Maggie Moran and Matt Doherty at Governor Corzine’s 2006 inauguration.
Maggie Moran, Democrat freeholder candidate Matt Doherty’s wife and former Governor Corzine’s Deputy Chief of Staff and campaign manager, wants the Monmouth GOP to stop telling Monmouth County voters that she and Matthew profited from the suffering of Jersey Shore residents in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy.
Moran’s lawyer, Angelo Genova of the Newark law firm Genova Burns, LLC, sent a Cease and Desist Letter to the Monmouth County Republican Committee yesterday claiming that a mailer and TV commercial the GOP shared with Monmouth County voters this week is factually inaccurate and defames Moran. Genova also sent the letter to the Common Sense for Belmar blog, who published the mailer.
Genova must think that Shaun Golden, Chairman and Tom Szymanski, Executive Director of the Monmouth GOP, as well as Dave Schneck, publisher of Common Sense for Belmar, don’t read MoreMonmouthMusings.
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Posted: October 29th, 2016 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2016 Elections, Matt Doherty, Monmouth County News | Tags: 2016 Elections, Angelo Genova, AshBrit, AshBritt, AshBritt-Conti, Desperate Doherty, Dirty Doherty, Lawless Matt Doherty, Maggie Moran, Matt Doherty, Monmouth County News | 1 Comment »

Maggie Moran
Maggie Moran, the only Democrat political consultant/campaign manager to lose a statewide race in New Jersey in the last twenty years and the wife of Monmouth County freeholder candidate, Belmar Mayor “Lawless Matt” Doherty, denies that she did work for AshBritt Inc. during the aftermath in Superstorm Sandy, as has been reported by MoreMonmouthMusings and many other publications.
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Posted: September 7th, 2016 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Matt Doherty, Monmouth County, Monmouth County News | Tags: Angelo J. Genova, AshBrit, AshBritt, AshBritt-Conti, Belmar, Deputy Freeholder Director Serena DiMaso, Freeholder Director Tom Arnone, Genova Burns, Lawless Matt Doherty, Maggie Moran, Matt Doherty, Monmouth County News, Superstorm Sandy | 3 Comments »

Belmar Mayor “Lawless Matt” Doherty commemorates the anniversary of Hurricane Sandy. photo by Tim Larsen/Governor’s Office
Former Belmar Councilman Jim Bean filed an Ethics Complaint with the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs’ Local Finance Board against Mayor “Lawless Matt” Doherty on Friday, August 19, alleging that Doherty did not have the authorization of the Borough Council to grant a campaign donor permission to land a helicopter in the Borough or on Borough property. Additionally, Bean alleges that Doherty did not provide public notice nor notify Monmouth County officials of the temporary landing permit, as is required by the Department of Transportation when applying for said permit.
On July 7, a $2500 donor to Doherty’s campaign for Monmouth County Freeholder landed a helicopter at Silver Lake, a park in the Borough.
A copy of the Ethics Complaint can be found here.
Bean said that Dirty Doherty used “public resources to allow a campaign donor special privilege to land a helicopter in Belmar’s small but very populated Green Acres Silver Lake Park.”
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Posted: August 19th, 2016 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Belmar, Department of Community Affairs, ethics, Matt Doherty, Monmouth County News | Tags: AshB, AshBrit Matt Doherty, AshBritt, AshBritt-Conti, Belmar, Belmar Mayor Matt Doherty, Belmar traffic, Department of Community Affairs, Dirty Doherty, Ethics Complaint, Helicopter, Helicopter landing in Belmar, Jim Bean, Lawless Matt Doherty, Maggie Moran, Monmouth County News, New Jersey Local Finance Board | 1 Comment »