Frustrated with your community’s recovery from Superstorm Sandy? Your own recovery? Wish the press was doing a better job reporting the nightmare of dealing with insurance companies and government red tape? Are you concerned about preparedness for the next storm? Wish you could do something about it and have your voice heard by a wider audience?
This half day seminar on Saturday morning is for you.
Citizens Campaign, WHYY/Newsworks, and the Penn Project for Civic Engagement are hosting a Citizen Journalist training on Saturday:
October 05, 2013 at 9am – 1pm
Skilled professionals will be teaching the basics of journalism, from fact finding to newswriting and photojournalism. Breakout sessions will include:
- Fact Finding & Reporting: collecting the facts and information to get the story
- Capturing the Perfect Shot: Video & Photo Journalism
- How to Conduct a Study with Engaging Techniques: how to conduct your own “study circles” with your neighbors on important issues
- News Writing 101: crafting effective hard news stories & opinion pieces; interviewing skills
The event is free and includes a light breakfast at 8:30 and lunch.
Pre-registration is required. You can do that here.
Community Sponsors: Ocean County College, WHYY/Newsworks, Jersey Shore Hurricane News, Creative NJ, Clean Ocean Action, Sustainable Jersey and the New Jersey Recovery Fund.
Can’t make it this Saturday? There is another event on November 2 at Monmouth University.
Posted: October 2nd, 2013 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Social Media, Superstorm Sandy | Tags: Citizen Journalism, Citizens Campaign, Recovery and Preparedness, Superstorm Sandy | Comments Off on Information Matters: Getting The Real Story Of Sandy Recovery, Preparing For The Next One