UPDATE: AsburyParkSun reports that if the Monmouth County Board of Elections decision to not count the disqualified Vote By Mail ballots is overturned, that a runoff election between Mayor John Moor and Remond Palmer could be triggered.
Asbury Park Mayor-elect John Moor told MMM that he was informed by City Attorney Fredrick Raffetto this afternoon that the City has been served with a lawsuit seeking to overturn the results of both the municipal and Board of Education elections that were held on November 4, 2014. According to Moor’s recalculation, the plaintiffs are Remond Palmer, the “A-Team” candidate for mayor and Arva Council, an “A-Team” candidate for Board of Education.
Moor said that his understanding is that the plaintiffs are seeking to have the results of the election overturned and for the 353 Vote By Mail ballots disqualified by the Monmouth County Board of Election to be counted.
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Posted: December 31st, 2014 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Asbury Park, Monmouth County | Tags: A-Team, Amy Quinn, Asbury Park, Asbury Park elections, Asbury Together, Ava Council, Board of Education, Jesse Kendle, Joe Woerner, John Moor, Mayor and Council, Remond Palmer, Vote by mail, Yvonne Clayton | 3 Comments »
Asbury Park ballot applications wrong again

Dan Jacobson
By Dan Jacobson
ASBURY PARK — For weeks, I’ve been blasting the A-Team slate for taking custody and control of hundreds of vote-by-mail/absentee ballots, with their supporters and paid operatives delivering them to voters. The voter then completes the ballot and mails it back for counting — or the A-Team delivery person can even take them back. It’s absurd.
The A-Team led by Mayoral candidate Remond Palmer is on track to deliver 500 of these ballots, known as vote-by-mail [VBM] ballots. That’s the election right there. Of course, this law was originally for invalids or shut-ins who had trouble getting their mail and wanted an absentee ballot. The A-Team is trying to drive hundreds of votes through that loophole.
I’ve consistently said they’re doing it wrong. In fact, we went down this road last year, with the Board of Elections disqualifying 250 ballots the A-Team organization delivered to voters in the 2013 election. A Judge agreed and said the applications for the ballots were flawed and the ballots can’t be counted.
Guess what.
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Posted: October 31st, 2014 | Author: admin | Filed under: 2014 Elections, Asbury Park, Dan Jacobson, Monmouth County, Olivia Nuzzi, Opinion | Tags: A-Team, Asbury Park, Asbury Park elections, Dan Jacobson, Disenfranchisement, Monmouth County, New Jersey, triCityNews, Voting irregularities | 17 Comments »
John Moor, Amy Quinn, John Loffredo, Sue Henderson and Myra Campbell are the top five vote getters of the 22 candidates for Asbury Park’s City Council, according to the Monmouth County Clerk’s website.
The results include vote by mail ballots according to Debbie who answered the phone at the Board of Elections. Debbie would not give her last name.
Moor, Quinn and Campbell ran together on the One Asbury slate. Incumbents Loffredo and Henderson ran on the Forward Asbury slate in the non-partisan election.
Posted: May 14th, 2013 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2013 Election, Asbury Park | Tags: Asbury Park, Asbury Park elections | 1 Comment »
When last we heard of Republicans in Asbury Park, Municipal GOP Chairwoman Louis Murray was making national news by calling for a ban of beachwear on the boardwalk. That didn’t go the way Murray planned.
By some numbers, Asbury Park looks like a waste of time for Republicans. Only 464 of the city’s registered 7,404 voters are Republicans. 2,723 are Democrats and 4,209 are Unaffiliated, according to Wikipedia.
By other numbers, no one in New Jersey should ignore Asbury Park. New Jersey taxpayers fund the city’s schools and municipal government. Trenton sent $57.6 million to Asbury Park for its schools in 2011-2012 and $9.5 million for its current municipal budget.
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Posted: January 22nd, 2013 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Asbury Park | Tags: Asbury Park, Asbury Park elections, Asbury Park Sun, Danny Harris, Duane Small, Jim Keady, Joe Grillo, Kevin Sanders, Nora Hyland, Remond Palmer, Senator Kevin O'Toole, Sue Henderson | 3 Comments »