National Politics:
Defying historical trends and mainstream media polling, the Republican Party will expand its majority in the both U.S. Senate and the House of Representatives. Congressman Frank Pallone will not become a Committee Chairman.
President Donald Trump’s personal approval ratings will hover between 35-45%. His job approval rating will exceed 50% nationally and in NJ as the economy continues to grow and as threats from ISIS and North Korea are neutralized. Read the rest of this entry »
Posted: December 31st, 2017 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2018 Elections, Donald Trump, John Curley, Monmouth County, New Jersey | Tags: 2018 elections, Bob Mendendez, Congressman Frank LoBiondo, Congressman Rodney Frelinghuysen, Freeholder John Curley, Gerry Scharfenberger, House of Representatives, Josh Gottheimer, Mikie Sherrill, Phil Murphy, President Donald Trump, Steve Lonegan, Sue Kiley, U.S. Senate | Comments Off on Political Predictions for 2018
WASHINGTON — Efforts to protect Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst from cutbacks or closure won approval by a key House committee when lawmakers denied funding to move or retire any of the KC-10 refueling tanker planes based there. The provision, authored by freshmen Reps. Tom MacArthur (R-3rd Dist.), whose district includes the joint base, and Donald Norcross (D-1st… Read the rest of this entry »
Posted: May 1st, 2015 | Author: admin | Filed under: New Jersey | Tags: BRAC, Congressman Donald Norcross, Congressman Frank LoBiondo, Congressman Tom MacArthur, Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst | Comments Off on N.J. lawmakers block Pentagon from possible cuts to McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst
Calls on Federal Flood Insurance Program head to work with Jersey Delegation to establish retrospective claims process

Congressman Chris Smith and Monmouth County Shaun Golden prepare to survey Hurricane Sandy damage. November, 2012
WASHINGTON, DC – U.S. Rep. Chris Smith (NJ-04), Dean of the New Jersey Congressional Delegation, announced today that he will be hosting a meeting with Brad Kieserman, Deputy Associate Administrator for the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), which oversees the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), in order to establish a new, workable process for revisiting and resolving all flood insurance claims brought by Sandy-affected homeowners. Kieserman agreed to the meeting to which Smith will invite the entire NJ congressional delegation.
“After a lengthy and productive phone conference with Mr. Kieserman, I look forward to hosting the meeting with the NJ delegation and getting to the bottom of these widespread and outrageous practices that are defrauding and cheating NJ Sandy victims, who are federal flood insurance policy holders,” Smith said. “I am pleased that FEMA has agreed with my and others’ request to review any and all potential underpayments to Sandy victims. We can now work together to establish a new, credible process moving forward.
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Posted: March 6th, 2015 | Author: admin | Filed under: Chris Smith, FEMA, Press Release | Tags: Brad Kieserman, Congressman Chris Smith, Congressman Frank LoBiondo, FEMA, National Flood Insurance Program, NFIP, Press Release | 3 Comments »
Congressman Frank Pallone issued the following statement regarding the St. Louis County, Missouri Grand Jury’s decision not to indict Officer Darren Wilson in the shooting death of Michael Brown:
“The St. Louis County Grand Jury’s decision not to indict Officer Darren Wilson is a failure of our justice system. The principle of ‘Equal Justice under Law’ must apply to all Americans. My thoughts and prayers are with Michael Brown’s family, especially his parents, who have endured such unimaginable pain and hardship over these past few months.”
Pallone’s statement is disgraceful and beneath his office. He did not sit on the Grand Jury and hear the evidence.
Monmouth County GOP Chairman Shaun Golden, Middlesex County GOP Chairman Sam Thompson and the New Jersey Republican Congressional Caucus members should start recruiting a candidate to defeat Pallone in 2016 and start raising money for that campaign immediately.
Pallone is a radical liberal extremist who does not represent the people of the 6th Congressional District. He can be defeated and he should be defeated. Defeating him will take a will, a plan and money. It can be done and it should be done.
Posted: November 25th, 2014 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2016 Congressional elections, 2016 Presidential Politics, Frank Pallone | Tags: Congressman Chris Smith, Congressman Frank LoBiondo, Congressman Frank Pallone, Congressman Leonard Lance, Congressman Rodney Frelinghuysen, Congressman Wayne Garrett, Congressman-elect Tom MacArthur, Ferguson MO, Frank Pallone, NJ Congressional Republicans, NJ GOP, Officer Darren Wilson, Sam Thompson, Shaun Golden, St Louis County MO | 13 Comments »
By Congressman Frank LoBiondo
More than two months after Hurricane Sandy struck South Jersey, the scars of devastation upon our homes, our businesses, our shoreline and our friends and neighbors remain ever so visible and ever so painful.
Each day our region struggles to recover and residents attempt to rebuild their lives as heightened levels of anxiety, frustration, sadness and anger remain. No one in South Jersey has forgotten Sandy, and it is imperative that Washington not be allowed to overlook the real destruction and critical need our communities continue to face.
As widely reported, some of my colleagues have intentionally delayed aid from reaching affected communities, unnecessarily creating a disaster in dealing with this disaster. Citing the Senate-passed “pork” laden bill, they question if federal resources will truly reach those in need.
I appreciate their concerns and have actively sought to alleviate them by working with the congressional delegations of New Jersey and New York, as well as Majority Leader Eric Cantor, R-Va., to strip out extraneous provisions. Thus, as originally planned in the final days of 2012, the bill we are introducing in the House of Representatives on Tuesday should provide federal aid only to states affected by the storm.
Likewise, there are some local opinions that stand against any federal assistance in the aftermath of a wide-scale disaster such as Sandy. They argue individual states and impacted municipalities should be solely responsible for recovery and rebuilding efforts, while federal tax dollars should not be used for “local issues”. I strongly disagree with the shortsighted view that New Jersey, which supported other states as they dealt with disasters and which sends more tax dollars to Washington than it receives, should be short-changed at its time of need.
That is not to say federal aid should be unchecked. In 2005 and 2006, more than $100 billion was sent to the Gulf Coast states, including $60 billion within just 10 days of the storm in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.
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Posted: January 15th, 2013 | Author: admin | Filed under: Congress, Frank LoBiondo, Hurricane Sandy | Tags: Congressman Frank LoBiondo, Disaster Relief, Frank LoBiondo, Sandy aid, Sandy relief | 1 Comment »