The List: 10 Energy Questions in New Jersey That Need to Be Resolved

A federal court has struck down the state’s efforts to spur development of new power plants, a decision with potentially big implications for what electricity customers will pay on their future energy bills. The ruling, handed down late Friday by…
In a case with the potential to save New Jersey’s utility customers billions of dollars on their electric bills, a federal district court this week declared Maryland’s effort to spur building of new power plants unconstitutional. The ruling does…
Bipartisan Legislation Advances Administration’s Commitment to Development of Renewable Energy Resources in New Jersey
Trenton, NJ – Taking action that continues the Christie Administration’s commitment to fostering the development of renewable energy resources in New Jersey, Governor Chris Christie today signed into law bipartisan legislation to strengthen and encourage the continued growth of New Jersey’s solar industry, while protecting ratepayers from increased costs. The bill, S-1925, couples an acceleration of the renewable portfolio standard (RPS) for solar energy with a reduction of the solar alternate compliance payments, meeting an important goal of the Governor’s 2011 Energy Master Plan (EMP), strengthening the solar market in New Jersey, and securing the state’s place as a national solar energy leader.
“Since my time running for office, I made it clear that my Administration would be unrivaled in our aggressive support for the development of renewable sources of energy in New Jersey. Renewable energy not only helps meet our goals of increasing sustainability and protecting the environment, but can be an engine for economic growth and the creation of good-paying jobs for the people of our state,” said Governor Christie. “The bill I am signing today furthers these goals and will help us remain a national leader in the solar energy industry as we continue to promote innovative approaches to solar development, like developing landfills and other unusable lands and transforming them into sources of usable clean energy, all while holding down costs for families and businesses.”
Posted: July 23rd, 2012 | Author: admin | Filed under: Chris Christie, Energy, Press Release, Solar Energy | Tags: Chris Christie, Energy, Press Release, solar energy | 9 Comments »