Guess who’s coming to dinner
Over at Star Ledger columnist John Farmer tells a tale of a dinner party he attended where he asked his fellow Caucasian guests (and hosts presumably) if they believe President Obama was born outside of the United States and if they believe he is a Muslim. Most of the guest at the party that took place in a “pretty typical” “slightly upper-middle class neighborhood” admitted to believing that Obama is a foreign born Muslim, so said Farmer in the piece, After nearly four years of Barack Obama, is white America still uneasy with a black man in the White House? Most of the commenters at think the column is fiction.
How could Obama even have become president if white America was uneasy with a black man in the White House?
After four years, more Americans of all races are uneasy with that particular black man in the White House! Herman Cain or Allen West would not make me uneasy. Condoleeza Rice wouldn’t make me uneasy. Colin Powell’s uneasiness makes me uneasy, not his skin color.
Farmer’s column is likely the an early indication of how the race card will be played by the left stream media in conjunction with the Obama campaign over the next four + plus months.
What will happen is “white guilt” isn’t working according to polling data come October? What will the lefties do if Mitt Romney chooses a black running mate?
Posted: July 23rd, 2012 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2012 Presidential Politics, Barack Obama, Mitt Romney, Race | Tags: Allen West, Condoleeza Rice. Colin Powell, Harold Cain,, Race Card, Racism, Star Ledger | 2 Comments »