By Art Gallagher

Assemblywoman Serena DiMaso, Clerk Christine Giordano Hanlon, “top contender for governor” Jon Bramnick and Freeholder Director Tom Arnone on the Walk to Washington train last winter.
The pre-primary of the 2021 GOP nomination for NJ Governor got a lot more interesting this morning.
In a Star Ledger Friendly Fire interview with Democrat strategist Julie Roginsky and Republican strategist Mike DuHaime that Assembly Minority Leader Jon Bramnick shared on facebook, DuHaime declared Bramnick to be a “top contender for governor after a strong 2019.”
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Posted: December 27th, 2019 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Chris Christie, Jon Bramnick, Monmouth County News, New Jersey, NJ GOP | Tags: 2021 Governors Race, Bob Hugin, Chris Christie, Doug Steinhardt, Gary Rich, Hirsh Singh, Jack Ciattarelli, Joe Kyrillos, Joe Rudy Rullo, Jon Bramnick, Julie Roginsky, Mike DuHaime, Phil Murphy, Shaun Golden, Tom MacArthur | 7 Comments »

Assembly Minority Leader Jon Bramnick addressing New Jersey Republicans in Atlantic City, February 2, 2015. MMM file photo
TRENTON — With the primaries over and the general election season upon us, state Assembly Minority Leader Jon Bramnick has a big challenge. Bramnick (R-Union) wants to be Assembly speaker. That means in November — when all 80 Assembly seats at the top of the ballot — he’ll need to flip at least nine Democratic-held seats… Read the rest of this entry »
Posted: June 3rd, 2015 | Author: admin | Filed under: 2015 Elections, 2015 Legislative Races, Assembly Republicans, Jon Bramnick, New Jersey, NJ GOP, NJ State Legislature | Tags: 2015 Elections, 2015 Legislative Races, Assembly Minority Leader Jon Bramnick, Assembly Republicans, Jon Bramnick, Michael Muller, NJ Assembly Democrats, NJ State Legislature, Totten Communications | Comments Off on N.J. Assembly Republicans promise aggressive challenge to Democrats in November

Assembly Minority Leader Jon Bramnick. MMM file photo
UNION TOWNSHIP — Assembly Minority Leader Jon Bramnick on Tuesday said Democratic legislative leaders shouldn’t side with unions in asking the courts to order the restoration of $1.6 billion in state pension payments cut by Gov. Chris Christie. They should come up with the money themselves. “I think it’s simple: I just don’t think that we… Read the rest of this entry »
Posted: April 21st, 2015 | Author: admin | Filed under: 2015 Legislative Races, Assembly Republicans, Jon Bramnick, New Jersey, New Jersey State Budget | Tags: Assembly Minority Leader Jon Bramnick, Assembly Speaker Vincent Prieto, Governor Chris Christie, Jon Bramnick, NJ State Budget, Senate President Steve Sweeney | 2 Comments »
Atlantic City– With Governor Chris Christie out of the country, New Jersey’s snow covered roads remained opened and approximately 1000 Republican activists, and a few guest Democrats, from all corners of the state gathered in Atlantic City today to nurture their dream of hitting the jackpot and winning a majority of seats in the General Assembly in November.
Under a banner that reads DON’T MOVE. Lower Taxes Are On The Way. VOTE ASSEMBLY REPUBLICANS., Assembly Minority Leader Jon Bramnick met with reporters prior to the kickoff of his convention. Bramnick said he would welcome an election theme that was a referendum on Governor Christie’s record in Trenton since 2010, saying that the Democrats who control both houses of the legislature stopped cooperating with Christie on his reform agenda.
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Posted: February 2nd, 2015 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Assembly Republicans, Atlantic City, Jon Bramnick, Monmouth County, NJ GOP, NJ State Legislature | Tags: Assembly Republicans, Assembly Speaker Vincent Prieto, Atlantic City, Jon Bramnick, NJ Assembly Republi | 4 Comments »
By Matt Rooney,
Asm. Jon Bramnick has shocked the N.J. political world by declining to run for U.S. Senate in 2014, Save Jerseyans, leaving the field wide open…
His statement:
“After thoroughly considering the opportunity to run for United States Senate in 2014, I have decided to remain focused on my role as Assembly Republican Leader. I appreciate the support and enthusiasm offered to me by countless party leaders, elected officials, and devoted volunteers across New Jersey. I look forward to continuing to work with Governor Christie and the dedicated members of the Assembly Republican caucus to advocate for the hardworking taxpayers of our state. “
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Posted: January 17th, 2014 | Author: admin | Filed under: 2014 Congressional Races, 2014 U.S. Senate race, Cory Booker, Jon Bramnick | Tags: 2014 U.S. Senate race, Cory Booker, Jon Bramnick, Matt Rooney, Save Jersey, U.S. Senate | 9 Comments »
Yet, good news for Trenton Democrats—the NJ Republicans are trying to lose
By Art Gallagher
State Senator Barbara Buono, the presumptive Democratic nominee for governor, received two doses of bad news today (so far) for her fledgling campaign to unseat Governor Chris Christie in November.
1) A Quinnipiac poll released today indicates that Buono has made no progress over the last month in increasing her dismal name recognition. 78% of those polled don’t know enough about Buono to form an opinion. That compares to 79% last month. Of the few who recognize her name, 43% have an unfavorable opinion.
Christie’s numbers remain amazingly strong. 67% approve of the job he is doing as governor. 66% says he deserves to be reelected. In a head to head match up with Buono, Christie wins 58%-26%, with 13% out to lunch.
2) Even worse for Buono, PolitickerNJ reports that she is likely to be the only major party gubernatorial candidate in the history of New Jersey’s matching funds campaign program not to qualify for the maximum amount. PolitickerNJ said that Buono has raised only $29,000 per week since she declared her candidacy in December. In order to earn the maximum $2 million in state matching funds for the primary, she would have to raise $216,000 per week over the next six weeks of the primary campaign.
Christie has opted out of the state matching funds program and has raised upwards of $5 million to date for the primary.
Trenton Republicans Trying to Lose
With Chrisite’s polling and financial numbers so strong, one would think that the Trenton Democrats that control the legislature would be concerned about Christie coattails. Trenton Republicans seem enthused about the prospect of taking control of the legislature, but so far their campaign is deploying the stupidest strategy imaginable.
I’m not a professional political strategist, I just play one of the Internet. In my not so humble opinion the NJ GOP‘s campaign against Corzine Democrats is the dumbest political strategy since Christine O’Donnell declared she is not a witch.
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Posted: April 24th, 2013 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2013 Election, 2013 Gubernatorial Politics, Art Gallagher, Assembly Republicans, Barbara Buono, Chris Christie, Democrats, Jon Bramnick, Legislature, NJ GOP, NJ State Legislature, Quinnipiac poll, Republican Party, Sheila Oliver | Tags: Barbara Buono, Bob Menendez, Chris Christie, Corzine Democrats, Dawn Quixote, Joe Kyrillos, Jon Bramnick, Jon Corzine, NJ Democrats, NJ GOP, Tom Kean JR, Trenton Democrats, Trenton Republicans | 3 Comments »