Letter: Chris Smith Saved My Brother’s Life

As the election comes upon us, and in response to certain statements made by Congressman Chris Smith’s opponent, Stephanie Schmidt, we have been made aware that Ms. Schmidt has been campaigning on a platform comprised, at least in part, of deceptive untruths regarding the Congressman Chris Smith’s response to the Covid issue. Contrary to Ms. Schmidt’s claims to the contrary, Congressman Smith has been a champion for those battling the Covid-19 virus; and through his intercedence saved my brother’s life.
Read the rest of this entry » Posted: October 16th, 2020 | Author: admin | Filed under: 2020 Congressional Races, Chris Smith, COVID-19, New Jersey | Tags: 2020 congressional elections, CD-4, Congressman Chris Smith, Dan McNamara, Kevin McNamara, NJ 4 | 1 Comment »