neptune City. This project was designed to improve overall safety of the traveling public in the area. Additionally, it’s $3.7 million cost will receive 92% of its funding through the New Jersey State Transportation Trust Fund, with the remainder of funding coming from the County, at no cost to the municipalities. Read the rest of this entry »
Posted: March 7th, 2018 | Author: admin | Filed under: Monmouth County News, New Jersey, Tom Arnone | Tags: Arnone Report, Freeholder Director Thomas A. Arnone, Freeholder Director Tom Arnone, Monmouth County News, New Jersey | Comments Off on Arnone Report: Updates on bridge repairs, Shark River dredging and the coming tourism season
By Monmouth County Freeholder Director Tom Arnone

Monmouth County Freeholder Director Tom Arnone
Did you know that Monmouth County is the gateway to the Jersey Shore? It’s evident in the more than 50 miles of beaches we have here. I hope you are taking in all that we offer in this beautiful county – from the boardwalk full of rides in Keansburg to the acres of vineyards in Cream Ridge.
Last week, along with Deputy Director DiMaso, I was happy to welcome the brand new anchor team for NBC New York to the Jersey Shore. They stopped in at Keansburg Amusement Park to take in all the sights and sounds – including zeppoles and pizza from the famous Victors Pizza and even got on a few rides! Thank you NBC New York for coming out to the beautiful Jersey Shore and helping promote the region as a vacation destination for all your viewers
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Posted: August 9th, 2016 | Author: admin | Filed under: Monmouth County Board of Freeholders, Monmouth County News, Tom Arnone | Tags: Asbury Park Board of Education, Brookdale Community College, Dream Academy Early College Program, Freeholder Director Thomas A. Arnone, Grow Monmouth Facade Progroam, Keansburg Amusement Park, Monmouth County News, NBC News, Ocean Township Italian Festival, The Arnone Report, Tom Arnone | Comments Off on The Arnone Report: Too much good stuff for a catchy headline

Freeholder Director Thomas A. Arnone
Freehold– Freehold Director Thomas A. Arnone called on his colleagues to reverse $4.9 million County property tax increase, 1.5%, imposed last year, now that Monmouth County is no longer subsidizing the nursing homes that had cost Monmouth taxpayers almost $50 million over the last ten years.
Speaking at the annual reorganization of the County government on Wednesday afternoon, Arnone, who was elected as Director for 2016 by his fellow freeholders, announced that the auction of the nursing homes was completed this week and generated $32.4 million, $12.4 million more than expected. Arnone said that as a result of no longer having to carry the nursing homes, that taxes should be reduced back to the level that the board had held steady from 2008 through 2014. The Director told MoreMonmouthMusings that he would urge the Board to use the $32.4 million proceeds of the sale to reduce the County’s AAA rated debt.
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Posted: January 7th, 2016 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Christine Hanlon, Monmouth County, Monmouth County Board of Freeholders, Monmouth County News, Property Taxes, Tom Arnone | Tags: Freeholder Director Thomas A. Arnone, Freeholder Director Tom Arnone, Freeholder John Curley, Monmouth County Clerk Christine Giordano Hanlon, Monmouth County News, Surrogate Rosemarie Peters | 2 Comments »