

Thanks to Assemblywoman Caroline Casagrande for this very helpful information:

For urgent and immediate health and safety issues:  

Call 911.


For non-immediate health matters or other assistance:

Call 211 or go online at www.nj211.org for help with non-emergency issues, including basic human needs, support for seniors or persons with disabilities, children, or mental health issues.


To file a claim with FEMA:

Call 800-621-FEMA (800-621-3362).  Make sure you register with FEMA. A printable form is here:



To report a downed electrical line:

Contact your local energy provider (info below). Be prepared to give the nearest cross street or the number of a nearby pole that has not been damaged and is away from any downed wires; the pole number can be found on the metal tag attached to the pole.

PSE&G:  800-436-7734

Jersey Central Power & Light (JCP&L):  800-662-3115

Atlantic City Electric:  800-642-3780

Orange Rockland Electric: 1-877-434-4100


To report a gas leak:

Contact your local gas provider.

Elizabethtown Gas: 800-492-4009

New Jersey Natural Gas: 800-427-5325

PSE&G: 800-436-7734

South Jersey Gas: 800-582-7060

To file an insurance claim, if you can’t find the company or agent’s number:

Call the NJ Department of Banking and Insurance at 1-800-446-7467 or go to www.dobi.nj.gov.


To report complaints about insurance companies:

Call the NJ Department of Banking and Insurance at 1-800-446-7467 or go to


A printable complaint form is here:  http://www.state.nj.us/dobi/complain.pdf


To report complaints about electric or gas utilities:

Call the NJ Board of Public Utilities: (800)624-0241 or (609)341-9188.

To report possible consumer fraud or price gouging by contractors or others:

State law makes excessive price increases illegal during a state of emergency, and for 30 days following the end of the emergency.  Call the NJ Division of Consumer Affairs at 862-209-0130 or 973-220-3474.


To provide volunteer assistance in the cleanup and restoration effort:

Call 1-800-JERSEY-7 (1-800-537-7397).  Backup numbers: 609-775-5236 or

908-303-0471. Volunteers may also send an email to [email protected]. This service is managed by the NJ Business Action Center and the Governor’s Office of Volunteerism, both divisions within the NJ Department of State.


To request volunteer assistance:

Call 211 or go online at www.nj211.org.


Extension of motor vehicle document deadlines:

To ease the burden on customers who did not have a chance to visit a motor vehicle office in October, MVC Chairman and Chief Administrator Raymond P. Martinez has issued Administrative Order 2012-03 authorizing a 30-day extension for all driver’s licenses, vehicle registrations and vehicle inspection stickers that expired on October 31.

The order is here: http://www.state.nj.us/mvc/pdf/About/Admin_Order_2012_03.pdf


Additional information sent in by Wayne Pomanowski:

Businesses with life threatening issues should call: 1-609-963-36810


All other business issues, call: 1-866-534-7789

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