TRENTON — Gov. Chris Christie on Thursday signed a $34.5 billion budget, but not before slicing into the $300 million Democrats added to the spending plan earlier in the week. Christie handed down his line-item vetoes Thursday evening amid a stalemate over transportation funding and hours before the start of the new fiscal year. The Legislature… Read the rest of this entry »
TRENTON — State budget officials predict New Jersey will face a $487 million budget shortfall this year and $622 million shortfall next year due mostly to sluggish income tax collections. The nonpartisan Office of Legislative Services will present its estimates to the Assembly Budget Committee on Tuesday, and the Treasury Department will follow up later in… Read the rest of this entry »
ABOARD THE CHAMBER TRAIN — Assembly Minority Leader Jon Bramnick (R-Union) said Thursday he’d like to restore aid to New Jersey’s municipalities to lower property taxes, but the state simply can’t afford it. Lawmakers have introduced a bill ( A302) to restore hundreds of millions of dollars in energy tax receipts and Consolidated Municipal Property Tax… Read the rest of this entry »
LAWRENCE — Former state treasurer Andrew Sidamon-Eristoff who resigned last July will be talking at Rider University next week about the budgetary challenges facing the state. “Andrew Sidamon-Eristoff has been a leading player inside the Christie administration for several years,” said Benjamin Dworkin, director of the school’s Rebovich Institute for New Jersey Politics, which is sponsoring… Read the rest of this entry »
More money for education and the public-employee pension system. A continuation of an increased tax credit for the state’s lowest wage earners. And a call for a “reasonable agreement” on renewing New Jersey’s Transportation Trust Fund. Though the tone of Gov. Chris Christie’s budget message yesterday may have been combative at times, the… Read the rest of this entry »
Governor Chris Christie will highlight the progress that New Jersey has made in the 2220 days since he was sworn in as governor and challenge the legislature to put aside partisanship and continue to work to solve the State’s problems for the next 630 days until the next gubernatorial election in his 2017 Budget Address this afternoon, according to excerpts released by his office.
The State’s ongoing recovery from Superstorm Sandy was not mentioned in the excerpts.
TRENTON — Gov. Chris Christie will propose a new state budget to the New Jersey Legislature on Tuesday, less than a week after bowing out of the Republican presidential race. The budget address marks the Republican governor’s first public appearance since exiting that race and returning full-time to New Jersey after months of campaigning out of… Read the rest of this entry »
Governor Chris Christie will deliver his 2017 Budget Address from the Assembly Chambers in the State House. The event is scheduled to start at 2 p.m. and can be viewed via NJTV here:
I expect that the Governor will be warmly received by the legislators and guests with a standing ovation upon his arrival into the chambers. Everyone in the room has fantasied about being President of the United States. Christie got into to the arena.
TRENTON — New Jersey is among U.S. states least equipped to respond to an economic downturn, according to a new study comparing states’ savings. New Jersey’s surplus, $300 million in 2014, wouldn’t be able to put up much of a fight against a recession, big or small, long or short, the study out of George Mason… Read the rest of this entry »
Former Gov. Jim McGreevey has begun taking his state pension with a little help from Hudson County taxpayers, who will pay for his lifetime health benefits thanks to his recent four-month stint as a county attorney. The decision to allow McGreevey to work for the county for four months and then retire with lifetime benefits has… Read the rest of this entry »