
Benjamin H. Danskin, 1925-2013, Rest In Peace

BHD_photo-page-001BENJAMIN H. DANSKIN, 87, of WALL, passed away April 25, 2013, at Sunnyside Manor in Manasquan. Born and raised in Spring Lake, NJ, he was the son of the late Benjamin S. Danskin and Nora Elizabeth Jackson Danskin.

Mr. Danskin was the husband of the late Betty Joan Slockbower Danskin, of Wall. He was also predeceased by his brother James Clyde Danskin, sister-in-law Helen G. Danskin, and son-in-law Paul L. Stevens.

Ben Danskin was a key figure in government service, public advocacy, business development, and Republican politics in Monmouth County, New Jersey, for more than 57 years. He was appreciated for his dedication to and love of his community, respected for  decisive leadership, relied upon for his business savvy, and revered for his political acumen and absolute integrity. His gregarious character impacted everyone he encountered.

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Posted: April 26th, 2013 | Author: | Filed under: Monmouth County | Tags: | 4 Comments »

Three traits of a great chair: The Danskin Model

By Wayne Pomanowski

Monmouth County has had three chairmen in the past eight years. There is nothing better for the Republican Party than a steady sure strong but compassionate hand to guide this fine organization. My favorite chairman was of course Ben Danskin. This is not to demean from any of the other chairmen in our party but simply to highlight what made Ben such a solid leader. Ben had three strong traits.

1.  Ben could party build. Ben was out probably five nights a week. He attended local GOP meetings in every town. Ben was a smiling face who could pull you into the mix. For me he was someone who was a leader I could believe in. He was there when I needed a pat on the back and also there when I needed a kick in the pants.

2. Ben could raise money. Ben had his famous power hitter’s breakfast every year and was known to raise tens of thousands at those meetings. And you could always count on Ben to be at every county and local fundraiser.

3. Ben was a peacemaker. Maybe you didn’t make a piece until Ben had taken you to the woodshed, but after that discussion you knew you were welcome back into the fold. But Ben would never hold a grudge. He told you straight out how he felt and when the discussion was over he expected you back in line with the team.

As we here in Monmouth County go through the selection process so often county committee people are pulled into this race with suggestions and directions from party leaders as to who they should vote for. The only question is, from the criteria I have outlined from the above, which candidate will best provide you with the three criteria for a great chair. For those of us who have chosen the political life your decision on June 12 will be critical for the strength and growth of this fine party for the next two years.

Editors note:  Ben Danskin was the Monmouth County Republican Chairman from 1969 until 1982.   Congressman Chris Smith read a tribute/biography of Danskin into the Congressional Record on July, 14, 2005. 

Posted: May 24th, 2012 | Author: | Filed under: Monmouth County Republican Committee, Monmouth GOP | Tags: , , | 34 Comments »