By Freeholder Director Tom Arnone

Freeholder Director Tom Arnone speaks at the NJTPA Board Meeting – Jan 22, 2018
Happy May! I hope everyone was able to enjoy the outdoors during the warm weather last week. After this rainy and cold spring, I am looking forward to the summer months ahead.
I know I always say that it has been a busy couple of weeks but it truly has been. I’d like to take some time to share with you what I have been up to and a few important dates to come.
First of all, I’d like to thank all of the municipalities that are participating in the annual Paint the Town Pink campaign. For those unfamiliar with the campaign, its mission is to raise awareness of the importance of getting an annual mammography and women’s wellness.
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Posted: May 7th, 2018 | Author: admin | Filed under: Monmouth County Board of Freeholders, Monmouth County News, Tom Arnone | Tags: 2018 Capital Budget, Breast Cancer Awareness, East End Avenue Bridge, Freeholder Director Tom Arnone, Glimmer Glass Bridge, Grow Monmouth, Grown in Monmouth, Made in Monmouth, Monmouth County Board of Chosen Freeholders, Monmouth County News, New Jersey, New Jersey Association of Counties, New Jersey Conference of Mayors, Paint the Town Pink | Comments Off on Arnone Report: Paint the Town Pink, Shared Services, Repaired Bridges Opening
By Muriel J. Smith
Editor’s note: This article is the third in an exclusive series of Muriel’s inspiring and hopeful message after dealing with breast cancer
It was Dec. 18, a week before Christmas, I learned I had breast cancer. But it was little. The tumor couldn’t be felt by Dr. Mary Martucci, the surgical oncologist at Centra State Medical Center, who examined me. But it could be seen on the ultra sound. And confirmed by the biopsy. And it was located pretty well directly in the middle of my right breast.
On the other hand, I was at the Star & Barry Tobias Women’s Health Center at Freehold’s Centra State Medical Center where radiologist Dr. Kenneth Tomkovich was involved in a nation-wide trial procedure. I fit the criteria to participate in it. Even better, Dr. Martucci, the surgeon who would have done the lumpectomy had I opted for that option, said that whichever I chose…surgery or the trial, cryoablation, would be ok. A surgeon who certainly put her patient first! And I was grateful.
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Posted: May 17th, 2016 | Author: admin | Filed under: Breast Cancer, Health Care, Monmouth County News | Tags: breast cancer, Breast Cancer Awareness, CentraState Medical Center, cryoablation, Dr. Kenneth Tomkovich, Dr. Mary Martucci, Ice-Cure Medical, Monmouth County News, Muriel J. Smith, Muriel Smith Breast Cancer | Comments Off on 47 days, coincidences and counting

Freeholder Director Tom Arone
By Monmouth County Freeholder Director Thomas A. Arnone
While informing the residents of Monmouth County about the happenings and goings on within the county has always been the focus for my writings, I thought it best to change my focus for this submission. Why you might ask? The reason being is that although raising awareness as to the many gains and strides that continue to occur in and around Monmouth County is of significant importance and benefit to our residents, I feel sometimes we need to take a step back and look outside of ourselves. It is extremely important for each of us to take time and perhaps reflect if even for a moment on the vast array of wonderful causes out there originated for the sole purpose to help raise awareness as it pertains to the many important issues we are faced with today. Because the Monmouth County Board of Chosen Freeholders fully understands the significance of helping to get the word out, we have taken steps by doing our part in also trying to help raise awareness.
A few of the observances made recently by The Board of Chosen Freeholders during the months of March, April and May were Autism Awareness, Alcohol Awareness, Military Awareness and Breast Cancer Awareness. The Board also recognized the tenacious energy set forth by The Red Cross and Monmouth County Fair Housing. Each of these tremendous causes was recognized by The Board of Chosen Freeholders during one of their regularly scheduled meetings. Representatives from each of the various organizations were invited to attend a meeting to accept a Certificate of Recognition for all they do to help raise awareness for each of their causes. Additionally, they were recognized for the multitude of great things they have independently been able to accomplish thus far, as well as being congratulated for their efforts in continuing to educate the public on how much work is still needed in order to maintain progress and continue to accomplish great things.
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Posted: May 14th, 2013 | Author: admin | Filed under: Freeholder, Monmouth County, Monmouth County Board of Freeholders, Tom Arnone | Tags: Alcohol Awareness, Autism Awareness, Breast Cancer Awareness, Freeholder Director Tom Arnone, Military Awarness, Monmouth County Board of Freeholders, Monmouth County Fair Housing, The Red Cross, Tom Arnone | 1 Comment »