Sheriff Shaun Golden
Freehold– Sheriff Shaun Golden, Acting Prosecutor Christopher Gramiccioni and a FBI special agent met with members of The Jewish Federation in the Heart of New Jersey at the Sheriff’s Public Safety Center on Tuesday to share information on active shooters response and faith based security.
“It’s vital that all of our residents be aware of contemporary situations involving harmful activities by individuals or groups that may target segments of our population,” said Golden. “That’s why it’s important religious leaders learn about issues such as active shooter scenarios to help ensure the safety of their organizations. I’m proud to have hosted this event for our partners of the Jewish community.”
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Posted: December 17th, 2015 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Monmouth County News, Monmouth County Prosecutor, Monmouth County Sheriff's Office | Tags: Christoper Gramicconi, Jewish Federation in the Heart of New Jersey, Monmouth County News, Monmouth County Prosecutor's Office, Monmouth County Sheriff's Office, Public safety, Shaun Golden | Comments Off on SHERIFF’S OFFICE PARTNERS WITH JEWISH LEADERS TO ADDRESS SECURITY NEEDS
Mario Coniglione, 51, of the Tottenville section of Staten Island, NY was sentenced to seven years in New Jersey State Prison today for stealing more than $187,000 in mortgage payments from two New Jersey couples, according to a statement by Acting Monmouth County Prosecutor Christopher Gramiccioni.
Posing as a mortgage broker, Coniglione pocketed over $100,000 from a Freehold couple and $75,000 from a Jackson couple over a 33 month period in 2010 through August of 2013 when he was arrested. He pleaded guilty to two counts of second degree theft in December. In addition to the 7 year sentence, Judge Anthony J. Mellaci, Jr ordered that Coniglione pay restitution of $187,562.40 to the victims.
Posted: April 17th, 2015 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Crime, Crime and Punishment, Monmouth County, Monmouth County Court, Monmouth County News, Monmouth County Prosecutor | Tags: Acting Monmouth County Prosecutor Christopher Gramiccioni, Christoper Gramicconi, Mario Coniglione, Mortgage scam | Comments Off on Staten Island Scammer Gets 7 Years In Mortgage Scheme
January 2013 seems like a long time ago.
The years are supposed to go by faster as we get older. 2013 missed the memo, at least for me. President Obama’s second Inauguration and Freeholder John Curley’s second swearing in seem like a long time ago.
Selikia Joshia Gore started us off in 2013 with a timeless call to renew our humanity; the ongoing struggle of saints and sinners to love one another regardless of standing, status or creed. It is a winning message that works only by embracing our failures without resigning to them.
The Governor. Governor Chris Christie started the year lambasting House Speaker John Boehner and the Congressional Republicans for playing politics with Superstorm Sandy aid and ended the year as the front runner for the Republican presidential nomination in 2016. In between he built a bi-partisan and multi-cultural coalition that reelected him with over 60% of the vote in Blue Jersey. Christie had the best year of any politician in America. Only Pope Francis and Vladimir Putin had better years globally.
U.S. Senator Bob Menendez. Menendez started the year on the losers list. Embroiled in a sandal of allegations of his cavorting with teenaged girls in the Dominican Republic and using the powers of his office to benefit the businesses of the donor who arranged the party, speculation was that he would resign as Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, if not his Senate seat. Menendez seems to have survived an FBI investigation into his relationship with Dr. Saloman Melgan unscathed.
At the end of the year, Menendez’s position seems secure. He is the leading, and most powerful, critic of President Obama’s foreign policy. His approval ratings are net positive 22 points in the last Monmouth University Poll. He got engaged to be married earlier this month.
Given where he started, Menendez may have had the best 2013 of any New Jersey public figure, other than Christie.
The Gramiccionis. The Wall Township power couple had a very good year. In March, Christopher, the Acting Monmouth County Prosecutor and U.S. Naval Reserve Officer, received orders to report for a 9 month tour of active duty in Afghanistan effective in August. Those orders were canceled in July, keeping Chris on the job fighting crime in Monmouth County and home for the holidays. Deborah was appointed by Governor Christie to be the Deputy Executive Director of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. The job pays $289,657.
Monmouth County Republicans. Sheriff Shaun Golden, Freeholder Director Tom Arnone and Deputy Director Serena DiMaso were always expected to be reelected on the strength of their records and due to the fact that Monmouth County Independent voters usually vote Republican. They make the winners list by virtue of fact that they ran as if they were behind, not taking any votes for granted. More importantly, they ran a positive campaign based on reducing spending, holding the line on taxes, and improving services, in the face of yet another negative campaign on the part of the Monmouth County Democrats.
Monmouth County’s Legislative Delegation. Each member of Monmouth County’s Legislative Delegation deserves more recognition than space will allow.
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Posted: December 28th, 2013 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Monmouth County, New Jersey | Tags: "LaHornicca", 2013, Amy Handlin, Bayshore Tea Party Group, Caroline Casagrande, Christoper Gramicconi, Cindy Burnham, Deborah Gramiccioni, Declan O'Scanlon, Eatontown, Frank LaRocca, Governor Chris Christie, Jennifer Beck, Joe Kyrillos, Jon Hornik, Kevin Gonzalez, Marlboro, Mary Pat Angelini, Mike Halfacre, Monmouth County, New Jersey, Patrick Deblasio, Red Light Camera Program, Richard "Duke" Robinson, Sean DiSoma, Selika Josiah Gore, Senator Bob Menendez, Serena DiMaso, Shaun Golden, Tom Arnone, Vin Gopal | 8 Comments »

Brian Nogiewich. Photo via Monmouth Co Prosecutors Office
Judge Joseph W. Oxley issued an arrest warrant for Brian Nogiewich, 54, of Toms River, today when Nogiewich failed to surrender to the Monmouth County Super Storm Sandy Fraud Task Force.
Nogiewich is charged with Theft for failing to deliver natural gas powered electrical generators to customers who paid him for them in the wake of Super Storm Sandy, according to a statement from Acting Monmouth County Prosecutor Christopher J. Gramiccioni.
The joint investigation by members of the Monmouth County Superstorm Sandy Fraud Task Force, including the FBI, revealed that Nogiewich accepted payments from two Monmouth County residents in the aftermath of Superstorm Sandy, but failed to either deliver the natural gas-powered generators or refund his customers’ money. One victim paid Nogiewich a deposit of just under $3,000, while the second victim paid him more than $4,700 for the power plant. Neither victim has received a generator or a refund.
The investigation further revealed an application by Nogiewich to the New Jersey Division of Consumer Affairs for a Home Improvement Contractor Registration Number contained false information.
Nogiewich is charged with two counts of third degree Theft by Deception and one count of fourth degree Failure to Register with Division of Consumer Affairs.
Nogiewich has continued to evade authorities since failing to surrender after telling investigators he was in the State of Delaware and would return to New Jersey. Additional information has led investigators to believe he may also be in Upstate New York.
Anyone with information about the whereabouts of Nogiewich is urged to call Detective Elethia Baldwin, of this Office at 732-431-7160 ext. 6349 or toll-free at 1-800-533-7443.
Posted: October 9th, 2013 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Crime, Crime and Punishment, Hurricane Sandy, Monmouth County Prosecutor, Superstorm Sandy | Tags: Acting Monmouth County Prosecutor Christopher Gramiccioni, Christoper Gramicconi, Joe Oxley, Judge Joseph Oxley, Superstorm Sandy Fraud Task Force | 1 Comment »
It’s been two months since 13th district Republicans were awakened by a fraudulent 4am robocall urging them to get out to vote for Senator Joe Kyrillos, Assemblywoman Amy Handlin and Assemblyman Declan O’Scanlon in the Republican primary, but the perpetrators are not off the hook.
Acting Monmouth County Prosecutor Christopher Gramiccioni told MMM that the incident remains under active investigation and that subpoenas will be issued. “Stay tuned,” Gramiccioni said.
Kyrillos, who was awakened by the call, which he publicly blamed on the campaign of his opponent in the June 4th primary, Leigh-Ann Bellew, said he has been interviewed by investigators from the Prosecutor’s Office.
The voice on the 4 am call, which can be heard here, sounds very much like the voice on the recorded message on the Bellew campaign’s voice mail. Listen to the Bellew for Senate voice mail greeting here.
The New Jersey Democratic Party was fined $42,000 for making fraudulent robocalls in the 2009 gubernatorial election. Among Republicans, Kevin Collins plead guilty, paid a $1000 fine and received a year on probation for violating the Fair Campaign Practices Act with a fraudulent robo call in a 2009 legislative primary. More serious charges against Collins were dropped in plea negotiations.
Posted: August 7th, 2013 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 13th Legislative District | Tags: 4 am robocall, Acting Monmouth County Prosecutor Christopher Gramiccioni, Christoper Gramicconi, Dwayne Horner, Joe Kyrillos, Leigh-Ann Bellew, Wake up call | 1 Comment »
William Nagle of Sea Bright got a certificate of occupancy for his Center Street apartment on December 29th, yet continued to charge FEMA for 68 nights of hotel stays from January 14 through March 23, according to charges filed by the Monmouth County Prosecutor’s Office.
Nagle was arrested and charged Wednesday with third degree Theft by Deception for defrauding FEMA of more than $12,000 in Transitional Aid Housing.
“Being a victim does not open the door to defraud the government in times of need. We can all pull together in times of crisis to help one another, but that combined effort to aid and assist comes with the understanding that no one will take advantage of the situation,” Acting Prosecutor Christopher J Gramiccioni said.
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Posted: May 23rd, 2013 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: FEMA, Hurricane Sandy, Monmouth County Correctional Institution, Monmouth County Prosecutor, Sea Bright, Superstorm Sandy | Tags: Christoper Gramicconi, FEMA, Monmouth County Prosecutor, Sea Bright, Transitional Housing Assistance, William Nagle | 6 Comments »