
Red Bank Republican Council Candidates Blast Dems on Taxes

Red Bank “Tax Queen” Admits She Will Continue to Raise Taxes 

Hanlon and O’Bosky Colwell Pledge to Step Down If They Don’t Deliver

14369864_184385955319344_4016470552767265332_nRED BANK, NJ – The slide into gutter politics and half-truths took a surprising turn from the Red Bank Democrats recently, as they chose to highlight Red Bank’s property taxes in a recent statement.

In an attempt to distance themselves from their party’s failed record on municipal taxes and spending, Democrats Kathy Horgan and Erik Yngstrom stated, “It is very clear that the local Republicans are trying to distract from their failed record of increasing taxes as soon as they took the majority this past January.”

Horgan and Yngstrom’s statement failed to include the fact that Kathy Horgan voted for the recent budget, and that municipal spending has exploded during Kathy Horgan’s tenure on Council – skyrocketing from a $12 million annual budget to a $22 million annual budget. 

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Posted: November 7th, 2016 | Author: | Filed under: Press Release, Red Bank | Tags: , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments »

Red Bank Republicans Pledge To Deliver Reforms Or Step Down


Kelli O’Bosky Colwell and Brian Hanlon

The Republican candidates for Borough Council in Red Bank today unveiled a plan of actions they pledge to take during their first six months in office and promised not to seek reelection if they failed to deliver on their promises.

Brian Hanlon and Kelli O’Bosky Colwell are both running for public office for the first time.  If they win, the Red Bank GOP will have a 5-1 super majority on the council and little justification not to deliver on its promises.  Hanlon and O’Bosky are seeking to unseat incumbents Kathy Horgan, a Democrat and Cindy Burnham, a Republican turned Independent after she was denied renomination by the GOP. Democrat newcomer Erik Yngstrom is also competing for one of the two seats on the Council that voters will choose on November 8.

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Posted: October 24th, 2016 | Author: | Filed under: 2016 Elections, Monmouth County News, Red Bank | Tags: , , , , , , , , , | 3 Comments »